
14-letter words containing t, i, e, o, n

  • delta function — a generalized function having the value 0 except at 0, the value infinity at 0, and an integral from minus infinity to plus infinity of 1, used in thermodynamics and quantum mechanics.
  • demand deposit — a bank deposit from which withdrawals may be made without notice
  • demobilisation — (chiefly, British) alternative spelling of demobilization.
  • demobilization — to disband (troops, an army, etc.).
  • demolitionists — Plural form of demolitionist.
  • demonetization — to divest (a monetary standard or the like) of value.
  • demonstrations — Plural form of demonstration.
  • demonstratives — Plural form of demonstrative.
  • demoralisation — Alternative spelling of demoralization.
  • demoralization — to deprive (a person or persons) of spirit, courage, discipline, etc.; destroy the morale of: The continuous barrage demoralized the infantry.
  • denationalised — Simple past tense and past participle of denationalise.
  • denationalized — Simple past tense and past participle of denationalize.
  • denazification — The process of bringing the leaders of the National Socialist regime in Germany to justice and of purging all elements of Nazism from public life, carried out especially between 1945 and 1948.
  • denitrificator — an apparatus which is used in denitrification, particularly in sulphuric acid works
  • denominational — Denominational means relating to or organized by a particular religious denomination.
  • deoxythymidine — (organic chemistry) thymidine.
  • depigmentation — the state of lacking or the process of losing pigmentation, usually of the skin
  • depolarisation — Alternative spelling of depolarization.
  • depolarization — a sharp division, as of a population or group, into opposing factions.
  • depoliticising — Present participle of depoliticise.
  • depoliticizing — Present participle of depoliticize.
  • deregistration — The process of which an employee is removed from work registrant status.
  • derivationally — In a derivational manner.
  • derivatization — the process of making a chemical compound into a derivative
  • derivitization — (organic chemistry) The formation of a chemical derivative.
  • desalinisation — Removal of salt and other minerals from water; desalination.
  • desalinization — desalt.
  • despoticalness — the quality of being despotic
  • destructionist — a person who believes in destruction, esp of social institutions
  • desulphuration — the removal of sulphur; desulphurization
  • detention camp — a compound where prisoners are detained temporarily, as pending determination of their legal status under immigration laws.
  • detention home — a place where juvenile offenders or delinquents are held in custody, esp. temporarily pending disposition of their cases by the juvenile court
  • deteriorations — Plural form of deterioration.
  • determinations — Plural form of determination.
  • detoxification — Detoxification is treatment given to people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol in order to stop them from being addicted.
  • deunionization — to eliminate labor unions from (a company, industry, etc.).
  • deurbanization — to divest (a city or locality) of urban characteristics.
  • deuteragonists — Plural form of deuteragonist.
  • devaluationist — a person, as an economist, who advocates the devaluation of a currency.
  • device control — (character)   One of the four ASCII characters, DC1, DC2, DC3, and DC4, once used to remotely control equipment (e.g. a paper tape reader) via electromagnetic switches. The characters were usually paired, DC1/DC3 turning one device on/off, and DC2/DC4 another.
  • devil's-tongue — a foul-smelling, fleshy plant, Amorphophallus rivieri, of the Old World tropics, having flowers on a spike surrounded by a dark-red spathe.
  • devitalization — The act of devitalizing.
  • dextrinization — The process of dextrinizing.
  • dextrorotation — a rotation to the right; clockwise rotation, esp of the plane of polarization of plane-polarized light passing through a crystal, liquid, or solution, as seen by an observer facing the oncoming light
  • diamantiferous — (usually of geographical regions) producing or bearing diamonds
  • dichloroethane — a colourless toxic liquid compound that is used chiefly as a solvent. Formula: C2H4Cl2
  • dicotyledonous — belonging or pertaining to the Dicotyledoneae; having two cotyledons.
  • diethylpropion — a sympathomimetic substance, C 13 H 19 NO⋅HCl, used as an appetite suppressor and a short-term adjunct in the management of certain kinds of obesity.
  • differentiator — a person or thing that differentiates.
  • dimensionality — Mathematics. a property of space; extension in a given direction: A straight line has one dimension, a parallelogram has two dimensions, and a parallelepiped has three dimensions. the generalization of this property to spaces with curvilinear extension, as the surface of a sphere. the generalization of this property to vector spaces and to Hilbert space. the generalization of this property to fractals, which can have dimensions that are noninteger real numbers. extension in time: Space-time has three dimensions of space and one of time.
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