
11-letter words containing t, e, p, i

  • hip pointer — a painful bruise or torn muscle at the upper ridge of the pelvis
  • hip-shooter — a person who acts or talks in a rash, impetuous way
  • hippeastrum — any plant of the South American amaryllidaceous genus Hippeastrum: cultivated for their large funnel-shaped typically red flowers
  • hippety-hop — with a hopping movement
  • hippocrates — ("Father of Medicine") c460–c377 b.c, Greek physician.
  • hipsterisms — a usually young person who is trendy, stylish, or progressive in an unconventional way; someone who is hip.
  • homeopathic — of, relating to, or according to the principles of homeopathy.
  • homeporting — Present participle of homeport.
  • hop trefoil — a leguminous plant, Trifolium campestre, of N temperate grasslands, with globular yellow flower heads and trifoliate leaves
  • horripilate — to produce horripilation on.
  • hospitalise — (British spelling) alternative spelling of hospitalize.
  • hospitalize — to place in a hospital for medical care or observation: The doctor hospitalized grandfather as soon as she checked his heart.
  • hospitaller — a member of the religious and military order (Knights Hospitalers or Knights of St. John of Jerusalem) originating about the time of the first Crusade (1096–99) and taking its name from a hospital at Jerusalem.
  • hot jupiter — any of a class of large, hot, gaseous planets similar to Jupiter in mass but outside our solar system.
  • http cookie — (web)   A small string of information sent by a web server to a web browser that will be sent back by the browser each time it accesses that server. Cookies were invented by Netscape to make it easier to maintain state between HTTP transactions. They can contain any arbitrary information the server chooses to put in them. The most common use of cookies is to identify and authenticate a user who has logged in to a website, so they don't have to sign in every time they visit. Other example uses are maintaining a shopping basket of goods you have selected to purchase during a session at an online shop or site personalisation (presenting different pages to different users). The browser limits the size of each cookie and the number each server can store. This prevents a malicious site consuming lots of disk space on the user's computer. The only information that cookies can return to the server is what that server previously sent out. The main privacy concern is that it is not obvious when a site is using cookies or what for. Even if you don't log in or supply any personal information to a site, it can still assign you a unique identifier and store it in a "tracking cookie". This can then be used to track every page you ever visit on the site. However, since it is possible to do the same thing without cookies, the UK law requiring sites to declare their use of cookies makes little sense and has been widely ignored. After using a shared computer, e.g. in an Internet cafe, you should remove all cookies to prevent the browser identifying the next user as you if they happen to visit the same sites.
  • hyperactive — unusually or abnormally active: a company's hyperactive growth; the child's hyperactive imagination.
  • hyperacuity — an extreme acuteness (of the senses)
  • hyperbolist — One who uses hyperbole; an exaggerator.
  • hypercritic — a person who is excessively or captiously critical.
  • hyperemetic — characterized by extreme and unrelenting vomiting
  • hyperinotic — of or suffering from hyperinosis
  • hypermetric — Having a redundant syllable.
  • hypermotile — Abnormally or excessively motile.
  • hyperscript — Informix. The object-based programming language for Wingz, used for creating charts, graphs, graphics, and customised data entry.
  • hyperstatic — redundant (def 5b).
  • hyperstrict — A function which is hyperstrict in some argument will fully evaluate that argument. To fully evaluate an object, evaluate it to WHNF and if it is a constructed data object (e.g. a list or tuple) then fully evaluate every component and so on recursively. Thus a hyperstrict function will fail to terminate if its argument or any component or sub-component of its argument fails to terminate (i.e. if its argument is not "total").
  • hyperthymia — a condition characterized by extreme overactivity.
  • hypesthesia — an abnormally weak sense of pain, heat, cold, or touch.
  • hyphenating — Present participle of hyphenate.
  • hyphenation — to join by a hyphen.
  • hypocretins — Plural form of hypocretin.
  • hypohalites — Plural form of hypohalite.
  • hypokinetic — abnormally diminished muscular function or mobility.
  • hyponitrite — a salt or ester of hyponitrous acid.
  • hypostasize — to assume the reality of (an idea, proposition, etc.); hypostatize.
  • hypostatise — to treat or regard (a concept, idea, etc.) as a distinct substance or reality.
  • hypostatize — to treat or regard (a concept, idea, etc.) as a distinct substance or reality.
  • hyposthenia — abnormal lack of strength; weakness.
  • hyposulfite — Also called hydrosulfite. a salt of hyposulfurous acid.
  • hypotension — decreased or lowered blood pressure.
  • hypotensive — characterized by or causing low blood pressure, as shock.
  • hypothecium — the layer of hyphal tissue directly beneath the hymenium of an apothecium.
  • hypothermia — Pathology. subnormal body temperature.
  • hypothermic — Pathology. subnormal body temperature.
  • hypothesise — to form a hypothesis.
  • hypothesize — to form a hypothesis.
  • hypsometric — Of or relating to the use of the hypsometer; hypsographic.
  • ice rampart — a mound of earth or stones formed by the action of ice against the shore of a lake, stream, etc.
  • ideal point — the point at infinity in projective geometry at which parallel lines intersect.
  • idempotence — (mathematics, computing) A quality of an action such that repetitions of the action have no further effect on outcome \u2013 being idempotent.
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