
12-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • appositeness — The state of being apposite.
  • appositional — the act of placing together or bringing into proximity; juxtaposition.
  • appraisement — the act of estimating or judging the nature or value of something or someone.
  • appreciating — to be grateful or thankful for: They appreciated his thoughtfulness.
  • appreciation — Appreciation of something is the recognition and enjoyment of its good qualities.
  • appreciative — An appreciative reaction or comment shows the enjoyment that you are getting from something.
  • appreciators — to be grateful or thankful for: They appreciated his thoughtfulness.
  • appreciatory — appreciative.
  • apprenticing — Present participle of apprentice.
  • apprentisage — Obsolete form of apprenticeage.
  • approbations — approval; commendation.
  • appropriated — suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.: an appropriate example; an appropriate dress.
  • appropriates — suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.: an appropriate example; an appropriate dress.
  • appropriator — suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.: an appropriate example; an appropriate dress.
  • approximated — near or approaching a certain state, condition, goal, or standard.
  • approximates — near or approaching a certain state, condition, goal, or standard.
  • approximator — Something that approximates.
  • apricot tart — a pastry case filled with apricots
  • apron string — a string for tying an apron on
  • archetypical — Archetypical means the same as archetypal.
  • arctophilist — a collector of teddy bears
  • aristophanes — ?448–?380 bc, Greek comic dramatist, who satirized leading contemporary figures such as Socrates and Euripides. Eleven of his plays are extant, including The Clouds, The Frogs, The Birds, and Lysistrata
  • aristophanic — 448?–385? b.c, Athenian comic dramatist.
  • arpeggiation — the writing, playing or singing of arpeggios
  • arsenopyrite — a white or grey metallic mineral consisting of a sulphide of iron and arsenic that forms monoclinic crystals with an orthorhombic shape: an ore of arsenic. Formula: FeAsS
  • arteriopathy — Any disease of the arteries.
  • arthropathic — disease of the joints.
  • arthroscopic — the use of an arthroscope to diagnose an injury to or disease of a joint or to perform minor surgery on a joint.
  • aspect ratio — the ratio of width to height of the picture on a television or cinema screen
  • asphyxiating — to produce asphyxia in.
  • asphyxiation — Asphyxiation is a lack of oxygen in blood, which causes suffocation.
  • aspirational — If you describe someone as aspirational, you mean that they have strong hopes of moving to a higher social status.
  • assumptively — taken for granted.
  • astigmoscope — astigmatoscope.
  • astrophysics — Astrophysics is the study of the physical and chemical structure of the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space.
  • asymptomatic — If someone with a disease is asymptomatic, it means that they do not show any symptoms of the disease.
  • asymptotical — of or relating to an asymptote.
  • at a premium — If something is at a premium, it is wanted or needed, but is difficult to get or achieve.
  • at any price — If you want something at any price, you are determined to get it, even if unpleasant things happen as a result.
  • athwartships — from one side to the other of a vessel at right angles to the keel
  • atmospherics — Atmospherics are elements in something such as a piece of music or a book which create a certain atmosphere.
  • atmospherium — an optical system used to simulate images of atmospheric phenomena, as cloud formations, storms, and day and night, on the inside of a dome.
  • atomic power — nuclear power.
  • attawapiskat — a river in NE Ontario, Canada, flowing E and N to James Bay. 465 miles (748 km) long.
  • attorneyship — The office or profession of an attorney.
  • atychiphobia — (rare) The fear of failure.
  • australopith — (archaeology, anthropology, paleonotology) Of or pertaining to the extinct hominid primates, of the genus Australopithecus, from the Pleistocene period.
  • autographing — Present participle of autograph.
  • autohypnosis — the process or result of self-induced hypnosis
  • autohypnotic — Of or pertaining to autohypnosis; self-hypnotizing.
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