
10-letter words containing t, e, n, d, r

  • prudential — of, pertaining to, characterized by, or resulting from prudence.
  • prudentius — Aurelius Clemens (ɔːˈriːlɪəs ˈklɛmɛnz). 348–410 ad, Latin Christian poet, born in Spain. His works include the allegory Psychomachia
  • pteranodon — a flying reptile of the extinct order Pterosauria, from the Cretaceous Period, having a wingspread of about 25 feet (8 meters).
  • ranitidine — an antihistamine, C 13 H 22 N 4 O 3 S·HCl, that inhibits the formation of gastric acid, used in the treatment of peptic ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • re-edition — a new edition
  • readoption — the adoption of something or someone again
  • recemented — any of various calcined mixtures of clay and limestone, usually mixed with water and sand, gravel, etc., to form concrete, that are used as a building material.
  • rectangled — having right angles
  • redcurrant — any of various currant shrubs of the genus Ribes, bearing an edible, red fruit.
  • redemption — an act of redeeming or atoning for a fault or mistake, or the state of being redeemed.
  • rediscount — to discount again.
  • redocument — a written or printed paper furnishing information or evidence, as a passport, deed, bill of sale, or bill of lading; a legal or official paper.
  • refundment — to give back or restore (especially money); repay.
  • regimented — Military. a unit of ground forces, consisting of two or more battalions or battle groups, a headquarters unit, and certain supporting units.
  • reguardant — (of a beast) looking backward: a stag regardant.
  • reidentify — to recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing; verify the identity of: to identify handwriting; to identify the bearer of a check.
  • reindicate — to be a sign of; betoken; evidence; show: His hesitation really indicates his doubt about the venture.
  • reindicted — (of a grand jury) to bring a formal accusation against, as a means of bringing to trial: The grand jury indicted him for murder.
  • reinstated — to put back or establish again, as in a former position or state: to reinstate the ousted chairman.
  • reinterred — to place (a dead body) in a grave or tomb; bury.
  • reinvented — to invent again or anew, especially without knowing that the invention already exists.
  • residenter — an inhabitant, resident
  • resin duct — a tube or duct in a woody stem or a leaf, especially in conifers, lined with glandular epithelium that secretes resins.
  • respondent — a person who responds or makes reply.
  • restrained — characterized by restraint: The actor gave a restrained performance.
  • retardance — any substance capable of reducing the speed of a given reaction.
  • retardancy — any substance capable of reducing the speed of a given reaction.
  • retardment — the act of retarding or state of being retarded.
  • ridge tent — a tent in which the roof slopes down from a central ridgepole
  • rinderpest — an acute, usually fatal infectious disease of cattle, sheep, etc., caused by a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus and characterized by high fever, diarrhea, and lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • road agent — (formerly) a highwayman, especially along stagecoach routes in the western U.S.
  • rodentlike — belonging or pertaining to the gnawing or nibbling mammals of the order Rodentia, including the mice, squirrels, beavers, etc.
  • rondoletto — a name given to the third movement of a symphony
  • rootedness — having roots.
  • round tape — (storage, jargon)   Industry-standard 1/2-inch magnetic tape (7- or 9-track) on traditional circular reels. See macrotape, opposite: square tape.
  • roundtable — a number of persons gathered together for conference, discussion of some subject, etc., and often seated at a round table.
  • routinised — to develop into a regular procedure.
  • routinized — to develop into a regular procedure.
  • rudimental — pertaining to rudiments or first principles; elementary: a rudimentary knowledge of geometry.
  • sand tiger — any of several sharks of the family Odontaspididae, especially Odontaspis taurus, inhabiting shallow waters on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, having sharp, jagged teeth and sometimes dangerous to humans.
  • sandlotter — a youngster who plays baseball in a sandlot.
  • send forth — to be a source of; cause to appear; give out or forth; produce, emit, utter, etc.
  • shetlander — a native or inhabitant of Shetland
  • sideration — sudden paralysis of a part of the body
  • soda niter — a white or transparent mineral, sodium nitrate, NaNO 3 , used chiefly as a fertilizer and in the manufacture of sulfuric and nitric acids and potassium nitrate.
  • sordamente — (of a piece of music) to be played softly or gently
  • soricident — having shrewlike teeth
  • splintered — a small, thin, sharp piece of wood, bone, or the like, split or broken off from the main body.
  • stand over — (of a person) to be in an upright position on the feet.
  • stare down — to gaze fixedly and intently, especially with the eyes wide open.
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