
16-letter words containing t, o, r, i

  • haemochromatosis — (British spelling) alternative spelling of hemochromatosis.
  • hair conditioner — a substance used, often after shampooing, to detangle and improve the condition of the hair. Like shampoo, it is applied to wet hair and then rinsed out after applying.
  • hamiltonian tour — Hamiltonian problem
  • hang around with — to associate or socialize with
  • hard put (to it) — having considerable difficulty or trouble
  • hard times token — any of a series of U.S. copper tokens, issued 1834–41, bearing a political inscription or advertising message and serving as currency during coin shortages.
  • harvey firestoneHarvey Samuel, 1868–1938, U.S. industrialist and rubber manufacturer.
  • have a word with — discuss
  • have no time for — not tolerate
  • health authority — a government agency that is responsible for NHS care in a particular area
  • health inspector — a public employee who inspects places such as restaurants, shops, factories etc to make sure they are hygienic and do not pose any dangers to health
  • heat of reaction — the heat evolved or absorbed when one mole of a product is formed at constant pressure
  • heat prostration — heat exhaustion.
  • heliotherapeutic — Pertaining to heliotherapy.
  • hematocrit-value — a centrifuge for separating the cells of the blood from the plasma.
  • hematocrystallin — (biology, archaic) hemoglobin.
  • hemicorporectomy — (surgery) The surgical procedure which cuts through the spine and removes the lower half of the body from the waist down.
  • hemorrhoidectomy — the surgical removal of hemorrhoids.
  • hemotherapeutics — hemotherapy.
  • herman hollerith — (person)   The promulgator of the punched card. Hollerith was born on 1860-02-29 and died on 1929-11-17. He graduated from Columbia University, NewYork, NY, USA. He joined the US Census Bureau as a statistician where he used a punched card device to help analyse the 1880 US census data. This punched card system stored data in 80 columns. This "80-column" concept has carried forward in various forms into modern applications. In 1896, Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company to exploit his invention and in 1924 his firm became part of IBM. The Hollerith system was used for the 1911 UK census. A correspondant writes: Wasn't Hollerith's original machine first used for the 1990 US census? And I think I am right in saying that the physical layout was a 20x12 grid of round holes. The one I have seen (picture only, unfortunately, not the real thing) did not use 'columns' as such but holes were grouped into irregularly-shaped fields, such that each hole had a more-or-less independent function.
  • hermaphroditical — Alternative form of hermaphroditic.
  • heroin addiction — addiction to the drug heroin
  • heterometabolism — insect development in which the young hatch in a form very similar to the adult and then mature without a pupal stage
  • heteromultimeric — (biochemistry) Describing a protein containing two or more different polypeptide chains.
  • heteropalindrome — Something that spells something else when reversed, a semordnilap.
  • heterosuggestion — Suggestion from outside.
  • hierophantically — In a hierophantic manner; in the manner of a hierophant.
  • high court judge — a judge who sits in the High Court
  • high/great hopes — If you have high hopes or great hopes that something will happen, you are confident that it will happen.
  • higher education — education beyond high school, specifically that provided by colleges and graduate schools, and professional schools.
  • hippocratic oath — an oath embodying the duties and obligations of physicians, usually taken by those about to enter upon the practice of medicine.
  • historical novel — a novel within the genre of historical fiction.
  • historiographies — Plural form of historiography.
  • hit one's straps — to achieve one's full potential or become fully effective
  • hit one's stride — to walk with long steps, as with vigor, haste, impatience, or arrogance.
  • holder condition — Lipschitz condition.
  • holier-than-thou — obnoxiously pious; sanctimonious; self-righteous.
  • homeric laughter — loud, hearty laughter, as of the gods.
  • hopfield network — (artificial intelligence)   (Or "Hopfield model") A kind of neural network investigated by John Hopfield in the early 1980s. The Hopfield network has no special input or output neurons (see McCulloch-Pitts), but all are both input and output, and all are connected to all others in both directions (with equal weights in the two directions). Input is applied simultaneously to all neurons which then output to each other and the process continues until a stable state is reached, which represents the network output.
  • horizon distance — Television. the distance of the farthest point on the earth's surface visible from a transmitting antenna.
  • horizontal plane — flat surface parallel to the horizon
  • horizontal union — a labor union organized by skills or trades of its members rather than by industries.
  • horseradish tree — a tropical tree, Moringa pterygosperma, having fragrant white flowers and seeds yielding a commercially useful oil.
  • horsetail agaric — the shaggy-mane.
  • horticulturalist — Misspelling of horticulturist.
  • hospital corners — a fold on a bed sheet or blanket made by tucking the foot or head of the sheet straight under the mattress with the ends protruding and then making a diagonal fold at the side corner of the sheet and tucking this under to produce a triangular corner.
  • hospital service — the whole organization of government funded hospitals, their staff, and the services they provide
  • hostile takeover — a takeover that is not approved by the management of the corporation being acquired or that is accomplished through the secret purchase of stock.
  • hot cold-working — metalworking at considerable heat but below the temperature at which the metal recrystallizes: a form of cold-working.
  • housing shortage — a deficiency or lack in the number of houses needed to accommodate the population of an area
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