
34-letter words containing t, o, m, a, s, u

  • adaptive transform acoustic coding — (algorithm)   (ATRAC) An audio compression algorithm, introduced by Sony for its Mini Disk, which relies on the masking of low-amplitude frequency components by temporaly adjacent high-amplitude components. ATRAC consists of a three-band subband encoder (0...5.5, 5.5...11, 11...22 kHz) and a MDCT based transformation encoder.
  • algebra of communicating processes — (theory)   (ACP) Compare CCS.
  • armenian soviet socialist republic — a republic of the U.S.S.R.: now Armenia (the country)
  • association of american publishers — (body, publication)   (AAP) A group engaged in standardisation efforts in document preparation.
  • asymmetric digital subscriber loop — Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
  • automatic mathematical translation — (mathematics, tool)   (AMTRAN) A system developed by NASA in Huntsville in 1966 for the IBM 1620, based on the Culler-Fried System. It required a special terminal.
  • be charm, success, etc personified — to be very charming, successful, etc
  • between you and me and the bedpost — confidentially; in secret
  • chechen-ingush autonomous republic — an autonomous republic of the Russian Federation, in Caucasia. 7350 sq. mi. (19,300 sq. km). Capital: Grozny.
  • communicating functional processes — (language)   (CFP) A parallel functional programming language.
  • communicating sequential processes — (language, parallel)   (CSP) A notation for concurrency based on synchronous message passing and selective communications designed by Anthony Hoare in 1978. It features cobegin and coend and was a precursor to occam. See also Contextually Communicating Sequential Processes.
  • community of massive gaming agency — (body)   (CMGA) An online gaming portal introduced by German Telekom.
  • consumer product safety commission — an independent regulatory agency, created in 1972, that protects the public against risk of injury from consumer products. Abbreviation: CPSC.
  • continuous system modeling program — (simulation)   (CSMP) A program for simulation of dynamics of continuous systems by numerical integration of complex systems of differential equations. CSMP is similar to CSSL.
  • continuously variable transmission — a transmission, typically using rubber belts and pulleys, in which the ratio of the rotational speeds of two shafts, as the drive shaft and driven shaft of a vehicle, can be varied continuously within a given range, providing an infinite number of possible ratios. Abbreviation: CVT.
  • control program for microcomputers — (operating system)   (CP/M) An early microcomputer operating system written by Gary Kildall of Digital Research for 8080 and Zilog Z80-based 8-bit computers. CP/M was very popular in the late 1970s but was virtually wiped out by MS-DOS after the release of the IBM PC in 1981. Many of CP/M's features and conventions strongly resemble those of early DEC operating systems such as TOPS-10, OS/8, RSTS and RSX-11. CP/M might have been the OS for the IBM PC instead of MS-DOS but Kildall wanted to keep control of his creation and only license it to IBM. Big Blue however wanted to own and control it completely. Kildall spent the day IBM's reps wanted to meet him enjoying the perfect flying weather in his private plane.
  • distributed management environment — (DME) An OSF standard. It had reached the RFT stage.
  • extended system configuration data — (operating system)   (ESCD) An area of memory, not exceeding 32 kilobytes in size, used by MS-DOS(?) as NVRAM for PNP BIOS and PNP OS. It must be writeable at run time. Intel's ICU also uses ESCD to store information for PNP ISA cards and legacy ISA cards.
  • frequency division multiple access — frequency division multiplexing
  • gorno-badakhshan autonomous region — an autonomous region in SE Tadzhikistan (Tajikistan). 25,784 sq. mi. (63,700 sq. km). Capital: Khorog.
  • houston automatic spooling program — (operating system)   (HASP) A program developed by IBM for NASA in the 1960s to SPOOL output on OS/MFT and OS/MVT to improve job processing performance.
  • i can assure you/let me assure you — You use phrases such as I can assure you or let me assure you to emphasize the truth of what you are saying.
  • industrial development certificate — (in Britain) a certificate issued by the Department of the Environment to an industrial organization wishing to build or extend a factory, which has to accompany an application for planning permission
  • international standard book number — a unique, internationally utilized number code assigned to books for the purposes of identification and inventory control. Abbreviation: ISBN.
