
10-letter words containing t, o, s, r, u

  • securocrat — a military or police officer who has the power to influence government policy
  • serotinous — late in occurring, developing, or flowering.
  • setiferous — having setae or bristles.
  • setigerous — having setae or bristles.
  • short fuse — a quick temper: A person with a short fuse has to be handled diplomatically.
  • short-haul — of, relating to, or engaged in transportation over short distances: a short-haul trucking firm.
  • shortcrust — light crumbly pastry
  • shotgunner — a person who is skilled with a shotgun
  • simulatory — to create a simulation, likeness, or model of (a situation, system, or the like): to simulate crisis conditions.
  • sinistrous — ill-omened; unlucky; disastrous.
  • sit around — be idle, lounge about
  • sixty-four — a cardinal number, 60 plus 4.
  • smartmouth — a witty or sarcastic person
  • snow crust — a relatively hard, upper layer or film of ice or compacted snow on a snow surface.
  • soft fruit — berries
  • somersault — an acrobatic movement, either forward or backward, in which the body rolls end over end, making a complete revolution.
  • sou'wester — a waterproof hat, often of oilskin, having the brim very broad behind and slanted, worn especially by seamen.
  • souari nut — the large, edible, oily nut of a tall tree, Caryocar nuciferum, of tropical South America.
  • soubresaut — a jump performed with the legs held together and the body erect but slightly curved to the side.
  • soubriquet — sobriquet.
  • soundtrack — the narrow band on one or both sides of a motion-picture film on which sound is recorded.
  • souterrain — a subterranean passage or structure; grotto.
  • southerner — a native or inhabitant of the south.
  • southernly — southerly.
  • southwards — moving, bearing, facing, or situated toward the south.
  • speculator — a person who is engaged in commercial or financial speculation.
  • spirituous — containing, of the nature of, or pertaining to alcohol; alcoholic.
  • spread out — extend, splay
  • spuriosity — something spurious
  • squaretoed — having a broad, square toe, as a shoe.
  • star cloud — a cloudlike patch of light on the celestial sphere, consisting of a multitude of stars.
  • star route — former name for highway contract route.
  • staurolite — a mineral, basic iron aluminum silicate, Fe 2 Al 2 O 7 (SiO 4) 4 (OH), occurring in brown to black prismatic crystals, which are often twinned in the form of a cross.
  • stertorous — characterized by stertor or heavy snoring.
  • stimulator — to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • stockroute — a public trail having right of way across private properties and over which cattle and sheep may be herded to grazing grounds or to market.
  • storehouse — a building in which things are stored.
  • stormbound — confined, detained, or isolated by storms: a stormbound ship; a stormbound village.
  • stormfully — in a stormful manner
  • stoutherie — theft
  • stouthrief — theft using force or violence
  • stramonium — jimson weed.
  • strasbourg — a department in NE France. 1848 sq. mi. (4785 sq. km). Capital: Strasbourg.
  • streperous — boisterous, loud, or harsh-sounding
  • strepitous — boisterous; noisy.
  • stress out — be tense and anxious
  • stretchout — a deliberate extension of time for meeting a production quota.
  • stridulous — Also, stridulant. making or having a harsh or grating sound.
  • strike out — to deal a blow or stroke to (a person or thing), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer; hit.
  • string out — a slender cord or thick thread used for binding or tying; line.
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