
14-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • mistletoe bird — a small Australian flower-pecker, Dicaeum hirundinaceum, that feeds on mistletoe berries
  • mixed metaphor — the use in the same expression of two or more metaphors that are incongruous or illogical when combined, as in “The president will put the ship of state on its feet.”.
  • mockumentaries — Plural form of mockumentary.
  • moderate-sized — not large or small
  • mongrelization — to subject (a breed, group, etc.) to crossbreeding, especially with one considered inferior.
  • monotransitive — In grammar, pertaining to a transitive verb that takes a single mandatory object, either a direct object or a primary object depending on the language.
  • montes veneris — mons veneris
  • morbid obesity — a state of obesity in which the body mass index is between 40 and 49.9 kg/m2
  • morbidity rate — a measure of the relative incidence of a particular disease in a specific locality
  • mormon cricket — a flightless, long-horned grasshopper, Anabrus simplex, of the western U.S., that is destructive to range grasses and cultivated crops.
  • morphotonemics — the morphophonemics of tonal phenomena.
  • mortality rate — number of deaths in a population
  • mortise chisel — framing chisel.
  • mother shipton — a day-flying noctuid moth, Callistege mi, mottled brown in colour and named from a fancied resemblance between its darker marking and a haggish profile
  • mother-fucking — a mean, despicable, or vicious person.
  • motion capture — a process by which a device can be used to capture patterns of live movement; the data is then transmitted to a computer, where simulation software displays it applied to a virtual actor
  • motion picture — a sequence of consecutive pictures of objects photographed in motion by a specially designed camera (motion-picture camera) and thrown on a screen by a projector (motion-picture projector) in such rapid succession as to give the illusion of natural movement.
  • motor mechanic — a mechanic who maintains and repairs cars and other road vehicles
  • motor-assisted — mechanically assisted by a motor
  • mountain range — series or chain of mountains
  • mountaineering — The sport or activity of climbing mountains.
  • mouth-watering — very appetizing in appearance, aroma, or description: a mouth-watering dessert.
  • moving picture — A moving picture is a film.
  • multi-personal — of, relating to, or coming as from a particular person; individual; private: a personal opinion.
  • multicollinear — Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting multicollinearity.
  • multielectrode — having or involving several electrodes
  • multigrade oil — Multigrade oil is engine or gear oil which works well at both low and high temperatures.
  • multimolecular — (chemistry, physics) Involving multiple molecules.
  • multiple store — chain store.
  • multiprocessor — parallel processing
  • multireligious — belonging to or following more than one religion
  • music director — The music director of an orchestra or other group of musicians is the person who decides what they will play and where, and usually conducts them as well.
  • muster station — the place on a ship where passengers should assemble in the event of an emergency
  • mysteriousness — full of, characterized by, or involving mystery: a mysterious occurrence.
  • narcosynthesis — a treatment for psychiatric disturbances that uses narcotics.
  • narcoterrorism — terrorist tactics employed by dealers in illicit drugs, as against competitors or government agents.
  • national dress — the traditional clothing of a country
  • national press — newspapers which concern national events of a country collectively
  • native country — the country someone is born in or native to
  • nature worship — a system of religion based on the deification and worship of natural forces and phenomena.
  • neanderthaloid — resembling or characteristic of the physical type of Neanderthal man.
  • needle-pointer — embroidery upon canvas, usually with uniform spacing of stitches in a pattern.
  • neil armstrong — (Daniel) Louis ("Satchmo") 1900–71, U.S. jazz trumpeter and bandleader.
  • nematodiriasis — the condition, esp in sheep, of having parasitic nematode worms of the genus Nematodirus in the small intestine
  • neoromanticism — (sometimes initial capital letter) Fine Arts. a style of painting developed in the 20th century, chiefly characterized by forms or images that project a sense of nostalgia and fantasy.
  • nephrectomized — to perform a nephrectomy upon.
  • nephrotoxicity — The state or condition of being nephrotoxic.
  • nether regions — the lower part of a place, esp when unpleasant or frightening
  • neuroanatomist — the branch of anatomy dealing with the nervous system.
  • neurobiologist — the branch of biology that is concerned with the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.
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