
14-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • ethnohistorian — One who studies ethnohistory.
  • ethnoreligious — Of or pertaining to ethnicity and religion.
  • ethyl chloride — a colorless liquid, C2H5Cl, prepared by heating ethyl alcohol with hydrogen chloride in the presence of zinc chloride: used in preparing tetraethyl lead and ethyl cellulose, and as a local anesthetic
  • eutrophication — Excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to runoff from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life and death of animal life from lack of oxygen.
  • eviction order — a legally enforceable order from a court to leave a property
  • evolutionarily — In an evolutionary manner.
  • exclaustration — The release of a monk (or nun) from his religious vows and his subsequent return to the outside world.
  • excommunicator — One who excommunicates.
  • exhereditation — A disinheriting; disherison.
  • exoatmospheric — Pertaining to, or occurring in the nearby region of space outside the Earth's atmosphere.
  • exothermically — In an exothermic manner.
  • exploding star — an irregular variable star, such as a nova, supernova, or flare star, in which rapid increases in luminosity occur, caused by some form of explosion
  • explorationist — a person involved in exploration, esp of oil, gas, etc
  • export invoice — a document issued by an exporter to an importer listing the goods or services supplied and stating the sum of money due
  • export licence — a document issued by a government granting permission to a company to export certain goods or services
  • expropriations — Plural form of expropriation.
  • extemporaneity — the quality of being extemporaneous
  • extension cord — an extra length of cable that can be added to an electric lead
  • extension ring — a spacer element that can be fixed between the camera body and the lens to increase the distance between film and lens and allow closer focus than would be possible without it
  • exterior angle — an angle of a polygon contained between one side extended and the adjacent side
  • extortionately — In an extortionate manner; in a manner that greatly exceeds what is reasonable or moderate.
  • extracanonical — not included in the canon of Scripture
  • extraembryonic — (medicine) Inside the womb, but outside the embryo.
  • extraordinaire — Outstanding or remarkable in a particular capacity.
  • extrapolations — Plural form of extrapolation.
  • extraprostatic — (anatomy) Outside or independent of the prostate.
  • extravasations — Plural form of extravasation.
  • fair territory — the area beginning with and including home plate and extending between and including foul lines into which a batter must bat the ball as a prerequisite for a safe hit.
  • false relation — a harmonic clash that occurs when a note in one part sounds simultaneously with or immediately before or after its chromatically altered (sharpened or flattened) equivalent appearing in another part
  • fashion editor — an editor in charge of the fashion content of a newspaper or magazine
  • feather pillow — soft headrest stuffed with feathers
  • feature editor — a newspaper or magazine journalist who commissions and edits feature articles
  • federalisation — Alternative spelling of federalization.
  • federalization — to bring under the control of a federal government: to federalize the National Guard.
  • femtochemistry — (chemistry) the study of chemical reactions on a very short time scale, often using pulsed lasers.
  • ferroelectrics — Plural form of ferroelectric.
  • ferromagnetism — noting or pertaining to a substance, as iron, that below a certain temperature, the Curie point, can possess magnetization in the absence of an external magnetic field; noting or pertaining to a substance in which the magnetic moments of the atoms are aligned.
  • fertile period — the time during a woman's menstrual cycle at which she is most likely to become pregnant, or the equivalent time for an animal
  • fertilizations — Plural form of fertilization.
  • fibrinopeptide — (protein) A polypeptide fragment, cleaved from fibrinogen by thrombin, that combines to form fibrin during blood-clotting.
  • fibroadenomata — a benign tumor originating from glandular tissue, as in the female breast.
  • fibrocartilage — a type of cartilage having a large number of fibers.
  • fighter-bomber — an aircraft that combines the functions of a fighter and a bomber.
  • file separator — (character)   (FS) ASCII character 28.
  • film projector — an optical instrument in which a strip of film is wound past a lens at a fixed speed so that the frames can be viewed as a continuously moving sequence on a screen or wall
  • fineness ratio — Aeronautics. the ratio of the length of a streamlined body, as a rocket or airplane hull, to its maximum diameter.
  • finger trouble — trouble caused by operator error, such as striking the wrong key
  • fingerpointing — Alternative form of finger-pointing.
  • finsteraarhorn — a mountain in S central Switzerland: highest peak of the Bernese Alps, 14,026 feet (4275 meters).
  • first mortgage — a mortgage having priority over other mortgages on property.
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