
18-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • teaching equipment — teaching aids
  • television company — a company that broadcasts programmes by television
  • temporal summation — the act or process of summing.
  • terrestrial planet — inner planet.
  • territory of papua — a former territory of Australia, consisting of SE New Guinea and adjacent islands: now part of Papua New Guinea
  • the baptist church — any of various Protestant churches that believe in the baptism of believers
  • the family compact — the ruling oligarchy in Upper Canada in the early 19th century
  • the general public — the people in a society; people in general
  • the middle passage — the journey across the Atlantic Ocean from the W coast of Africa to the Caribbean: the longest part of the journey of the slave ships sailing to the Caribbean or the Americas
  • the operative word — If you describe a word as the operative word, you want to draw attention to it because you think it is important or exactly true in a particular situation.
  • the practicalities — the real facts or details of a situation, as opposed to its theoretical aspects
  • the-cocktail-party — a play in verse (1950) by T. S. Eliot.
  • thiosulphuric acid — an unstable acid known only in solutions and in the form of its salts. Formula: H2S2O3
  • thiruvananthapuram — a state in SW India: formerly the regions of Travancore and Cochin. 15,005 sq. mi. (38,836 sq. km). Capital: Thiruvananthapuram.
  • threatened species — a species likely, in the near future, to become an endangered species within all or much of its range.
  • thrills and spills — If you refer to thrills and spills, you are referring to an experience which is exciting and full of surprises.
  • ticker-tape parade — a parade honoring a visiting dignitary, hero, or the like in which confetti, shredded newspapers, or the like are showered into the streets from buildings along the parade route.
  • to cast aspersions — If you cast aspersions on someone or something, you suggest that they are not very good in some way.
  • to fall into place — If things fall into place, events happen naturally to produce a situation you want.
  • to lick into shape — If you lick, knock, or whip someone or something into shape, you use whatever methods are necessary to change or improve them so that they are in the condition that you want them to be in.
  • to pick and choose — If you pick and choose, you carefully choose only things that you really want and reject the others.
  • to play favourites — to display favouritism
  • to scrape a living — If you say that someone scrapes a living or scratches a living, you mean that they manage to earn enough to live on, but it is very difficult. In American English, you say they scrape out a living or scratch out a living.
  • to speak your mind — If you speak your mind, you say firmly and honestly what you think about a situation, even if this may offend or upset people.
  • to spill the beans — If you spill the beans, you tell someone something that people have been trying to keep secret.
  • to stop at nothing — If you say that someone will stop at nothing to get something, you are emphasizing that they are willing to do things that are extreme, wrong, or dangerous in order to get it.
  • traditional option — an option that once purchased cannot be resold
  • traditional policy — a life assurance policy in which the policyholder's premiums are paid into a general fund and his or her investment benefits are calculated according to actuarial formulae
  • traditional weapon — a weapon having ceremonial tribal significance, such as an assegai or knobkerrie
  • transient response — A transient response of a circuit is a temporary change in the way that it behaves due to an external excitation, that will disappear with time.
  • transporter bridge — a bridge for carrying passengers and vehicles by means of a platform suspended from a trolley.
  • transylvanian alps — a mountain range in S Romania; a SW extension of the Carpathian Mountains. Highest peak: Mount Negoiu, 2548 m (8360 ft)
  • triphosphoric acid — the hypothetical acid H 5 P 3 O 10 , known chiefly by its salts.
  • under-compensation — to compensate or pay less than is fair, customary, or expected.
  • under-depreciation — decrease in value due to wear and tear, decay, decline in price, etc.
  • unfair competition — acts done by a seller to confuse or deceive the public with intent to acquire a larger portion of the market, as by cutting prices below cost, misleading advertising, selling a spurious product under a false identity, etc.
  • unisys corporation — (company)   The company formed in 1984-5 when Burroughs Corporation merged with Sperry Corporation. This was when the phrase "dinosaurs mating" was coined. Unisys is one of the largest providers of information services, technology, and software in the world. They employ about 49,000 people and do business in some 100 countries. In 1994 about 80 percent of revenue was derived from commercial information systems and services, with the remainder coming from electronic systems and services for the defense market. The defense business was sold to Loral in early 1995. Slightly more than half of Unisys's revenue is from business in the United States. They specialise in providing business-critical solutions, based on open information networks, for organisations that operate in transaction-intensive environments. These organisations include financial services companies, airlines, telecommunications companies, government agencies, and other commercial enterprises. In August 1994, quarterly sales were $1799M and profits $50M.
  • unit magnetic pole — the unit of magnetic pole strength equal to the strength of a magnetic pole that repels a similar pole with a force of one dyne, the two poles being placed in a vacuum and separated by a distance of one centimeter.
  • upper palaeolithic — the latest of the three periods of the Palaeolithic, beginning about 40 000 bc and ending, in Europe, about 12 000 bc: characterized by the emergence of modern man, Homo sapiens
  • upper partial tone — overtone (def 1).
  • vanadium pentoxide — a yellow to red crystalline compound, V 2 O 5 , slightly soluble in water, used as a catalyst for organic reactions, in glass to absorb ultraviolet radiation, and as a photographic developer.
  • vectorcardiography — a method of determining the direction and magnitude of the electrical forces of the heart.
  • venture capitalist — funds invested or available for investment in a new or unproven business enterprise.
  • video compact disc — (storage)   (VCD) A storage format used for film distribution.
  • videotape recorder — a device for recording television programs on magnetic tape for delayed transmission or for storage.
  • visible panty line — the line of someone's underwear which can be seen through trousers
  • visitor's passport — (formerly, in Britain) a passport, valid for one year and for certain countries only, that could be purchased from post offices
  • warehouse capacity — the amount of storage space in a warehouse
  • weberian apparatus — (in certain fishes) a chain of small bones and ligaments connecting the inner ear with the air bladder.
  • white-spotted hyla — a type of tree frog (H. leucophyllata) of tropical America
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