
11-letter words containing t, o, e, a, c, h

  • pantothenic — denoting an acid which is a growth-promoting vitamin of vitamin B complex
  • pate a chou — French Cookery. cream puff paste.
  • peach stone — the stone in the centre of the fruit the peach
  • perchlorate — a salt or ester of perchloric acid, as potassium perchlorate, KClO 4 .
  • phagocytize — (of a phagocyte) to devour (material).
  • phagocytose — phagocytize.
  • phonematics — phonemics.
  • phonetastic — (communications)   A CTI product from Callware. Phonetastic employs if-then rules and customer records to tell those receiving calls who is calling (based on ANI and DNIS) and to determine how the call should be routed, e.g. to a certain sales representative or to the general sales department; receive high-priority treatment; receive a fax-back, etc.
  • phonetician — a specialist in phonetics or in some aspect of phonetics.
  • photoactive — the activation or control of a chemical, chemical reaction, or organism by light, as the activation of chlorophyll by sunlight during photosynthesis.
  • pinacotheca — a place where works of art are displayed or stored
  • plectognath — belonging to the Plectognathi, a group or order of fishes having the teeth fused into a beak and thick, often spiny, scaleless skin, and including the filefish, globefish, puffer, and triggerfish.
  • post chaise — a four-wheeled coach for rapid transportation of passengers and mail, used in the 18th and early 19th centuries.
  • pouched rat — pocket gopher.
  • prophetical — of or relating to a prophet: prophetic inspiration.
  • rhetorician — an expert in the art of rhetoric.
  • route march — march in which a unit retains its column formation but individuals are allowed to break step.
  • saddlecloth — Horse Racing. a cloth placed over the saddle of a racehorse bearing the horse's number.
  • scattershot — delivered over a wide area and at random; generalized and indiscriminate: a scattershot attack on the proposed program.
  • schecklaton — a gilded leather used for embroidering jacks
  • scotch tape — clear adhesive tape
  • scotch-tape — to fasten or mend with Scotch tape.
  • shade cloth — a covering made of cloth or plastic, especially one used to control the amount of sunlight to which plants are exposed.
  • shortchange — to give less than the correct change to.
  • sothic year — the fixed year of the ancient Egyptians, determined by the heliacal rising of Sirius, and equivalent to 365 days.
  • spathaceous — of the nature of or resembling a spathe.
  • spirochaete — any of various spiral-shaped motile bacteria of the family Spirochaetaceae, certain species, as Treponema, Leptospira, and Borrelia, being pathogenic to humans and other animals, and other species being free-living, saprophytic, or parasitic.
  • state coach — a horse-drawn coach used by royalty on state occasions
  • stenobathic — of or relating to marine or freshwater life that can tolerate only limited changes in depth (opposed to eurybathic).
  • stockhausen — Karlheinz [kahrl-hahynts] /ˈkɑrlˌhaɪnts/ (Show IPA), 1928–2007, German composer.
  • stomachache — pain in the stomach or abdomen; colic.
  • stomachless — lacking or not having a stomach
  • stone china — hard earthenware containing china stone.
  • tacheometer — a type of theodolite designed for the rapid measurement of distances, elevations, and directions
  • tacheometry — the measurement of distance, etc, using a tacheometer
  • tachysterol — an isomer of ergosterol, C28H44O, formed during the production of calciferol by the irradiation of ergosterol
  • tautochrone — a curve upon which a moving object will reach a certain point at the same time through gravity from whichever point it starts
  • technocracy — a theory and movement, prominent about 1932, advocating control of industrial resources, reform of financial institutions, and reorganization of the social system, based on the findings of technologists and engineers.
  • technomania — an obsessional enthusiasm for technology
  • technospeak — any abstruse technical jargon
  • teotihuacan — the ruins of an ancient Mesoamerican city in central Mexico, near Mexico City, that flourished a.d. c200–c750 and is the site of the pyramids of the Sun and Moon and of many temples, palaces, and dwellings.
  • tephromancy — the seeking of the future using ashes
  • the capitol — the main building of the US Congress
  • the cariboo — a region in the W foothills of the Cariboo Mountains, scene of a gold rush beginning in 1860
  • the creator — an epithet of God
  • theogonical — of or relating to theogony
  • theological — of, relating to, or involved with theology: a theological student.
  • theomachist — a person who battles against the gods or resists the will of the gods
  • theoretical — given to, forming, or dealing with theories; speculative.
  • thermobaric — (of an explosive device or explosion) detonated by means of an explosive substance reacting spontaneously with air
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