
11-letter words containing t, i, p, a, n

  • planetarium — an apparatus or model representing the planetary system.
  • planimetric — the measurement of plane areas.
  • plantigrade — walking on the whole sole of the foot, as humans, and bears.
  • platemaking — the act of making plates
  • platforming — a process for reforming petroleum using a platinum catalyst
  • platinotype — a process of printing positives in which a platinum salt is used, rather than the usual silver salts, in order to make a more permanent print.
  • platycnemia — (in the shinbone) the state of being laterally flattened.
  • platyrrhine — Anthropology. having a broad, flat-bridged nose.
  • play-acting — Play-acting is behaviour where someone pretends to have attitudes or feelings that they do not really have.
  • playstation — (games, hardware)   The leading family of games consoles, from Sony Corporation consisting of the original Playstation (PS1) and the Playstation 2 (PS2). The basic Playstations consist of a small box containing the processor and a DVD reader, with video outputs to connect to a TV, sockets for two game controllers, and a socket for one or two memory cards. The PS2 also has USB sockets. The PS2 can run PS1 software because the PS2's I/O processor is the same as the PS1's CPU.
  • playwriting — the art or technique of writing theatrical plays; the work or profession of a playwright.
  • plutarchian — of or relating to the biographer Plutarch.
  • point after — a score given for a successful kick between the goalposts and above the crossbar, following a touchdown
  • point guard — Basketball. the guard who directs the team's offense from the point.
  • point-blank — aimed or fired straight at the mark especially from close range; direct.
  • pointy-head — stupid; idiotic.
  • poll rating — a measurement of a politician's popularity among the electorate, obtained by canvassing a representative sample of people
  • pollination — the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma.
  • polyactinal — possessing many rays
  • polyandrist — a woman who practices or favors polyandry.
  • ponderation — a weight
  • pontificals — of, relating to, or characteristic of a pontiff; papal.
  • pontificate — the office or term of office of a pontiff.
  • pontoppidan — Henrik [hen-reek] /ˈhɛn rik/ (Show IPA), 1857–1943, Danish novelist: Nobel prize 1917.
  • pornotopian — of or relating to a pornotopia
  • porphyratin — any of various complex compounds formed of metals and porphyrins
  • portal vein — the large vein conveying blood to the liver from the veins of the stomach, intestine, spleen, and pancreas.
  • porto rican — former official name (until 1932) of Puerto Rico.
  • postcranial — located posterior to the head.
  • postexilian — being or occurring subsequent to the exile of the Jews in Babylonia 597–538 b.c.
  • postlanding — occurring after a landing (of an aircraft, shuttle, etc)
  • postnuptial — subsequent to marriage: postnuptial adjustments.
  • postulating — to ask, demand, or claim.
  • postulation — to ask, demand, or claim.
  • postweaning — of, relating to, or occurring in the period following weaning
  • pot-valiant — brave only as a result of being drunk.
  • potato vine — a tender, woody Brazilian vine, Solanum jasminoides, of the nightshade family, having starlike, blue-tinged white flowers in clusters, grown as an ornamental.
  • potentially — possibly but not yet actually: potentially useful information.
  • potentiator — to cause to be potent; make powerful.
  • potty-train — to teach a small child to use a potty or toilet
  • potvaliancy — brave only as a result of being drunk.
  • power train — a train of gears and shafting transmitting power from an engine, motor, etc., to a mechanism being driven.
  • praenestine — of or relating to the ancient town of Praeneste in Italy, or to the Latin dialect spoken there.
  • preacquaint — to acquaint (someone with information) in advance
  • precipitant — falling headlong.
  • predicament — an unpleasantly difficult, perplexing, or dangerous situation.
  • predication — to proclaim; declare; affirm; assert.
  • predominant — having ascendancy, power, authority, or influence over others; preeminent.
  • predominate — to be the stronger or leading element or force.
  • predynastic — of, relating to, or belonging to a time or period before the first dynasty of a nation, especially the period in Egypt before c3200 b.c.
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