
20-letter words containing t, o, a, e

  • occupation franchise — the right of a tenant to vote in national and local elections
  • occupational disease — Also called industrial disease. a disease caused by the conditions or hazards of a particular occupation.
  • occupational pension — a pension scheme provided for the members of a particular occupation or by a specific employer or group of employers
  • occupational therapy — a form of therapy in which patients are encouraged to engage in vocational tasks or expressive activities, as art or dance, usually in a social setting.
  • ode to a nightingale — a poem (1819) by Keats.
  • of no/little account — If you say that something is of no account or of little account, you mean that it is very unimportant and is not worth considering.
  • off the beaten track — formed or shaped by blows; hammered: a dish of beaten brass.
  • off-the-job training — training which is carried out away from your normal place of work
  • officer of the guard — an officer, acting under the officer of the day, who is responsible for the instruction, discipline, and performance of duty of the guard in a post, camp, or station. Abbreviation: OG, O.G.
  • officer of the watch — the officer primarily responsible for the navigation of a ship, in the absence of the captain, during a certain watch.
  • official secrets act — law: legislation protecting state secret
  • old man of the woods — an edible, mild-tasting mushroom, Strobilomyces floccopus, occurring in coniferous woodlands of eastern North America.
  • olfactory anesthesia — absence or loss of the sense of smell.
  • omega-3 (fatty acid) — a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid in fish oil, shellfish, soybeans, etc., linked to low cholesterol and low LDL levels
  • omega-minus particle — a baryon with strangeness −3, isotopic spin 0, and negative charge; predicted from the mathematics of the Eightfold Way and subsequently discovered. Symbol: Ω −.
  • on (or off) the air — that is (or is not) broadcasting or being broadcast
  • on o's best behavior — If someone is on their best behavior, they are trying very hard to behave well.
  • on one's own account — If you take part in a business activity on your own account, you do it for yourself, and not as a representative or employee of a company.
  • on someone's account — Your feelings on someone's account are the feelings you have about what they have experienced or might experience, especially when you imagine yourself to be in their situation.
  • on the drawing board — in the planning stage
  • on the factory floor — in a factory; as a factory worker
  • on the shady side of — beyond (a given age); older than
  • on the starboard bow — within 45 degrees to the starboard of straight ahead
  • one's heart's desire — If you say that someone or something is your heart's desire, you mean that you want that person or thing very much.
  • one's spiritual home — Your spiritual home is the place where you feel that you belong, usually because your ideas or attitudes are the same as those of the people who live there.
  • ontological argument — an a priori argument for the existence of God, asserting that as existence is a perfection, and as God is conceived of as the most perfect being, it follows that God must exist; originated by Anselm, later used by Duns Scotus, Descartes, and Leibniz.
  • open learning centre — an establishment which provides further education on a flexible part-time basis
  • operant conditioning — conditioning (def 1).
  • operating conditions — Operating conditions are a set of conditions for operating a particular system or process.
  • operation barbarossa — the codename for Hitler's invasion (1941) of Russia
  • operational calculus — a method for solving a differential equation by treating differential operators as ordinary algebraic quantities, thus obtaining a simpler problem.
  • operational database — (database)   A database containing up-to-date, modifiable data, in contrast to a decision support database.
  • operational strategy — a plan or set of plans for successfully running a business, etc
  • operator overloading — overloading
  • ophthalmodynamometer — a device for determining the nearest point of ocular convergence.
  • optical mark reading — the reading of marks by an optical device whereby the information can be stored in machine-readable form
  • organization expense — the costs associated with organizing a business entity and bringing it into existence
  • orthognathic surgery — the surgical correction of deformities or malpositions of the jaw.
  • orthopaedic mattress — a specially firm mattress designed to help correct or ameliorate the discomfort of disorders of the spine and joints
  • oscillating universe — a variant model of the closed universe in which the universe undergoes cycles of expansion and contraction.
  • ousterhout's fallacy — Ousterhout's dichotomy
  • over-intellectualize — to seek or consider the rational content or form of.
  • overenthusiastically — With excessive enthusiasm.
  • ovo-lacto vegetarian — a vegetarian who eats eggs and dairy products
  • ovo-lacto-vegetarian — lacto-ovo-vegetarian.
  • oxyacetylene welding — welding using an oxyacetylene burner
  • paint the town (red) — to go on a boisterous spree; carouse
  • pale western cutworm — the larva of a noctuid moth, Agrotis orthogonia, of the western U.S. and Canada, that seriously damages grains, beets, potatoes, alfalfa, etc., by feeding underground on roots and stems.
  • palos verdes estates — a town in S California.
  • paper chromatography — the separation of mixtures into their constituents by preferential adsorption by a solid, as a column of silica (column chromatography) or a strip of filter paper (paper chromatography) or by a gel.
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