
20-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • spirits of hartshorn — a colorless, pungent, suffocating, aqueous solution of about 28.5 percent ammonia gas: used chiefly as a detergent, for removing stains and extracting certain vegetable coloring agents, and in the manufacture of ammonium salts.
  • splice the mainbrace — to issue and partake of an extra allocation of alcoholic spirits
  • spontaneous abortion — miscarriage (def 1).
  • spontaneous-abortion — Also called voluntary abortion. the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy.
  • spotted crane's-bill — the American wild geranium, Geranium maculatum.
  • square of opposition — a diagrammatic representation of the opposition of categorical propositions.
  • st.-germain-des-pres — an area in Paris, on the Left Bank.
  • staff of aesculapius — a representation of a forked staff with an entwining serpent, used as a symbol of the medical profession and as the insignia of the American Medical Association and other medical organizations. Compare caduceus (def 2).
  • state highway patrol — a state's road traffic police
  • state representative — a person elected by a state to be a member of the House of Representatives
  • steak and kidney pie — meat pastry
  • step into the breach — If you step into the breach, you do a job or task which someone else was supposed to do or has done in the past, because they are suddenly unable to do it.
  • subscription library — a commercial lending library
  • supersonic transport — a commercial jet airplane that can fly faster than the speed of sound. Abbreviation: SST.
  • swan's neck pediment — a broken pediment, the outline of which consists of a pair of S -curves tangent to the cornice level at the ends of the pediment, rising to a pair of scrolls on either side of the center, where a finial often rises between the scrolls.
  • switchboard operator — a person who operates an installation in a telephone exchange, office, hotel, etc, at which the interconnection of telephone lines is manually controlled
  • take pity on someone — If you take pity on someone, you feel sorry for them and help them.
  • take up a collection — to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write.
  • teletype corporation — (company)   The company which made Teletype teletypewriters. Address: Skokie, Illinois, USA.
  • television programme — a programme broadcast on television
  • temperature gradient — rate of change of temperature with distance.
  • the (great) pyramids — the three large pyramids at Gîza, Egypt: the largest is the Pyramid of Khufu
  • the beautiful people — rich, fashionable people in international high society
  • the hearing impaired — people whose hearing is partially defective
  • the legal profession — the profession of law
  • theosophical society — a society founded by Madame Blavatsky and others, in New York in 1875, advocating a worldwide eclectic religion based largely on Brahmanic and Buddhistic teachings.
  • therapeutic abortion — abortion performed when a woman's pregnancy endangers her health.
  • third-party software — software created by programmers or publishers independent of the manufacturer of the hardware for which it is intended.
  • to bring up the rear — If a person or vehicle is bringing up the rear, they are the last person or vehicle in a moving line of them.
  • to disturb the peace — If someone is accused of disturbing the peace, they are accused of behaving in a noisy and offensive way in public.
  • to keep your hand in — If you do something to keep your hand in, you practise a skill or hobby occasionally in order to remain fairly good at it.
  • to make up your mind — If you make up your mind or make your mind up, you decide which of a number of possible things you will have or do.
  • to put it to sb that — If you put it to someone that something is true, you suggest that it is true, especially when you think that they will be unwilling to admit this.
  • to spread your wings — If you spread your wings, you do something new and rather difficult or move to a new place, because you feel more confident in your abilities than you used to and you want to gain wider experience.
  • toxemia of pregnancy — an abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by hypertension, fluid retention, edema, and the presence of protein in the urine.
  • transformation point — a temperature at which the transformation of one microconstituent to another begins or ends during heating or cooling.
  • transposition cipher — a cipher that rearranges the letters of the plain text in a different sequence.
  • travel-sickness pill — a pill which is used to relieve the symptoms of travel or motion sickness, the condition of being nauseated from riding in a moving vehicle
  • triphenylmethane dye — any of a great number of dyes, as gentian violet, fuchsin, and rosaniline, produced from triphenylmethane by replacement of the ring hydrogen atoms with hydroxy, amino, sulfo, or other atoms or groups.
  • tropical continental — a type of warm, dry air mass originating at low latitudes over land areas
  • tropical disturbance — a very weak, or incipient, tropical cyclone.
  • tropospheric scatter — transmission of radio frequency signals that have been scattered from irregularities in the troposphere to locations hundreds of kilometers distant.
  • tubing head pressure — The tubing head pressure is the pressure on the tubing, which is measured at the wellhead.
  • united arab republic — a name given the union of Egypt and Syria from 1958 to 1961; after that, the official name of Egypt alone until 1971. Abbreviation: U.A.R.
  • upmail tricia prolog — ftp://ftp.csd.uu.se/pub/Tricia/README. E-mail: <[email protected]>.
  • upper income bracket — a grouping of the highest earning tax payers
  • upper yosemite falls — a section of Yosemite Falls in central California, in the Yosemite National Park that is 436 m (1430 ft) high
  • vertical envelopment — envelopment of an enemy accomplished by parachuting and landing airborne troops at the rear of the enemy's position.
  • war production board — the board (1942–45) that supervised and regulated the production and sale of matériel essential to the logistics of World War II. Abbreviation: WPB, W.P.B.
  • western roman empire — the westernmost of the two empires created by the division of the later Roman Empire, esp after its final severance from the Eastern Roman Empire (395 ad)
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