
11-letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • surmounting — to mount upon; get on the top of; mount upon and cross over: to surmount a hill.
  • surrogation — a person appointed to act for another; deputy.
  • suspiration — a long, deep sigh.
  • sustentator — a sustaining part or structure
  • susurration — a soft murmur; whisper.
  • tanniferous — containing much tannin; yielding tannin.
  • tautomerism — the ability of certain organic compounds to react in isomeric structures that differ from each other in the position of a hydrogen atom and a double bond.
  • telesphorus — pope a.d. 125?–136?.
  • temerarious — reckless; rash.
  • terraqueous — consisting of land and water, as the earth.
  • terricolous — living on or in the ground.
  • terrigenous — produced by the earth.
  • tetracoccus — a spherical bacterium occurring in square groups of four.
  • tetragonous — related to a tetragon
  • tetramerous — consisting of or divided into four parts.
  • tetrandrous — having four stamens.
  • tetrapodous — of or related to a tetrapod
  • the support — an actor or group of actors playing subordinate roles
  • the vapours — a depressed mental condition believed originally to be the result of vaporous exhalations from the stomach
  • thereabouts — about or near that place or time: last June or thereabout.
  • third house — a legislative lobby.
  • three hours — a religious observance practiced between noon and three o'clock on the afternoon of Good Friday.
  • thrust upon — If something is thrust upon you, you are forced to have it, deal with it, or experience it.
  • thuriferous — producing frankincense
  • tibiotarsus — the main bone of the leg of a bird, between the femur and tarsometatarsus, formed by the fusion of several tarsal bones with the tibia.
  • tool pusher — A tool pusher is someone who supervises drilling operations on an oil rig.
  • topsy-turvy — with the top where the bottom should be; upside down.
  • torpedinous — of, relating to, or resembling a torpedo
  • touchscreen — a touch-sensitive display screen on a computer or other electronic device: touching different portions of the screen with a finger or stylus will cause the device to take actions determined by a computer program.
  • tourist car — a railroad sleeping car, usually having seats that can be converted into berths.
  • touristical — of, relating to, or typical of tourists or tourism: She embarked on her itinerary with high touristic fervor.
  • tract house — a house forming part of a real-estate development, usually having a plan and appearance common to some or all of the houses in the development.
  • transductor — a magnetic device that amplifies electronic signals
  • transfusion — the act or process of transfusing.
  • travelogues — a lecture, slide show, or motion picture describing travels.
  • treacherous — characterized by faithlessness or readiness to betray trust; traitorous.
  • tremulously — (of persons, the body, etc.) characterized by trembling, as from fear, nervousness, or weakness.
  • tripetalous — having three petals.
  • triphibious — employing or involving land, naval, and air forces in a combined operation.
  • triphyllous — having three leaves.
  • triptolemus — a favorite of Demeter and the inventor of the plow and patron of agriculture, connected with the Eleusinian mysteries.
  • triquetrous — three-sided; triangular.
  • trisepalous — having three sepals.
  • trispermous — having three seeds.
  • tristichous — arranged in three rows.
  • trobar clus — a complex and obscure style of writing adopted by some 12th-century Provençal poets.
  • trolley bus — a passenger bus operating on tires and having an electric motor that draws power from overhead wires.
  • troubadours — one of a class of medieval lyric poets who flourished principally in southern France from the 11th to 13th centuries, and wrote songs and poems of a complex metrical form in langue d'oc, chiefly on themes of courtly love. Compare trouvère.
  • troubleshot — to act or be employed as a troubleshooter: She troubleshoots for a large industrial firm.
  • troublesome — causing trouble, annoyance, or difficulty; vexatious: a troublesome situation; a troublesome person.
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