
22-letter words containing t, o, m, h

  • a lump in one's throat — a tight dry feeling in one's throat, usually caused by great emotion
  • a name to conjure with — If you say that the name of a particular person or organization is a name to conjure with, you mean that that person or organization is very important and influential in the field you are discussing.
  • advertisement hoarding — a large flat structure on which advertisements can be posted, especially at the roadside
  • american shorthair cat — one of a breed of medium-sized, muscular shorthaired domestic cats with a broad head and a short, thick coat.
  • animal rights movement — a group of people who campaign for the rights of animals to be protected from exploitation and abuse by humans
  • arithmetic progression — a sequence of numbers or quantities, each term of which differs from the succeeding term by a constant amount, such as 3,6,9,12
  • attachment of earnings — (in Britain) a court order requiring an employer to deduct amounts from an employee's wages to pay debts or honour financial obligations
  • autokinetic phenomenon — the apparent movement of a fixed point of light when observed in a darkened room. The effect is produced by small eye movements for which the brain is unable to compensate, having no other reference points
  • be in one's right mind — to be mentally well; be sane
  • beats the shit outa me — (exclamation)   (BSOM) "I don't understand it". The last thing you say as you walk out on someone whose system you can't fix.
  • behaviour modification — the use of techniques to change someone's behaviour by reinforcing desired behaviour
  • borel-lebesgue theorem — Heine-Borel theorem.
  • british library method — (algorithm)   Brute force searching. According to legends circulating in the 1970s, in the British Library books are searched for by examining each book sequentially in the first shelf, then the next shelf, continuing until the book is found or the entire library has been searched. The term was referred to in a Dutch coursebook, "Inleiding In De Informatica" (Introduction to Informatics) from a course given by C.H.A. Koster and Th.A. Zoethout. This was based on a course given at the TU Berlin.
  • carboxymethylcellulose — a white, water-soluble polymer derived from cellulose, used as a coating and sizing for paper and textiles, a stabilizer for various foods, and an appetite suppressor.
  • catch sight of someone — If you catch sight of someone, you suddenly see them, often briefly.
  • charity begins at home — If you say charity begins at home, you mean that people should deal with the needs of people close to them before they think about helping others.
  • chemical sympathectomy — the chemical destruction of one or more parts of the sympathetic nervous system
  • chemical-sympathectomy — sympathectomy (def 2).
  • chlorotrifluoromethane — a colorless gas, CClF 3 , used chiefly as a refrigerant, in the hardening of metals, and in pharmaceutical processing.
  • chromosomal aberration — any irregularity or abnormality of chromosome distribution, number, structure, or arrangement.
  • come out of the closet — If someone comes out of the closet, they tell people that they are homosexual after having kept this a secret.
  • come up with the goods — If you deliver the goods or come up with the goods, you do what is expected or required of you.
  • commissioner for oaths — a solicitor authorized to authenticate oaths on sworn statements
  • committee of the whole — (in the US) all the members of the House of Representatives, regarded as a committee
  • communication channels — the ways in which people communicate
  • comparative psychology — the study of the similarities and differences in the behaviour of different species
  • complete metamorphosis — physical changes in the development of certain insects that include egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages, as in beetles, moths, or bees
  • component architecture — (programming)   A notion in object-oriented programming where "components" of a program are completely generic. Instead of having a specialised set of methods and fields they have generic methods through which the component can advertise the functionality it supports to the system into which it is loaded. This enables completely dynamic loading of objects. JavaBeans is an example of a component architecture. See also design pattern.
  • concurrent massey hope — (language, functional programming)   An extension of Massey Hope, by Peter Burgess, Robert Pointon, and Nigel Perry <[email protected]> of Massey University, NZ, that provides multithreading and typed inter-thread communication. It uses C for intermediate code rather than assembly language.
  • constitutional monarch — the sovereign in a constitutional monarchy
  • consummatory behaviour — any behaviour that leads directly to the satisfaction of an innate drive, e.g. eating or drinking
  • corporate manslaughter — the death of someone caused by an act of corporate negligence
  • cut one's wisdom teeth — to arrive at the age of discretion
  • cytidine monophosphate — a nucleotide constituent of ribonucleic acids; a phosphoric acid ester of cytidine. Abbreviation: CMP.
  • dalton's atomic theory — the theory that matter consists of indivisible particles called atoms and that atoms of a given element are all identical and can neither be created nor destroyed. Compounds are formed by combination of atoms in simple ratios to give compound atoms (molecules). The theory was the basis of modern chemistry
  • dehiwala-mount lavinia — a city in SW Sri Lanka, on the Indian Ocean.
  • directional microphone — a microphone that has a greater sensitivity to sounds coming from a particular area in front of it: used to eliminate unwanted sounds.
  • disposable soma theory — the theory that ageing is caused by the body having increasingly fewer resources to allocate towards repairing wear and damage to tissues
  • dominant seventh chord — a chord consisting of the dominant and the major third, perfect fifth, and minor seventh above it. Its most natural resolution is to a chord on the tonic
  • don't mind him/her etc — You use don't mind in expressions such as don't mind him or don't mind them to apologize for someone else's behaviour when you think it might have offended the person you are speaking to.
  • drumhead court-martial — a court-martial held, usually on a battlefield, for the summary trial of charges of offenses committed during military operations.
  • earth inductor compass — a compass actuated by induction from the earth's magnetic field.
  • ectotrophic mycorrhiza — a type of mycorrhiza, typical of temperate and Boreal trees, in which the fungus forms a layer on the outside of the roots of the plant
  • electrothermal printer — a printer that produces characters by burning the image on specially coated paper
  • endotrophic mycorrhiza — the most widespread and common type of mycorrhiza, in which the fungus lives within the cells of the roots of the plant
  • evolutionary algorithm — (EA) An algorithm which incorporates aspects of natural selection or survival of the fittest. An evolutionary algorithm maintains a population of structures (usually randomly generated initially), that evolves according to rules of selection, recombination, mutation and survival, referred to as genetic operators. A shared "environment" determines the fitness or performance of each individual in the population. The fittest individuals are more likely to be selected for reproduction (retention or duplication), while recombination and mutation modify those individuals, yielding potentially superior ones. EAs are one kind of evolutionary computation and differ from genetic algorithms. A GA generates each individual from some encoded form known as a "chromosome" and it is these which are combined or mutated to breed new individuals. EAs are useful for optimisation when other techniques such as gradient descent or direct, analytical discovery are not possible. Combinatoric and real-valued function optimisation in which the optimisation surface or fitness landscape is "rugged", possessing many locally optimal solutions, are well suited for evolutionary algorithms.
  • fall prey to something — To fall prey to something bad means to be taken over or affected by it.
  • fetal alcohol syndrome — a pattern of birth defects caused by maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy: considered as one of the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Abbreviation: FAS.
  • flushed with something — very excited because of some success or triumph
  • foot-and-mouth disease — an acute, contagious, febrile disease of cattle, hogs, sheep, and other hoofed animals, caused by any of various rhinoviruses and characterized by vesicular eruptions in the mouth and about the hoofs, teats, and udder.

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