
18-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • japanese artichoke — Chinese artichoke.
  • just (plain) folks — simple and unassuming; not snobbish
  • justice department — the United States federal department for enforcing federal laws
  • keep at a distance — to be reserved or cool toward; treat aloofly
  • killer application — a highly innovative, very powerful, or extremely useful computer application; esp one sufficiently important as to justify purchase of the equipment or software
  • knights of pythias — a fraternal order founded in Washington, D.C., in 1864.
  • lake pontchartrain — a shallow lagoon in SE Louisiana, linked with the Gulf of Mexico by a narrow channel, the Rigolets: resort and fishing centre. Area: 1620 sq km (625 sq miles)
  • landscape painting — art: depicting natural scenery
  • laurentian plateau — (in Canada) the wide area of Precambrian rock extending west from the Labrador coast to the basin of the Mackenzie and north from the Great Lakes to Hudson Bay and the Arctic: rich in minerals
  • lenticular process — a method for producing images with a three-dimensional effect by photographing on lenticulated film.
  • light displacement — the weight of a ship with all its permanent equipment, excluding the weight of cargo, persons, ballast, dunnage, and fuel, but usually including the weight of permanent ballast and water used to operate steam machinery.
  • limestone pavement — a horizontal surface of exposed limestone in which the joints have been enlarged, cutting the surface into roughly rectangular blocks
  • linear perspective — a mathematical system for representing three-dimensional objects and space on a two-dimensional surface by means of intersecting lines that are drawn vertically and horizontally and that radiate from one point (one-point perspective) two points (two-point perspective) or several points on a horizon line as perceived by a viewer imagined in an arbitrarily fixed position.
  • lithostratigraphic — Of or pertaining to lithostratigraphy.
  • little spotted cat — a small New World tiger cat, Felis tigrinus, ranging from Costa Rica to northern Argentina.
  • logarithmic spiral — log r = aθ
  • logical complement — (logic)   In Boolean algebra, the logical complement or negation of a Boolean value is the opposite value, given by the following truth table: A | -A --+--- T | F F | T -A is also written as A with a bar over it or with a small vertical line hanging from the right-hand end of the "-" (LaTeX \neg) or as A'. In the C programming language, it is !A and in digital circuit design, /A.
  • logical positivism — a philosophical movement that stresses the function of philosophy as a method of criticizing and analyzing science and that rejects all transcendental metaphysics, statements of fact being held to be meaningful only if they have verifiable consequences in experience and in statements of logic, mathematics, or philosophy itself, and with such statements of fact deriving their validity from the rules of language.
  • logical positivist — an exponent or follower of logical positivism
  • lone-parent family — a family in which there is only one parent
  • lower palaeolithic — the earliest of the three sections of the Palaeolithic, beginning about 3 million years ago and ending about 70 000 bc with the emergence of Neanderthal man
  • magnetic amplifier — an amplifier that applies the input signal to a primary winding and feeds an alternating current to a secondary winding where this current is modulated by the variations in the primary winding.
  • magnetic potential — a scalar quantity, analogous to the electric potential, defined at each point in a given magnetic field to be equal to the work done in bringing a unit north pole from infinity to the point.
  • magnetic tape unit — a computer device that moves reels of magnetic tape past read-write heads so that data can be transferred to or from the computer
  • make a practice of — be in the habit of
  • malpighian tubules — one of a group of long, slender excretory tubules at the anterior end of the hindgut in insects and other terrestrial arthropods.
  • maritime provinces — region in Canada
  • market opportunity — a situation in which a company can meet an unsatisfied customer need before its competitors
  • marketing campaign — a series of coordinated activities designed to help market a product
  • maternity hospital — birthing facility
  • metamorphic facies — Geology. a group of metamorphic rock units characterized by particular mineralogic associations.
  • methylated spirits — ethyl alcohol denatured with methyl alcohol for the purpose of preventing its use as an alcoholic beverage.
  • mexican fire-plant — a showy plant, Euphorbia heterophylla, of the spurge family, growing in the central U.S. to central South America, having red or mottled red and white bracts.
  • microencapsulation — the process of enclosing chemical substances in microcapsules.
  • micrometer caliper — calipers with a micrometer screw, for extremely accurate measurement
  • micrometer-caliper — any of various devices for measuring minute distances, angles, etc., as in connection with a telescope or microscope.
  • micropalaeontology — the branch of palaeontology concerned with the study of microscopic fossils
  • microwave spectrum — a spectrum of electromagnetic radiations whose wavelengths fall in the microwave range.
  • middle paleolithic — See under Paleolithic.
  • midstream operator — A midstream operator is a company that gathers, transports, and processes natural gas or oil.
  • military policeman — A military policeman is a member of the military police.
  • mineral supplement — a pill containing minerals that you take to improve your health
  • miniature pinscher — one of a German breed of toy dogs resembling a smaller version of the Doberman pinscher, having a flat skull, a smooth coat, erect ears, and a docked tail, bred originally as a watchdog.
  • minority programme — a programme that appeals to a minority of the available audience
  • misinterpretations — Plural form of misinterpretation.
  • misrepresentations — Plural form of misrepresentation.
  • mission specialist — the crew member of a space shuttle who is assigned primary responsibility for carrying out operations related to the payload of the shuttle.
  • moccasin telegraph — the transmission of rumour or secret information; the grapevine
  • monophthongization — to change into or pronounce as a monophthong.
  • morning-after pill — a contraceptive pill containing only an estrogen and used by women within a few hours after sexual intercourse.
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