
16-letter words containing t, i, a

  • marriage portion — dowry.
  • married quarters — the housing provided on a military base for married servicemen or servicewomen
  • marsupialization — (surgery) The surgical technique of cutting a slit into a cyst and suturing its edges to form a continuous surface from the exterior to the interior of the cyst, allowing it to drain freely.
  • martin van burenMartin, 1782–1862, 8th president of the U.S. 1837–41.
  • mass destruction — devastation on a large scale
  • mass observation — the study of the social habits of people through observation, interviews, etc
  • material culture — the aggregate of physical objects or artifacts used by a society.
  • matrix mechanics — a formulation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics in which physical quantities are represented by matrices and matrix algebra is used to predict the outcome of physical measurements.
  • matthew flindersMatthew, 1774–1814, English navigator and explorer: surveyed coast of Australia.
  • matthew of paris — c1200–59, English chronicler.
  • maximum-security — designed for or housing prisoners regarded as being very dangerous to society.
  • mayfield heights — a city in N Ohio, near Cleveland.
  • mechanochemistry — the field of chemistry that deals with the direct conversion of chemical into mechanical energy.
  • mechanoreception — The action of a mechanoreceptor.
  • mechanoreceptive — Responsive to mechanical stimuli such as sound and touch.
  • media atropatene — an ancient region in NW Iran, formerly a part of Media.
  • medicine cabinet — cupboard where medication is stored
  • medieval history — the branch of history dealing with the Middle Ages
  • medieval studies — a course of study based on the history of the Middle Ages
  • medium artillery — guns and howitzers of more than 105mm and less than 155mm caliber, sometimes including the 155mm howitzers. Compare heavy artillery (def 2), light artillery (def 2).
  • megacorporations — Plural form of megacorporation.
  • megakaryoblastic — (cytology) Of or pertaining to a megakaryoblast.
  • melodic interval — an intervening period of time: an interval of 50 years.
  • melodramatically — In a melodramatic manner.
  • memoria technica — a method or device for assisting the memory
  • mengagement ring — an engagement ring bought for a man
  • menippean satire — a form of satire that is indirect and nonrealistic in approach and that consists typically of a loosely organized narrative incorporating a series of dialogues between representatives of various points of view
  • menometrorrhagia — (pathology) Excessive uterine bleeding occurring outside of the normal menstrual period.
  • menstrual period — the bleeding from the womb that occurs approximately monthly in nonpregnant women of reproductive age
  • mental defective — a person who suffers from a learning disability or from some form of mental illness
  • mercantile paper — commercial paper.
  • mercator sailing — sailing according to rhumb lines, which appear as straight lines on a Mercator chart.
  • merchant service — A merchant service is a provider of credit card processing services.
  • meristematically — In a meristematic way.
  • meritocratically — In a meritocratic way.
  • message digest 5 — (messaging)   The message digest function defined in RFC 1321.
  • metamathematical — Pertaining to metamathematics, a branch of mathematics dealing with mathematical systems and their nature.
  • metamorphization — Process or action of metamorphizing.
  • metamorphosising — Present participle of metamorphosise.
  • metasilicic acid — the hypothetical acid H2SiO3
  • metavanadic acid — an oxyacid of vanadium, known chiefly in the form of its vanadate salts; Formula: H4V2O7
  • meteorite crater — crater (def 2).
  • meteorologically — In meteorological terms; in the context of weather.
  • methacrylic acid — a colorless, liquid acid, C 4 H 6 O 2 , produced synthetically, whose methyl ester, methyl methacrylate, polymerizes to yield a clear plastic.
  • methamphetamines — Methamphetamine.
  • methodologically — a set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating a given discipline, as in the arts or sciences.
  • methyl parathion — a synthetic pesticide, C 8 H 1 0 NO 5 PS, used in the control of mites and various insects, as aphids, boll weevils, and cutworms.
  • mexican fruitfly — a brightly colored fly, Anastrepha ludens, whose larvae are a serious pest chiefly of citrus fruits and mangoes in Mexico, Central America, and southern Texas.
  • mexican standoff — a stalemate or impasse; a confrontation that neither side can win.
  • microangiopathic — Of, pertaining to or accompanied by microangiopathy.
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