
16-letter words containing t, i, p, a, n

  • appeals tribunal — a tribunal that hears appeals
  • apple-touch-icon — (programming)   (apple-touch-icon.png) Apple's default icon (image) used to represent a website, e.g. when saved as a bookmark or on the home screen of an iOS device such as an iPhone or iPad. Apple's scheme allows a site to offer images of different sizes so the client can choose the most appropriate one according to its screen size and resolution. Apple devices and applications completely ignore the favicon.ico de facto standard which, while somewhat quirky in its use of the ico format, has been pretty much universally adopted elsewhere. Conversely, apple-touch-icon.png will be ignored by non-Apple devices, possibly because its 16x16 resolution would look pretty shabby on most smart phones.
  • application form — a form to be filled in when applying for job, grant etc
  • appreciativeness — The state or quality of being appreciative.
  • ascidian tadpole — the free-swimming larva of an ascidian, having a tadpole-like tail containing the notochord and nerve cord
  • asiatic elephant — Indian elephant. See under elephant.
  • assistant priest — a person who assists a priest in their work or who is not yet fully qualified as a priest
  • at bayonet point — done while having a bayonet pointed at one
  • auction pinochle — a variety of pinochle for three to five players in which, for every hand, there are three active players, each dealt 15 cards, with the highest bidder winning the contract and playing against the other two active opponents.
  • autoethnographic — Using ethnographic techniques to describe one's own life, or events in which one is a participant.
  • automanipulation — physical stimulation of one's own genitals.
  • aversion therapy — a method of suppressing an undesirable habit, such as excessive smoking, by causing the subject to associate an unpleasant effect, such as an electric shock or nausea, with the habit
  • avian diphtheria — a virus disease of chickens and other birds characterized by warty excrescences on the comb and wattles, and often by diphtherialike changes in the mucous membranes of the head.
  • axminster carpet — a type of patterned carpet with a cut pile
  • back-propagation — (Or "backpropagation") A learning algorithm for modifying a feed-forward neural network which minimises a continuous "error function" or "objective function." Back-propagation is a "gradient descent" method of training in that it uses gradient information to modify the network weights to decrease the value of the error function on subsequent tests of the inputs. Other gradient-based methods from numerical analysis can be used to train networks more efficiently. Back-propagation makes use of a mathematical trick when the network is simulated on a digital computer, yielding in just two traversals of the network (once forward, and once back) both the difference between the desired and actual output, and the derivatives of this difference with respect to the connection weights.
  • bacterioplankton — (biology) The bacterial component of marine plankton.
  • band-pass filter — a filter that transmits only those currents having a frequency lying within specified limits
  • bastard pointing — an imitation of tuck pointing, having a fillet made from the mortar of the joint.
  • batch processing — manufacturing products or treating materials in batches, by passing the output of one process to subsequent processes
  • batch production — production of goods in batches, rather than continuously
  • bayonet practice — drill in the use of a bayonet
  • bearing pedestal — an independent support for a bearing, usually incorporating a bearing housing
  • behavior pattern — a recurrent way of acting by an individual or group toward a given object or in a given situation.
  • bicapitalisation — The act said to have been performed on trademarks (such as PostScript, NeXT, NeWS, VisiCalc, FrameMaker, TK!solver, EasyWriter) that have been raised above the ruck of common coinage by nonstandard capitalisation. Too many marketroid types think this sort of thing is really cute, even the 2,317th time they do it. Compare studlycaps.
  • binary operation — a mathematical operation in which two elements are combined to yield a single result: Addition and multiplication are binary operations on the set of real numbers.
  • biotic potential — the capacity of a population of organisms to increase in numbers under optimum environmental conditions.
  • birthday present — a gift given to someone on their birthday
  • blink comparator — an optical instrument used to detect small differences in two photographs of the same field or object by viewing them alternately, switching rapidly from one to the other.
  • boatswain's pipe — a whistle used formerly to give orders on board ship
  • boston cream pie — a cake of two layers with icing and a creamy filling
  • boundary dispute — dispute between neighbours about the boundary between their properties
  • branchiopneustic — breathing by means of gills, as certain aquatic insect larvae.
  • break-even point — When a company reaches break-even point, the money it makes from the sale of goods or services is just enough to cover the cost of supplying those goods or services, but not enough to make a profit.
  • brittany spaniel — a short-tailed French bird dog that typically has a smooth orange- or liver-and-white coat
  • bypass operation — an operation involving redirection of blood flow, either to avoid a diseased blood vessel or in order to perform heart surgery
  • byzantine empire — the continuation of the Roman Empire in the East, esp after the deposition of the last emperor in Rome (476 ad). It was finally extinguished by the fall of Constantinople, its capital, in 1453
  • canine distemper — distemper1 (def 1a).
  • capacity booking — a time when someone has booked the whole of a venue or the maximum amount of something available
  • capillary action — Also called capillary action, capillary attraction. Physics. a manifestation of surface tension by which the portion of the surface of a liquid coming in contact with a solid is elevated or depressed, depending on the adhesive or cohesive properties of the liquid.
  • capillary-action — Also called capillary action, capillary attraction. Physics. a manifestation of surface tension by which the portion of the surface of a liquid coming in contact with a solid is elevated or depressed, depending on the adhesive or cohesive properties of the liquid.
  • capital movement — the payments that flow between countries
  • capital sentence — the punishment of death for a crime
  • capitation grant — a grant of money given to every person who qualifies under certain conditions
  • capsizing moment — the moment of an upsetting couple.
  • captive audience — a group of people who are unable by circumstances to avoid speeches, advertisements, etc
  • captive breeding — Captive breeding is the breeding of wild animals in places such as zoos, especially animals which have become rare in the wild.
  • carbon footprint — Your carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by your activities over a particular period.
  • caricature plant — a tropical Old World shrub, Graptophyllum pictum, of the acanthus family, characterized by purple or red tubular flowers and leaf markings resembling the profile of a human face.
  • carnot principle — the principle that no heat engine can be more efficient than one operating on a Carnot cycle of reversible changes
  • carpatho-ukraine — a region in W Ukraine: ceded by Czechoslovakia in 1945.
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