
13-letter words containing t, o, a, e

  • anthraquinone — a yellow crystalline solid used in the manufacture of dyes, esp anthraquinone dyes, which have excellent colour properties. Formula: C6H4(CO)2C6H4
  • anthropogenic — relating to anthropogenesis
  • anthropometer — an instrument that consists of a calibrated, vertical rod to which are attached two horizontal arms, one fixed and one movable, for measuring the human trunk and limbs.
  • anthropometry — the comparative study of sizes and proportions of the human body
  • anthropophobe — One who dislikes human beings.
  • anthropophyte — a plant species accidentally introduced during the cultivation of another
  • anti-androgen — any of a class of drugs that oppose the action of androgens; used in the treatment of prostate cancer and various male sexual disorders
  • anti-european — opposed to the European Union or to political union of the countries of Europe
  • anti-idiotype — a molecular arrangement on an antibody that is the counterpart of that on a different antibody, thus making one an antigen to the other.
  • anti-nepotism — patronage bestowed or favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and politics: She was accused of nepotism when she made her nephew an officer of the firm.
  • anti-sedition — incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
  • anticlockwise — If something is moving anticlockwise, it is moving in the opposite direction to the direction in which the hands of a clock move.
  • anticorporate — opposed to the activities or practices of big business
  • anticorrosive — preventing corrosion
  • antielectrons — Plural form of antielectron.
  • antiespionage — Countering or opposing espionage.
  • antievolution — a system of thought which argues against the biological theory of evolution
  • antiforeigner — opposed to foreigners or foreign countries
  • antiinfection — Preventing or counteracting infection.
  • antimetabolic — inhibiting metabolism
  • antimodernism — modern character, tendencies, or values; adherence to or sympathy with what is modern.
  • antimodernist — opposed to modernism
  • antineutrinos — Plural form of antineutrino.
  • antiobscenity — opposed to or working to combat obscenity
  • antioestrogen — a drug that inhibits the activity of oestrogens
  • antioncogenes — Plural form of antioncogene.
  • antioxidative — That functions as an antioxidant.
  • antipersonnel — (of weapons, etc) designed to cause casualties to personnel rather than to destroy equipment or defences
  • antiphonaries — Plural form of antiphonary.
  • antirecession — acting against recession
  • antireformers — Plural form of antireformer.
  • antirejection — acting to prevent the rejection of a transplanted organ
  • antireligious — opposed to religious ideas, beliefs, and organizations
  • antiresonance — a phenomenon in an electric, acoustic, or other such system in which the impedance is tending to infinity.
  • antiselection — adverse selection.
  • antiterrorism — opposed to or acting against terrorism; counterterrorist
  • antiterrorist — relating to measures, policies, or organizations designed to combat terrorist activity
  • antonine wall — a Roman frontier defence work across S Scotland, extending between the River Clyde and the Firth of Forth. It was built in 142 ad on the orders of Antoninus Pius (86–161 ad), emperor of Rome (138–161)
  • anything goes — If people say 'anything goes', they mean that anything people say or do is considered acceptable, and usually they mean that they do not approve of this.
  • apatosauruses — Plural form of apatosaur.
  • aphanipterous — of or relating to the wingless insects of the order Aphaniptera
  • apheliotropic — growing in a direction away from the sunlight
  • apogeotropism — negative geotropism, as shown by plant stems
  • apologeticism — An instance of the use of apologetics.
  • apophlegmatic — having the ability to remove phlegm
  • apoplectiform — of or resembling apoplexy or stroke.
  • apostle plant — a plant, Neomarica northiana, of the iris family, native to Brazil, having large, fragrant white and violet flowers, and often cultivated as a houseplant.
  • apostle spoon — a silver spoon with a figure of one of the Apostles on the handle
  • apostolic age — the earliest period of Christianity, lasting through the death of the last apostle.
  • apostolic see — the see of the pope regarded as the successor to Saint Peter
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