
11-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • telesterion — (in ancient Greece) a building in which religious mysteries were celebrated.
  • teleworking — Teleworking is working from home using equipment such as telephones, fax machines, and modems to contact people.
  • telocentric — of or relating to any chromosome or chromatid whose centromere is positioned at its end, creating one chromosome arm. Compare acentric (def 2), acrocentric, metacentric (def 2).
  • temerarious — reckless; rash.
  • temporality — temporal character or nature; temporariness.
  • temporalize — to make temporal in time; place in time.
  • temporarily — lasting, existing, serving, or effective for a time only; not permanent: a temporary need; a temporary job.
  • temporizing — an agreement for a limited period of time
  • tenebrionid — darkling beetle.
  • tensiometer — an instrument for measuring longitudinal stress in wires, structural beams, etc.
  • tensiometry — the study of the measurement of tension
  • teratogenic — a drug or other substance capable of interfering with the development of a fetus, causing birth defects.
  • terebration — the action of drilling or puncturing
  • term policy — a policy whose period of coverage is in excess of one year, usually paying a reduced premium rate, as in fire insurance.
  • termination — the act of terminating.
  • terminatory — pertaining to or forming the extremity or boundary; terminal; terminating.
  • terminology — the system of terms belonging or peculiar to a science, art, or specialized subject; nomenclature: the terminology of botany.
  • terpsichore — Classical Mythology. the Muse of dancing and choral song.
  • terremotive — related to an earthquake
  • terricolous — living on or in the ground.
  • terrigenous — produced by the earth.
  • territorial — of or relating to territory or land.
  • territorian — an inhabitant of the Northern Territory
  • territoried — owning territory
  • terrorising — to fill or overcome with terror.
  • terroristic — a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
  • tetraploidy — having a chromosome number that is four times the basic or haploid number.
  • tetrazolium — a derivative of an acidic chemical compound
  • text editor — a program for editing stored documents, performing such functions as adding, deleting, or moving text.
  • the cariboo — a region in the W foothills of the Cariboo Mountains, scene of a gold rush beginning in 1860
  • the cornish — the natives or inhabitants of Cornwall
  • the forties — the numbers 40–49 in a particular century, esp the 20th century
  • the inferno — hell; the infernal region
  • the moer in — furious; enraged
  • the trizone — the area of Germany from 1945-49, later to become West Germany, comprising three zones occupied by Britain, USA and France respectively
  • the tropics — that part of the earth's surface between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn; the Torrid Zone
  • theobromine — a white, crystalline, water-insoluble, poisonous powder, C 7 H 8 N 4 O 2 , an isomer of theophylline and lower homologue of caffeine, occurring in tea and obtained from the cacao bean: used chiefly as a diuretic, myocardial stimulant, and vasodilator.
  • theocentric — having God as the focal point of thoughts, interests, and feelings: theocentric philosophy.
  • theodorakis — Mikis (ˈmikis). born 1925, Greek composer, who wrote the music for the films Zorba the Greek (1965) and Serpico (1973): imprisoned (1967–70) for his opposition to the Greek military government
  • theodore ii — pope a.d. 897.
  • theomorphic — having the form or likeness of God or a deity.
  • theoretical — given to, forming, or dealing with theories; speculative.
  • there is no — If you say there is no doing a particular thing, you mean that it is very difficult or impossible to do that thing.
  • theriolatry — the worship of theriomorphic deities or deities that are a combination of human and animal forms
  • thermionics — the branch of physics that deals with thermionic phenomena.
  • thermobaric — (of an explosive device or explosion) detonated by means of an explosive substance reacting spontaneously with air
  • thermocline — a layer of water in an ocean or certain lakes, where the temperature gradient is greater than that of the warmer layer above and the colder layer below.
  • thermoduric — (of certain microorganisms) able to survive high temperatures, as during pasteurization.
  • thermogenic — causing or pertaining to the production of heat.
  • thermolysis — Physiology. the dispersion of heat from the body.
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