
10-letter words containing t, h, i, a, c

  • habitaunce — a place where a person or an animal lives or resides
  • hackintosh — 1.   (jargon, computer)   An Apple Lisa that has been hacked into emulating a Macintosh (also called a "Mac XL"). 2.   (jargon, computer)   A Macintosh assembled from parts theoretically belonging to different models in the line.
  • hacktivism — the practice of gaining unauthorized access to a computer system and carrying out various disruptive actions as a means of achieving political or social goals: In this form of hacktivism, the hacker tries to alter or deface a government website.
  • hacktivist — the practice of gaining unauthorized access to a computer system and carrying out various disruptive actions as a means of achieving political or social goals: In this form of hacktivism, the hacker tries to alter or deface a government website.
  • haematinic — Alternative form of hematinic.
  • haemolytic — of or relating to the disintegration of red blood cells
  • haemotoxic — destructive to red blood cells
  • haircutter — A barber.
  • half hitch — a knot or hitch made by forming a bight and passing the end of the rope around the standing part and through the bight.
  • half-hitch — a knot or hitch made by forming a bight and passing the end of the rope around the standing part and through the bight.
  • halieutics — (literature) A treatise upon fish or the art of fishing.
  • halobiotic — relating to habitation in the sea
  • halophytic — Growing well under salty conditions.
  • han cities — a group of three cities in E central China (Hanyang, Hankow, and Wuchang), in SE Hubei at the confluence of the Han and Yangtze Rivers; united in 1950 to form the conurbation of Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province
  • handicraft — manual skill.
  • handstitch — to stitch or sew by hand.
  • happi coat — a Japanese lounging jacket with wide, loose sleeves and often an overlapping front closure usually tied with a sash.
  • haptically — By means of touch.
  • hatcheling — Present participle of hatchel.
  • hatcheries — Plural form of hatchery.
  • hatchlings — Plural form of hatchling.
  • hate crime — a crime, usually violent, motivated by prejudice or intolerance toward an individual’s national origin, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.
  • hebraistic — of or relating to Hebraists or characterized by Hebraism or Hebraisms.
  • hectically — characterized by intense agitation, excitement, confused and rapid movement, etc.: The week before the trip was hectic and exhausting.
  • hematocrit — a centrifuge for separating the cells of the blood from the plasma.
  • hemiacetal — any of the class of organic chemical compounds having the general formula RCH(OH)OR, where R is an organic group.
  • hemostatic — arresting hemorrhage, as a drug; styptic.
  • heptapodic — having seven metrical feet
  • heptastich — a strophe, stanza, or poem consisting of seven lines or verses.
  • heptatonic — (of a musical scale) comprising seven notes
  • heraclitus — ("the Obscure") c540–c470 b.c, Greek philosopher.
  • hereticate — to declare as heresy or as a heretic
  • hermatypic — reef-building coral.
  • hermetical — made airtight by fusion or sealing.
  • hermitical — a person who has withdrawn to a solitary place for a life of religious seclusion.
  • hexactinal — having six spicules
  • hieratical — Also, hieratical. of or relating to priests or the priesthood; sacerdotal; priestly.
  • himyaritic — of or relating to the Himyarites and to the remains of their civilization.
  • hippiatric — relating or belonging to the treatment of disease in horses
  • histaminic — Biochemistry, Physiology. a heterocyclic amine, C 5 H 9 N 3 , released by mast cells when tissue is injured or in allergic and inflammatory reactions, causing dilation of small blood vessels and smooth muscle contraction.
  • historical — of, pertaining to, treating, or characteristic of history or past events: historical records; historical research.
  • housatonic — a river flowing S from NW Massachusetts through SW Connecticut to Long Island Sound near Stratford, Connecticut. 148 miles (240 km) long.
  • humanistic — a person having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity.
  • hyacinthin — phenylacetaldehyde.
  • hyacinthus — a youth loved but accidentally killed by Apollo: from the youth's blood sprang the hyacinth.
  • hyperbatic — relating to a hyperbaton
  • hypoactive — Less than normally active.
  • hypostatic — of or relating to a hypostasis; fundamental.
  • hypotactic — dependent relation or construction, as of clauses; syntactic subordination.
  • hysterical — of, relating to, or characterized by hysteria.
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