
13-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • imperial moth — a yellow moth, Eacles imperialis, having a diagonal band of pinkish brown or purple: the hairy larvae feed on the leaves of hickory, oak, etc.
  • imperialistic — the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.
  • impermanently — In an impermanent manner.
  • imperseverant — lacking the power to perceive
  • impersonality — absence of human character or of the traits associated with the human character: He feared the impersonality of a mechanized world.
  • impersonating — to assume the character or appearance of; pretend to be: He was arrested for impersonating a police officer.
  • impersonation — to assume the character or appearance of; pretend to be: He was arrested for impersonating a police officer.
  • impersonators — Plural form of impersonator.
  • imperturbable — incapable of being upset or agitated; not easily excited; calm: imperturbable composure.
  • imperturbably — incapable of being upset or agitated; not easily excited; calm: imperturbable composure.
  • impignoration — the state of being mortgaged
  • implacability — not to be appeased, mollified, or pacified; inexorable: an implacable enemy.
  • implantations — Plural form of implantation.
  • implementable — any article used in some activity, especially an instrument, tool, or utensil: agricultural implements.
  • implicational — something implied or suggested as naturally to be inferred or understood: to resent an implication of dishonesty.
  • implicatively — In an implicative way.
  • impolitically — In a way that is impolitic.
  • import tariff — a tax or duty imposed on imported goods
  • importunately — urgent or persistent in solicitation, sometimes annoyingly so.
  • impostumation — an abscess or swelling filled with pus
  • impracticable — not practicable; incapable of being put into practice with the available means: an impracticable plan.
  • impracticably — In an impracticable way.
  • impractically — In an impractical manner.
  • impredicative — (of a definition) given in terms that require quantification over a range that includes that which is to be defined, as having all the properties of a great general where one of the properties as ascribed must be that property itself
  • impredictable — (nonstandard) unpredictable.
  • improbability — the quality or condition of being improbable; unlikelihood.
  • improvability — to bring into a more desirable or excellent condition: He took vitamins to improve his health.
  • improvisation — the art or act of improvising, or of composing, uttering, executing, or arranging anything without previous preparation: Musical improvisation involves imagination and creativity.
  • improvisatore — An individual who recites impromptu verse, as from a song or poem.
  • improvisatori — Plural form of improvisatore.
  • improvisatory — of, relating to, or characteristic of an improvisation or improvisator.
  • in a position — able (to)
  • in deep water — the deep part of a body of water, especially an area of the ocean floor having a depth greater than 18,000 feet (5400 meters).
  • in particular — of or relating to a single or specific person, thing, group, class, occasion, etc., rather than to others or all; special rather than general: one's particular interests in books.
  • in the pay of — If you say that someone is in the pay of a certain person or group, you disapprove of the fact that they are being paid by and are working for that person or group, often secretly or illegally.
  • in triplicate — in three copies, times three
  • inappropriate — not appropriate; not proper or suitable: an inappropriate dress for the occasion.
  • incapacitated — unable to act, respond, or the like (often used euphemistically when one is busy or otherwise occupied): He can't come to the phone now—he's incapacitated.
  • incentive pay — additional pay, a higher wage, or a bonus paid to promote the productivity of an employee.
  • incompatibles — not compatible; unable to exist together in harmony: She asked for a divorce because they were utterly incompatible.
  • incorporating — to form into a legal corporation.
  • incorporation — the act of incorporating or the state of being incorporated.
  • incorporative — Tending to incorporate or include things.
  • incorporators — one of the signers of the articles or certificate of legal incorporation.
  • incorruptable — Misspelling of incorruptible.
  • inculpability — Lack of culpability; freedom from blame.
  • independantly — Misspelling of independently.
  • indian turnip — the jack-in-the-pulpit.
  • inexpectation — a lack of expectation
  • infraposition — A situation or position beneath.
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