
19-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • liquorice all-sorts — a brand of assorted sweets containing liquorice as well as coloured candy made of sugar, gelatine, and coconut
  • load-bearing printf — (programming, humour)   The kind of bug present in a program which works correctly when producing debug output but fails when the debugging is turned off. The expression combines load-bearing wall and printf as used in debugging by printf.
  • lobster-tail helmet — a burgonet fitted with a long, articulated tail of lames for protecting the nape of the neck, worn by cavalry in the 17th century.
  • local area terminal — (protocol)   (LAT) A DECnet-related, non-routable network protocol.
  • locomotive engineer — engineer (def 3).
  • locomotive workshop — a place where locomotives are built or repaired
  • logical unit number — (storage)   (LUN) A 3-bit identifier used on a SCSI bus to distinguish between up to eight devices (logical units) with the same SCSI ID.
  • lord baltimore cake — a yellow layer cake, using only the yolks of eggs and having a fruit-nut filling consisting of pecans, almonds, maraschino cherries, and macaroon crumbs.
  • lose no opportunity — If you say that someone loses no opportunity to do or say a particular thing, you are emphasizing that they do it or say it whenever it is possible.
  • lose one's shirt on — to lose all one has on (a horse, etc)
  • lose your virginity — When you lose your virginity, you have sex for the first time.
  • love at first sight — instant romantic attraction to sb
  • low insertion force — (hardware)   (LIF) PGA/SPGA sockets with no handle. The integrated circuit is simply pushed into the socket, and levered out to remove. Most motherboard processor sockets are now ZIF rather than LIF.
  • luteinizing hormone — LH.
  • lymphoproliferation — (medicine) the excessive production of lymphocytes.
  • lymphoproliferative — Characterized by lymphoproliferation.
  • machine instruction — (programming)   The smallest element of a machine code program.
  • machine translation — changing language of a text by computer
  • maestro di cappella — a person in charge of an orchestra, esp a private one attached to the palace of a prince in Italy during the baroque period
  • magnesium carbonate — a white powder, MgCO 3 , insoluble in water and alcohol, soluble in acids, used in dentifrices and cosmetics, in medicine as an antacid, and as a refractory material.
  • magnetic north pole — the point on Earth to where a compass needle points, and which is situated near the geographic North Pole. However, with time, the exact location can vary.
  • magnetohydrodynamic — Of or pertaining to magnetohydrodynamics.
  • magnetomotive force — a scalar quantity that is a measure of the sources of magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit. Abbreviation: mmf.
  • malice aforethought — a predetermination to commit an unlawful act without just cause or provocation (applied chiefly to cases of first-degree murder).
  • malleable cast iron — white cast iron that has been malleablized.
  • manchester encoding — (communications, protocol)   A method of transmitting bits which enables the receiver to easily synchronise with the sender. A simple way of signalling bits might be to transmit a high voltage for some period for a 1-bit and a low voltage for a 0 bit: Bits Sent: 1 1 0 0 Signal: High ___ Low |___ Time: -> . . . . . However, when several identical bits are sent in succession, this provides no information to the receiver about when each bit starts and stops. Manchester encoding splits each bit period into two, and ensures that there is always a transition between the signal levels in the middle of each bit. This allows the receiver to synchronise with the sender. In normal Manchester encoding, a 1-bit is transmitted with a high voltage in the first period, and a low voltage in the second, and vice verse for the 0 bit: Bits Sent: 1 1 0 0 Signal: High Low || |_| || Time: -> . ' . ' . ' . ' . In Differential Manchester encoding, a 1-bit is indicated by making the first half of the signal equal to the last half of the previous bit's signal and a 0-bit is indicated by making the first half of the signal opposite to the last half of the previous bit's signal. That is, a zero bit is indicated by a transition at the beginning of the bit. Like normal Manchester encoding, there is always a transition in the middle of the transmission of the bit. Differential Manchester Encoding Bits Sent: 1 1 0 0 Signal: High __ Low |_| || || Time: -> . ' . ' . ' . ' . With each bit period half as long, twice as much bandwidth is required when using either of the Manchester encoding schemes.
  • market segmentation — the division of a market into identifiable groups, esp to improve the effectiveness of a marketing strategy
  • massive retaliation — a strategy of military counterattack that involves the use of nuclear weapons.
  • maternity allowance — (in the British National Insurance scheme) a payment made to a pregnant woman who usually works but does not qualify for statutory maternity pay, normally from 11 weeks before confinement for a period of 18 weeks
  • maximum thermometer — a thermometer designed to show the highest temperature recorded between resettings.
  • means of production — resources: equipment, workers
  • megabits per second — (unit)   (Mbps, Mb/s) Millions of bits per second. A unit of data rate. 1 Mb/s = 1,000,000 bits per second (not 1,048,576). E.g. Ethernet can carry 10 Mbps.
  • membership function — fuzzy subset
  • mercator projection — a conformal projection on which any rhumb line is represented as a straight line, used chiefly in navigation, though the scale varies with latitude and areal size and the shapes of large areas are greatly distorted.
  • mercurial barometer — mercury barometer.
  • metaphosphoric acid — an acid, HPO 3 , derived from phosphorous pentoxide, and containing the smallest amount of water of the phosphoric acids.
  • metropolitan county — (in England) any of the six conurbations established as administrative units in the new local government system in 1974; the metropolitan county councils were abolished in 1986
  • metropolitanization — to make metropolitan.
  • microelectronically — by microcircuits
  • micromesh stockings — stockings made from a material consisting of a fine mesh
  • midafternoon prayer — the fifth of the seven canonical hours; none
  • midnight regulation — a rule or directive approved by the federal government near the end of a president’s term of office
  • mild silver protein — a compound of silver and a protein, applied to mucous membranes as a mild antiseptic.
  • military government — a government in defeated territory administered by the military commander of a conquering nation.
  • military pentathlon — an athletic contest comprising five different events, a 300-meter freestyle swim, a 4000-meter cross-country run, a 5000-meter equestrian steeplechase, épée fencing, and pistol target-shooting at 25 meters, the winner being the contestant with the highest total score.
  • mine of information — source of great knowledge
  • minimum thermometer — a thermometer designed to show the lowest temperature recorded between resettings.
  • ministry of defence — the government department responsible for the country's military measures or resources
  • minor seventh chord — a chord consisting of a minor triad with an added minor seventh above the root
  • miracle of st. mark — a painting (1548) by Tintoretto.
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