  • joint bi-level image experts group — (algorithm)   (JBIG) An experts group of ISO, IEC and ITU-T (JTC1/SC2/WG9 and SGVIII) working to define a compression standard for lossless image coding. Their proposed algorithm features compatible progressive coding and sequential coding and is lossless - the image is unaltered after compression and decompression. JBIG can handle images with from one to 255 bits per pixel. Better compression algorithms exist for more than about eight bits per pixel. With multiple bits per pixel, Gray code can be used to reduce the number of bit changes between adjacent decimal values (e.g. 127 and 128), and thus improve the compression which JBIG does on each bitplane. JBIG uses discrete steps of detail by successively doubling the resolution. The sender computes a number of resolution layers and transmits these starting at the lowest resolution. Resolution reduction uses pixels in the high resolution layer and some already computed low resolution pixels as an index into a lookup table. The contents of this table can be specified by the user. Compatibility between progressive and sequential coding is achieved by dividing an image into stripes. Each stripe is a horizontal bar with a user definable height. Each stripe is separately coded and transmitted, and the user can define in which order stripes, resolutions and bitplanes are intermixed in the coded data. A progressively coded image can be decoded sequentially by decoding each stripe, beginning by the one at the top of the image, to its full resolution, and then proceeding to the next stripe. Progressive decoding can be done by decoding only a specific resolution layer from all stripes. After dividing an image into bitplanes, resolution layers and stripes, eventually a number of small bi-level bitmaps are left to compress. Compression is done using a Q-coder. The Q-coder codes bi-level pixels as symbols using the probability of occurrence of these symbols in a certain context. JBIG defines two kinds of context, one for the lowest resolution layer (the base layer), and one for all other layers (differential layers). Differential layer contexts contain pixels in the layer to be coded, and in the corresponding lower resolution layer. For each combination of pixel values in a context, the probability distribution of black and white pixels can be different. In an all white context, the probability of coding a white pixel will be much greater than that of coding a black pixel. The Q-coder, like Huffman coding, achieves compression by assigning more bits to less probable symbols. The Q-coder can, unlike a Huffman coder, assign one output code bit to more than one input symbol, and thus is able to compress bi-level pixels without explicit clustering, as would be necessary using a Huffman coder. Maximum compression will be achieved when all probabilities (one set for each combination of pixel values in the context) follow the probabilities of the pixels. The Q-coder therefore continuously adapts these probabilities to the symbols it sees. JBIG can be regarded as two combined algorithms: (1) Sending or storing multiple representations of images at different resolutions with no extra storage cost. Differential layer contexts contain pixels in two resolution layers, and so enable the Q-coder to effectively code the difference in information between the two layers, instead of the information contained in every layer. This means that, within a margin of approximately 5%, the number of resolution layers doesn't effect the compression ratio. (2) A very efficient compression algorithm, mainly for use with bi-level images. Compared to CCITT Group 4, JBIG is approximately 10% to 50% better on text and line art, and even better on halftones. JBIG, just like Group 4, gives worse compression in the presence of noise in images. An example application would be browsing through an image database.
  • language for communicating systems — (language)   (LCS) A concurrent SML by Bernard Berthomieu with behaviours and processes, based upon higher order CCS. LCS is implemented as a bytecode interpreter and runs on Sun SPARC, SGI MIPS, and Linux. E-mail: Bernard Berthomieu <[email protected]>. Mailing list: [email protected]
  • multiple instruction multiple data — Multiple Instruction/Multiple Data
  • nagorno-karabakh autonomous region — an administrative division in S Azerbaijan. In 1990–94 Armenian claims to the region led to violent unrest and fighting between national forces. Capital: Stepanakert. Pop: 143 000 (2000 est). Area: 4400 sq km (1700 sq miles)
  • nuclear magnetic resonance scanner — a machine for the medical technique in which changes in the constituent atoms of the body under the influence of a powerful electromagnet are used to generate computed images of the internal organs
  • perpetual motion of the first kind — motion of a hypothetical mechanism that continues indefinitely without any external source of energy. It is impossible in practice because of friction
  • processor system modeling language — (language)   (PSML) A language for simulating computer systems designs, implemented as a preprocessor to SIMSCRIPT.
  • put someone/something in the shade — To put someone or something in the shade means to be so impressive that the person or thing seems unimportant by comparison.
  • put that in your pipe and smoke it — accept that fact if you can
  • real-time operating system nucleus — The Real-Time Operating System Nucleus
  • recursive macro actuated generator — (tool)   (RMAG) Robert A. Magnuson, NIH ca 1970. A stand-alone macroprocessor for IBM 360/370 under VS or OS. Many built-in features and a library of several hundred macros. Several large systems were written in RMAG to generate source code for languages such as IBM JCL, IBM assembly language, COBOL. There was also a system (SLANG: Structured LANGuage compiler) which would generate 370 assembly language from a pseudo-structured-programming language, based on Michael Kessler's structure programming macros developed at IBM.
  • rumour/legend/tradition etc has it — You can use has it in expressions such as 'rumour has it that' or 'as legend has it' when you are quoting something that you have heard, but you do not necessarily think it is true.
  • securities and exchange commission — SEC.
  • shake the foundations of something — to cause great uncertainty and makes people question their most deeply held beliefs
  • social democratic and labour party — a Northern Irish political party, which advocates peaceful union with the Republic of Ireland
  • supreme-court-of-the-united-states — Supreme Court of the United States.
  • that's the way the cookie crumbles — matters are inevitably or unalterably so
  • to make no secret of your feelings — if you make no secret of your feelings about a situation, you tell people very clearly what you think about it
  • to shut the door in someone's face — If someone shuts the door in your face or slams the door in your face, they refuse to talk to you or give you any information.
  • under one roof/under the same roof — If a number of things or people are under one roof or under the same roof, they are in the same building.

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