
17-letter words containing t, i, p, a, n

  • sleep deprivation — a condition in which you have not had enough sleep
  • sleeping quarters — the rooms where people sleep in a large building or complex or on a boat etc
  • social enterprise — a business organization that works to benefit society as a whole
  • sodium propionate — a transparent, crystalline, water-soluble powder, C 3 H 5 NaO 2 , used in foodstuffs to prevent mold growth, and in medicine as a fungicide.
  • spaghetti western — a low-budget western movie shot in Italy or Spain, usually with Italian actors and an American star.
  • spaghettification — the theoretical stretching of an object as it encounters extreme differences in gravitational forces, especially those associated with a black hole.
  • span of attention — attention span.
  • sparc xterminal 1 — (computer)   Sun's lowest cost networked Unix desktop, it is board-upgradeable to a SPARC 4. It comes with a choice of frame buffers: 8-bit colour, Turbo GX, or Turbo GX plus. This product was expected to replace the SPARCclassic X. UK availability was planned for March 1995.
  • spark transmitter — a transmitting set that generates electromagnetic waves by the oscillatory discharge from a capacitor through an inductor and a spark gap.
  • spatial frequency — the measure of fine detail in an optical image in terms of cycles per millimetre
  • spatial summation — the act or process of summing.
  • special constable — a person recruited for temporary or occasional police duties, esp in time of emergency
  • special education — education that is modified or particularized for those with singular needs, as disabled or maladjusted people, slow learners, or gifted children.
  • spectrum analysis — the determination of the constitution or condition of bodies and substances by means of the spectra they produce.
  • spenserian sonnet — a sonnet employing the rhyme scheme abab, bcbc, cdcd, ee.
  • spenserian stanza — the stanza used by Spenser in his Faerie Queene and employed since by other poets, consisting of eight iambic pentameter lines and a final Alexandrine, with a rhyme scheme of ababbcbcc.
  • sperrin mountains — a mountain range in NW Northern Ireland
  • spinal anesthesia — interruption of conduction of nerve impulses by the injection of an anesthetic into the spinal canal that reduces sensitivity to pain without loss of consciousness.
  • spinal meningitis — infection of spinal membrane
  • spiritual healing — faith healing
  • spit in the ocean — a variety of poker in which four cards are dealt face down to each player and one card, forming the fifth for all hands, is dealt face up in the center of the table, the exposed card and others of its denomination being wild cards.
  • spitting distance — a short space or distance
  • split keyboarding — the act or practice of editing data from one terminal on another terminal
  • split personality — multiple personality.
  • spoonbill catfish — flathead catfish.
  • spot-illustration — a rounded mark or stain made by foreign matter, as mud, blood, paint, ink, etc.; a blot or speck.
  • spotted sandpiper — a North American sandpiper, Actitis macularia, that has brownish-gray upper parts and white underparts, and is spotted with black in the summer.
  • st. crispin's day — October 25: anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt (1415).
  • stand-up comedian — performer: tells jokes
  • standing expenses — fixed or flat expenses or charges
  • stars and stripes — US national flag
  • steamboat springs — a town in NW Colorado: ski resort.
  • steamship company — a company which has a fleet of steamships
  • storm in a teacup — a violent fuss or disturbance over a trivial matter
  • stray capacitance — undesired capacitance in equipment, occurring between the wiring, between the wiring and the chassis, or between components and the chassis
  • stymphalian birds — a flock of predacious birds of Arcadia that were driven away and killed by Hercules as one of his labors.
  • subscription rate — the price charged for a subscription
  • super-nationalism — an extreme or fanatical loyalty or devotion to a nation.
  • superalimentation — nourishment; nutrition.
  • supercolumniation — the placing of one order of columns above another.
  • superregeneration — regeneration in which a signal is alternately amplified and quenched at a frequency slightly above the audible range to achieve high sensitivity with a single tube.
  • support mechanism — any formal system or method of providing support or assistance
  • supra-nationalism — outside or beyond the authority of one national government, as a project or policy that is planned and controlled by a group of nations.
  • taiping rebellion — a movement of religious mysticism and agrarian unrest in China between 1850 and 1864 which weakened the Manchu dynasty but was eventually suppressed with foreign aid
  • take exception to — object to sth
  • take in good part — to respond to (teasing) with good humour
  • take no prisoners — to be uncompromising and resolute in one's actions
  • take-no-prisoners — wholeheartedly aggressive; zealous; gung-ho: a businessman with a take-no-prisoners attitude toward dealmaking.
  • teaching hospital — a hospital associated with a medical college and offering clinical and other facilities to those in various areas of medical study, as students, interns, and residents.
  • teaching practice — Teaching practice is a period that a student teacher spends teaching at a school as part of his or her training.
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