
18-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • hyperconcentration — the act of concentrating; the state of being concentrated.
  • hypernationalistic — a person devoted to nationalism.
  • hyperproliferation — (biology) An abnormally high rate of proliferation of cells by rapid division.
  • hypersensitization — Photography. to treat (a film or emulsion) so as to increase its speed.
  • hypersexualisation — Alternative spelling of hypersexualization.
  • hypersexualization — The act or process of hypersexualizing.
  • hypogastric artery — iliac artery (def 3).
  • hysterical reasons — (Or "hysterical raisins") A variant on the stock phrase "for historical reasons", indicating specifically that something must be done in some stupid way for backward compatibility, and moreover that the feature it must be compatible with was the result of a bad design in the first place. "All IBM PC video adaptors have to support MDA text mode for hysterical reasons." Compare bug-for-bug compatible.
  • ignition interlock — interlock (def 10).
  • imaginary operator — An imaginary operator is the part of a complex number that defines the magnitude of the part of the complex number at right angles to the real number part.
  • in accordance with — conforming to
  • in another's shoes — in another's position
  • in complete flower — a flower without one or more of the normal parts, as carpels, sepals, petals, pistils, or stamens.
  • in inverted commas — If you say in inverted commas after a word or phrase, you are indicating that it is inaccurate or unacceptable in some way, or that you are quoting someone else.
  • in one's own right — in accordance with what is good, proper, or just: right conduct.
  • in terrorem clause — a clause in a will stating that a beneficiary who contests the will shall lose his or her legacy.
  • in the grip of sth — If a person, group, or place is in the grip of something, they are being severely affected by it.
  • in the interest of — the feeling of a person whose attention, concern, or curiosity is particularly engaged by something: She has a great interest in the poetry of Donne.
  • in the last resort — You use in the last resort when stating the most basic or important fact that will still be true in a situation whatever else happens.
  • in the mood for/to — If you say that you are in the mood for something, you mean that you want to do it or have it. If you say that you are in no mood to do something, you mean that you do not want to do it or have it.
  • incommensurability — not commensurable; having no common basis, measure, or standard of comparison.
  • indecent behaviour — the offence of committing indecent acts
  • indefinite pronoun — a pronoun, as English some, any, somebody, that leaves unspecified the identity of its referent.
  • indirect discourse — discourse consisting not of an exact quotation of a speaker's words but of a version transformed from them for grammatical inclusion in a larger sentence. He said he was hungry is an example of indirect discourse.
  • indirect injection — Indirect injection is a diesel engine injection system in which ignition is started before the burning mixture enters the main combustion chamber.
  • indolebutyric acid — a white or yellowish, crystalline, water-insoluble powder, C 12 H 13 O 2 N, a plant hormone similar to indoleacetic acid and used for the same purposes.
  • induction ceremony — a ceremony held to mark a person's formal introduction or entry into an office, position, group, etc
  • inductive relation — A relation R between domains D and E is inductive if for all chains d1 .. dn in D and e1 .. en in E,
  • information bureau — an office where you can go to get information
  • information centre — help desk, office
  • information office — an office where you can go to get information
  • information system — a computer system or set of components for collecting, creating, storing, processing, and distributing information, typically including hardware and software, system users, and the data itself: the use of information systems to solve business problems.
  • information theory — the mathematical theory concerned with the content, transmission, storage, and retrieval of information, usually in the form of messages or data, and especially by means of computers.
  • informatory double — a double intended to inform one's partner that one has a strong hand and to urge a bid regardless of the strength of his or her hand.
  • infrared astronomy — the study of infrared radiation emitted by celestial objects.
  • inner automorphism — an automorphism that maps an element x into an element of the form axa −1 where a −1 is the inverse of a.
  • inquisitor-general — the head of the Spanish court of Inquisition
  • inspector of taxes — an official of HMRC whose work is to assess individuals' income tax liability
  • instrument station — station (def 14a).
  • integrating factor — a factor that upon multiplying a differential equation with the right-hand side equal to zero makes the equation integrable, usually by making the resulting expression an exact differential of some function.
  • intelligence corps — a military department that gathers and analyzes information
  • inter-relationship — reciprocal relation.
  • interbroker dealer — a specialist who matches the needs of different market makers and facilitates dealings between them
  • intercartilaginous — (anatomy) Within cartilage.
  • intercommunication — to communicate mutually, as people.
  • interconnectedness — the quality or condition of being interconnected; interrelatedness: the interconnectedness of all nations working toward world peace.
  • interdealer broker — an agent who is paid a commission to bring buyers and sellers together
  • interinstitutional — Between institutions.
  • interior decorator — a person whose profession is the execution of interior design.
  • interior monologue — Literature. a form of stream-of-consciousness writing that represents the inner thoughts of a character.
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