
13-letter words containing t, o, s, f, e

  • soothfastness — the state of being soothfast
  • sound effects — any sounds artificially produced, reproduced from a recording, etc, to create a theatrical effect, such as the bringing together of two halves of a hollow coconut shell to simulate a horse's gallop; used in plays, films, etc
  • southern fish — the constellation Piscis Austrinus.
  • space fiction — a book, film, TV series, etc, set in outer space
  • specification — the act of specifying.
  • spotted fever — any of several fevers characterized by spots on the skin, especially as in cerebrospinal meningitis or typhus fever.
  • staff college — a training centre for executive military personnel
  • staff of life — bread, considered as the mainstay of the human diet.
  • staff officer — a commissioned officer who is a member of a staff.
  • staff section — section (def 10b).
  • staffordshire — a county in central England. 1154 sq. mi. (2715 sq. km). County seat: Stafford.
  • staghorn fern — any of several epiphytic Old World ferns of the genus Platycerium, having broad, often antlerlike leaves and cultivated as a houseplant.
  • staminiferous — bearing or having a stamen or stamens.
  • start of text — (character)   (STX) Mnemonic for ASCII 2.
  • state of aden — Aden (def 2).
  • state of mind — mental condition, mood
  • state of play — current situation
  • step function — a function that is constant on each of a finite set of subintervals of its domain, the union of the subintervals being the domain.
  • stepford wife — a married woman who submits to her husband's will and is preoccupied by domestic concerns and her own personal appearance
  • stereo effect — the spatial effect given to sound that is achieved by using two or more separate microphones to feed two or more loudspeakers through separate channels
  • sternforemost — Nautical. with the stern, foremost.
  • stock footage — film containing stock shots.
  • stoloniferous — producing or bearing stolons.
  • strong safety — the defensive back assigned to cover the area across from the strong side of the opponent's offensive line and primarily responsible for defending against pass plays.
  • sulfathiazole — a sulfanilamide derivative, C 9 H 9 N 3 O 2 S 2 , formerly used in the treatment of pneumonia and staphylococcal infections, but now largely replaced because of its toxicity.
  • sulfonmethane — a colorless, crystalline compound, C7H16O4S2, used in medicine as a soporific and hypnotic
  • superfetation — the fertilization of an ovum in a female mammal already pregnant.
  • superfortress — a heavy, long-range, four-engined bomber used during World War II.
  • surfer's knot — a tumorlike nodule below a surfer's knee or on the upper area of the foot, caused by pressure on the skin and tissue exerted by the surfboard.
  • tablespoonful — the amount a tablespoon can hold.
  • tassel flower — love-lies-bleeding.
  • telescopiform — having body parts which resemble a telescope in that the retract within one another
  • testification — the act of testifying or giving testimony.
  • testificatory — related to a person who witnesses or an object used as evidence
  • tet offensive — an offensive by Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces against South Vietnamese and U.S. positions in South Vietnam, beginning on Jan. 31, 1968, the start of Tet.
  • the offensive — an attitude or position of aggression
  • the pants off — If someone bores, charms, or scares the pants off you, for example, they bore, charm, or scare you a lot.
  • the worst off — those people who are in the worst situation
  • think less of — to have a lower opinion of
  • three-fourths — In American English, people sometimes use three-fourths to mean three-quarters.
  • threefoldness — the state or condition of being threefold
  • to one's face — the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin.
  • to one's feet — to a standing position
  • transformable — to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose.
  • transfrontier — the part of a country that borders another country; boundary; border.
  • tseng kuo-fan — 1811–72, Chinese general and statesman.
  • turn of speed — If a person, animal, or vehicle has a good turn of speed, they have the ability to move fast.
  • twist of fate — unexpected chance occurrence
  • undiscomfited — not discomfited; at ease
  • untransformed — not transformed; not having been transformed
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