
16-letter words containing t, o, r, i

  • transilluminator — to cause light to pass through.
  • transition point — Physics. a temperature at which a substance undergoes some abrupt change in its properties, as when it passes from the normal to the superconducting state.
  • transmethylation — the transfer of a methyl group from one compound to another.
  • transnationalism — going beyond national boundaries or interests: a transnational economy.
  • transpeptidation — the process of transferring an amino acid or group of amino acids from one compound to another.
  • transport police — the national police force for railways in Britain, which protects rail operators, staff and passengers
  • trap-door spider — any of several burrowing spiders, of the family Ctenizidae, that construct a tubular nest with a hinged lid.
  • trapezoidal rule — a numerical method for evaluating the area between a curve and an axis by approximating the area with the areas of trapezoids.
  • travelling clock — a small clock taken by someone who is travelling
  • trial separation — an experimental period of living apart
  • triboelectricity — electricity generated by friction.
  • trichloromethane — chloroform (def 1).
  • trichotillomania — a compulsion to pull out one's hair.
  • trick photograph — a photograph that creates an illusion
  • trick-or-treater — a person, typically a child, who goes from door to door in costume on Halloween asking for candy or other treats
  • tricolored heron — an American heron, Hydranassa tricolor, that is dark bluish-gray above and white below with seasonally red neck stripes in the male.
  • tridarn cupboard — a Welsh cupboard of the late 17th and 18th centuries, with an open, canopied upper section for display.
  • triiodothyronine — Biochemistry. a thyroid hormone, C 15 H 12 I 3 NO 4 , similar to thyroxine but several times more potent.
  • trim one's sails — an area of canvas or other fabric extended to the wind in such a way as to transmit the force of the wind to an assemblage of spars and rigging mounted firmly on a hull, raft, iceboat, etc., so as to drive it along.
  • trinitroglycerin — nitroglycerin.
  • triple-expansion — noting a power source, especially a steam engine, using the same fluid at three successive stages of expansion to do work in three or more cylinders.
  • tropic of cancer — Geography. either of two corresponding parallels of latitude on the terrestrial globe, one (tropic of Cancer) about 23½° N, and the other (tropic of Capricorn) about 23½° S of the equator, being the boundaries of the Torrid Zone. the tropics, the regions lying between and near these parallels of latitude; the Torrid Zone and neighboring regions.
  • tropical cyclone — a cyclone that originates over a tropical ocean area and can develop into the destructive storm known in the U.S. as a hurricane, in the western Pacific region as a typhoon, and elsewhere by other names. Compare extratropical cyclone, hurricane (def 1), willy-willy.
  • trucking company — a company that transports goods by lorry
  • turn upside down — invert
  • twin-carburettor — (of an engine) having two carburettors
  • two-percent milk — Two-percent milk is milk from which some of the cream has been removed.
  • ultra filtration — Physical Chemistry. a filter for purifying sols, having a membrane with pores sufficiently small to prevent the passage of the suspended particles.
  • ultramicroscopic — an instrument that uses scattering phenomena to detect the position of objects too small to be seen by an ordinary microscope.
  • ultranationalism — extreme devotion to or advocacy of the interests of a nation, especially regardless of the effect on any other nations.
  • ultranationalist — an advocate of ultranationalism.
  • un-contradictory — asserting the contrary or opposite; contradicting; inconsistent; logically opposite: contradictory statements.
  • uncinate process — a curved, bony process on certain ribs of birds that projects backward and overlaps the succeeding rib, serving to strengthen the thorax.
  • uncollateralized — lacking or needing no collateral: uncollateralized loans.
  • unconfirmability — to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of; corroborate; verify: This report confirms my suspicions.
  • uncontradictable — to assert the contrary or opposite of; deny directly and categorically.
  • unconversational — of, relating to, or characteristic of conversation: a conversational tone of voice.
  • under-modulation — to reproduce (a sound or signal) at below the optimal output level in a recording or broadcasting system, causing it to be distorted.
  • underconsumption — the act of consuming, as by use, decay, or destruction.
  • undernourishment — If someone is suffering from undernourishment, they have poor health because they are not eating enough food or are eating the wrong kind of food.
  • underutilization — to fail to utilize fully: to underutilize natural resources.
  • undiscriminatory — characterized by or showing prejudicial treatment, especially as an indication of bias related to age, color, national origin, religion, sex, etc.: discriminatory practices in housing; a discriminatory tax.
  • unenforceability — to put or keep in force; compel obedience to: to enforce a rule; Traffic laws will be strictly enforced.
  • united provinces — (used with a singular or plural verb) former name of Uttar Pradesh.
  • universalization — to make universal.
  • unmarried mother — a woman who has a baby while she is not married
  • unproportionally — having due proportion; corresponding.
  • upsilon particle — the 20th letter of the Greek alphabet (Υ, υ).
  • uranium trioxide — a radioactive orange powder, UO 3 , used in the manufacture of some ceramics.
  • ureterolithotomy — incision of a ureter for removal of a calculus.
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