
14-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • pigeon-hearted — timid; meek.
  • pilgrim bottle — a flat-sided water bottle having two loops at the side of a short neck for a suspending cord or chain.
  • pinxter flower — a variety of azalea (Rhododendron nudiflorum) with pink, sweet-smelling flowers, purplish-red at the base
  • pithecanthrope — (sometimes initial capital letter) a member of the former genus Pithecanthropus.
  • plastic memory — the tendency of certain plastics after being deformed to resume their original form when heated
  • poetry reading — a public recital or rendering of a poem
  • poikilothermal — cold-blooded (def 1 .) (opposed to homoiothermal).
  • poikilothermia — Medicine/Medical. the inability to regulate core body temperature (as by sweating to cool off or by putting on clothes to warm up), found especially in some spinal cord injury patients and in patients under general anesthesia.
  • poikilothermic — cold-blooded (def 1 .) (opposed to homoiothermal).
  • point calimere — a cape on the SE coast of India, on the Palk Strait
  • point d'esprit — a bobbinet or tulle with oval or square dots woven in an irregular pattern.
  • point of order — a question raised as to whether proceedings are in order, or in conformity with parliamentary law.
  • pointe-a-pitre — a seaport on central Guadeloupe, in the E West Indies.
  • polar distance — codeclination.
  • polar equation — an equation in which the variables are polar coordinates.
  • polar maritime — a type of cold, wet air mass originating at high latitudes over ocean areas
  • polar zenithal — a type of map projection in which part of the earth's surface is projected onto a plane tangential to it at one of the poles
  • polydispersity — the state of being polydisperse
  • polymerization — the act or process of forming a polymer or polymeric compound.
  • pontoon bridge — a bridge supported by pontoons.
  • porphyrogenite — a prince born after his father has succeeded to the throne
  • port elizabeth — a seaport in the SE Cape of Good Hope province, in the S Republic of South Africa.
  • port st. lucie — a town in E Florida.
  • port-au-prince — Formerly Hayti. a republic in the West Indies occupying the W part of the island of Hispaniola. 10,714 sq. mi. (27,750 sq. km). Capital: Port-au-Prince.
  • position paper — a formal, usually detailed written statement, especially regarding a single issue, that articulates a position, viewpoint, or policy, as of a government, organization, or political candidate.
  • positive organ — a small pipe organ of the Middle Ages.
  • post operative — occurring after a surgical operation.
  • post-cartesian — of or relating to Descartes, his mathematical methods, or his philosophy, especially with regard to its emphasis on logical analysis and its mechanistic interpretation of physical nature.
  • post-modernism — Post-modernism is a late twentieth century approach in art, architecture, and literature which typically mixes styles, ideas, and references to modern society, often in an ironic way.
  • post-modernist — A post-modernist is a writer, artist, or architect who is influenced by post-modernism.
  • post-operative — occurring after a surgical operation.
  • postal service — organized handling and delivery of mail
  • postdepression — pertaining to or denoting the period after an economic depression
  • postdeterminer — a member of a subclass of English adjectival words, including ordinal and cardinal numbers, that may be placed after an article or other determiner and before a descriptive adjective, as first and three in the first three new chapters.
  • postexperience — taking place after a particular experience
  • postliberation — of, relating to, or occurring in the period after the liberation of a city, state, nation, etc
  • postmastership — the office or position of a postmaster
  • postretirement — relating to or occurring in the period after retirement
  • potentiometric — a device for measuring electromotive force or potential difference by comparison with a known voltage.
  • potluck dinner — a meal consisting of whatever food happens to be available without special preparation
  • potter's field — a piece of ground reserved as a burial place for strangers and the friendless poor. Matt. 27:7.
  • pound sterling — pound2 (def 3).
  • pour le merite — for merit.
  • power industry — all the people and activities involved in providing power (gas, electricity, etc) to homes and businesses
  • power politics — political action characterized by the exercise or pursuit of power as a means of coercion.
  • power steering — an automotive steering system in which the engine's power is used to supplement the driver's effort in turning the steering wheel.
  • power-assisted — a procedure for supplementing or replacing the manual effort needed to operate a device or system, often by hydraulic, electrical, or mechanical means.
  • practical joke — a playful trick, often involving some physical agent or means, in which the victim is placed in an embarrassing or disadvantageous position.
  • prairie oyster — a raw egg, or the yolk of a raw egg, often mixed with seasonings, as salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and used as a hangover remedy.
  • pre-accounting — an oral or written description of particular events or situations; narrative: an account of the meetings; an account of the trip.
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