
19-letter words containing t, i, p, a, n

  • conversational lisp — (language)   (CLISP) A mixed English-like, ALGOL-like surface syntax for Interlisp.
  • corporal punishment — Corporal punishment is the punishment of people by hitting them.
  • corporate venturing — the provision of venture capital by one company for another in order to obtain information about the company requiring capital or as a step towards acquiring it
  • cosmopolitanization — to make cosmopolitan.
  • cost-push inflation — inflation in which prices increase as a result of increased production costs, as labor and parts, even when demand remains the same.
  • counter-programming — to schedule (a broadcast on radio or television) to compete with one on another station.
  • creative department — the department of a company or organization responsible for the design and creation of advertisements and marketing materials
  • creeping bent grass — a grass, Agrostis stolonifera, grown as a pasture grass in Europe and North America: roots readily from the stem
  • creeping featuritis — (jargon)   /kree'ping fee'-chr-i:`t*s/ A variant of creeping featurism, with its own spoonerism: "feeping creaturitis". Some people like to reserve this form for the disease as it actually manifests in software or hardware, as opposed to the lurking general tendency in designers' minds. -ism means "condition" or "pursuit of", whereas -itis usually means "inflammation of".
  • cult of personality — a cult promoting adulation of a living national leader or public figure, as one encouraged by Stalin to extend his power.
  • daisy-wheel printer — a type of printer that uses a daisywheel
  • dangling participle — a participle intended to modify a noun but having the wrong grammatical relationship to it as for example having left in the sentence Having left Europe for good, Peter's future seemed bleak indeed
  • data encryption key — (DEK) Used for the encryption of message text and for the computation of message integrity checks (signatures). See cryptography.
  • data protection act — (legal)   (DPA) A UK law guaranteeing rights to individuals in relation to personal data that others hold on them. For example, under the DPA, you have the right to see what data a company holds on you.
  • de-compartmentalize — to divide into categories or compartments.
  • deflate compression — deflate
  • deflationary spiral — Geometry. a plane curve generated by a point moving around a fixed point while constantly receding from or approaching it.
  • dental receptionist — a receptionist working in a dental surgery
  • department chairman — the chairman of a university department
  • departmentalisation — Alternative spelling of departmentalization.
  • departmentalization — to divide into departments.
  • depletion allowance — a tax allowance granted in certain industries, such as the oil and gas industries, to compensate for the depletion of the oil, gas, etc owned by the company
  • diamond-point spoon — a spoon having a handle terminating in a polygonal, pointed knob.
  • differential backup — (operating system)   A kind of backup that copies all files that have changed since the last full backup. Each differential backup will include all files in previous differential backups since the full backup so to restore a version of a file, you only need to search the full backup and the relevant differential backup. Some systems support differential backup by associating an "Archive" flag with each file and setting this flag whenever the file is modified to indicate that it should be included in the next backup. A differential backup does not change this flag, whereas an incremental backup resets it.
  • diffraction pattern — the phenomenon exhibited by wave fronts that, passing the edge of an opaque body, are modulated, thereby causing a redistribution of energy within the front: it is detectable in light waves by the presence of a pattern of closely spaced dark and light bands (diffraction pattern) at the edge of a shadow.
  • digital linear tape — (storage)   (DLT) A kind of magnetic tape drive originally developed by DEC and now marketed by Quantum. DLT drives implement the Digital Lempel Ziv 1 (DLZ1) compression algorithm in a combination of hardware and firmware. They use a popular chip by Stac (now hi/fn) to do the string searching. Counting, sorting and Huffman coding are done in firmware (with hardware support for the Huffman algorithm?). In April 1997 DLT drives can transfer 5 megabytes per second and can store 35 gigabytes on a single cartridge. Compression might roughly double these figures.
  • diplomatic immunity — exemption from taxation, searches, arrest, etc., enjoyed by diplomatic officials and their dependent families under international law, and usually on a reciprocal basis.
  • directional coupler — (communications)   (tap) A passive device used in cable systems to divide and combine radio frequency signals. A directional coupler has at least three ports: line in, line out, and the tap. The signal passes between line in and line out ports with loss referred to as the insertion loss. A small portion of the signal power applied to the line in port passes to the tap port. A signal applied to the tap port is passed to the line in port less the tap attenuation value. The tap signals are isolated from the line out port to prevent reflections. A signal applied to the line out port passes to the line in port and is isolated from the tap port. Some devices provide more than one tap output line (multi-taps).
  • disambiguation page — a page on a website that lists various websites or web pages that have or could have the same title. The user is able to select from the list that page, site etc that he or she actually wants
  • disciplinary action — punishment or caution
  • dispatch department — the department of an organization responsible for the dispatch of orders
  • dispersion relation — the relationship between the angular frequency (ω;) of a wave and the magnitude of its wave vector (k). Thus the wave's speed is ω/k
  • displacement engine — any engine employing the rectilinear motion of one or more pistons in cylinders.
  • display advertising — display ads taken collectively.
  • diversional therapy — the structured use of leisure time in recreation and play as a form of or supplement to conventional therapy
  • dobsonian telescope — a relatively inexpensive Newtonian telescope, suitable for visual but not photographic use, in which the tube assembly slips freely in the lower base.
  • duplicating machine — a duplicator, especially one for making identical copies of documents, letters, etc.
  • dynamic positioning — Dynamic positioning is the use of computers to control the position of a semi-submersible rig.
  • electrode potential — the potential difference developed when an electrode of an element is placed in a solution containing ions of that element
  • electron micrograph — a photograph or image of a specimen taken using an electron microscope
  • electronic graphics — (on television) the production of graphic designs and text by electronic means
  • elementary particle — any of several entities, such as electrons, neutrons, or protons, that are less complex than atoms and are regarded as the constituents of all matter
  • employment tribunal — (in England, Scotland, and Wales) a tribunal that rules on disputes between employers and employees regarding unfair dismissal, redundancy, etc
  • english toy spaniel — breed of dog
  • entitlement program — a government program providing defined sectors of the population with social benefits
  • equal opportunities — Equal opportunities refers to the policy of giving everyone the same opportunities for employment, pay and promotion, without discriminating against particular groups.
  • european parliament — law: assembly in Strasbourg
  • evaporative cooling — a method of reducing temperature that uses evaporation
  • expeditionary force — An expeditionary force is a group of soldiers who are sent to fight in a foreign country.
  • expressionistically — In an expressionistic manner.
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