
11-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • photocopier — any electrically operated machine using a photographic method, as the electrostatic process, for making instant copies of written, drawn, or printed material.
  • photometric — the measurement of the intensity of light or of relative illuminating power.
  • photoperiod — the interval in a 24-hour period during which a plant or animal is exposed to light.
  • photoresist — Electronics. a photosensitive liquid polymer, used in photolithography to produce integrated circuits.
  • physiolater — somebody who worships nature
  • physiometry — measurement of the physiological functions of the body.
  • piano tuner — a person who tunes pianos and sometimes other keyboard instruments.
  • picturegoer — a person who goes to the cinema, esp frequently
  • pierre lotiPierre [pyer] /pyɛr/ (Show IPA), (Louis Marie Julien Viaud) 1850–1923, French novelist.
  • piezometric — any of several instruments for measuring the pressure of a fluid or the compressibility of a substance when subjected to such a pressure.
  • pilot error — (jargon)   (Sun, from aviation) A user's misconfiguration or misuse of a piece of software, producing apparently bug-like results. E.g. "Joe Luser reported a bug in sendmail that causes it to generate bogus headers." "That's not a bug, that's pilot error. His "sendmail.cf" is hosed." Compare UBD.
  • pilot raise — a small raise intended to be enlarged later.
  • pirate copy — an illicitly reproduced copy of a DVD, video, book, game, etc
  • pirouetting — a whirling about on one foot or on the points of the toes, as in ballet dancing.
  • pitchometer — an instrument embodying a clinometer, for measuring the pitch of a ship's propeller
  • pitchperson — a pitchman or pitchwoman
  • pleiotropic — the phenomenon of one gene being responsible for or affecting more than one phenotypic characteristic.
  • pluripotent — (of a cell) capable of developing into any type of cell or tissue except those that form a placenta or embryo: pluripotent stem cells.
  • pluviometer — rain gauge.
  • plyometrics — a system of exercise in which the muscles are repeatedly stretched and suddenly contracted
  • podetiiform — shaped like a podetium.
  • point after — a score given for a successful kick between the goalposts and above the crossbar, following a touchdown
  • polarimeter — an instrument for measuring the amount of light received from a given source as a function of its state of polarization.
  • policy term — The policy term is the lifetime of an insurance policy.
  • poliorcetic — relating to the besieging of cities
  • politbureau — (often lowercase) the executive committee and chief policymaking body of a Communist Party.
  • poltergeist — a ghost or spirit supposed to manifest its presence by noises, knockings, etc.
  • polycentric — having many centers, especially of power or importance: the polycentric world of banking.
  • pomiculture — the growing or cultivation of fruit.
  • ponderation — a weight
  • ponderosity — of great weight; heavy; massive.
  • porkpie hat — a hat with a round flat crown and a brim that can be turned up or down
  • port gentil — a seaport in W Gabon.
  • port-gentil — a seaport in W Gabon.
  • portal vein — the large vein conveying blood to the liver from the veins of the stomach, intestine, spleen, and pancreas.
  • porterville — a town in central California.
  • portraiture — the art or an instance of making portraits.
  • postdivorce — of, or relating to the period after a person is divorced
  • posteriorly — situated behind or at the rear of; hinder (opposed to anterior).
  • posterities — succeeding or future generations collectively: Judgment of this age must be left to posterity.
  • posticteric — pertaining to or affected with icterus; jaundiced.
  • pot sticker — a pan-fried and steamed Chinese dumpling with a ground meat or vegetable filling.
  • potentiator — to cause to be potent; make powerful.
  • potteringly — in a pottering fashion, slowly
  • power elite — a closely knit alliance of military, government, and corporate officials perceived as the center of wealth and political power in the U.S.
  • power point — electrical socket
  • power train — a train of gears and shafting transmitting power from an engine, motor, etc., to a mechanism being driven.
  • praetorship — the office of a praetor.
  • pre-emption — the act or right of claiming or purchasing before or in preference to others.
  • pre-notions — a preconception.
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