
17-letter words containing t, e, l, a, n, i

  • cross-correlation — the correlation between two sequences of random variables in a time series
  • cruciate ligament — A cruciate ligament is either of a pair of ligaments that cross at the knee.
  • cryptocrystalline — (of rocks) composed of crystals that can be distinguished individually only by the use of a polarizing microscope
  • cumulative voting — a system of voting in which each elector has as many votes as there are candidates in his constituency. Votes may all be cast for one candidate or distributed among several
  • cylinder capacity — the cylinder volume that is swept by the pistons of an internal-combustion engine
  • dagestan republic — a constituent republic of S Russia, on the Caspian Sea: annexed from Persia in 1813; rich mineral resources. Capital: Makhachkala. Pop: 2 584 200 (2002). Area: 50 278 sq km (19 416 sq miles)
  • damage limitation — Damage limitation is action that is taken to make the bad results of something as small as possible, when it is impossible to avoid bad results completely.
  • dante (alighieri) — (born Durante Alighieri) 1265-1321; It. poet: wrote The Divine Comedy
  • david livingstoneDavid, 1813–73, Scottish missionary and explorer in Africa.
  • de-specialization — the act of specializing, or pursuing a particular line of study or work: Medical students with high student loans often feel driven into specialization.
  • deadly nightshade — a poisonous Eurasian solanaceous plant, Atropa belladonna, having dull purple bell-shaped flowers and small very poisonous black berries
  • decellularization — (biology, medicine) The loss of cells from tissue.
  • decontextualizing — to remove (a linguistic element, an action, etc.) from a context: decontextualized works of art displayed in museums.
  • decriminalisation — (chiefly, British) Alternative form of decriminalization.
  • decriminalization — to eliminate criminal penalties for or remove legal restrictions against: to decriminalize marijuana.
  • defamiliarisation — (arts) The representation of objects anew, in a way that we do not recognize, or that changes our reading of them.
  • defamiliarization — Art, Literature. a theory and technique, originating in the early 20th century, in which an artistic or literary work presents familiar objects or situations in an unfamiliar way, prolonging the perceptive process and allowing for a fresh perspective.
  • definite integral — the evaluation of the indefinite integral between two limits, representing the area between the given function and the x-axis between these two values of x
  • dehospitalization — hospitalization insurance.
  • dehydrochlorinate — to remove hydrogen chloride or chlorine and hydrogen from (a substance).
  • deindustrializing — Present participle of deindustrialize.
  • delay instruction — delayed control-transfer
  • dematerialisation — The act or process of dematerializing.
  • dematerialization — The act or process of dematerializing.
  • demythologization — The act of demythologizing, or something demythologized.
  • denationalisation — Alternative spelling of denationalization.
  • denationalization — to remove (an industry or the like) from government ownership or control.
  • dendroclimatology — The science that uses dendrochronology to reconstruct historical climate conditions.
  • denominationalism — adherence to particular principles, esp to the tenets of a religious denomination; sectarianism
  • denominationalist — One imbued with a denominational spirit.
  • dental technician — a person who constructs and repairs artificial teeth
  • departmentalizing — Present participle of departmentalize.
  • depersonalisation — Alternative spelling of depersonalization.
  • depersonalization — the act or an instance of depersonalizing
  • dephlogisticating — Present participle of dephlogisticate.
  • dephosphorylation — the removal of a phosphate group from an organic compound, as in the changing of ATP to ADP.
  • deterministically — the doctrine that all facts and events exemplify natural laws.
  • developmentalists — an expert in or advocate of developmental psychology.
  • diacetone alcohol — a colorless, flammable liquid with a pleasant odor, C 6 H 12 O 2 : used as a solvent for lacquers, dyes, cellulose nitrate, and resins.
  • diethyltryptamine — a synthetic derivative of tryptamine with hallucinogenic and psychotogenic effects. Abbreviation: DET.
  • differentiability — The ability to be differentiated.
  • differential gear — differential (def 7).
  • differential line — (hardware)   A kind of electrical connection using two wires, one of which carries the normal signal (V) and the other carries an inverted version the signal (-V). A differential amplifier at the receiver subtracts the inverted signal from the normal signal to yield a signal proportional to V. This subtraction is intended to cancel out any noise induced in the wires, on the assmption that the same level of noise will have been induced in both wires. Twisted pair wiring is often used to try to ensure that this is the case. The two wires might be connected at the receiver to separate analogue to digital converters and the subtraction performed digitally. The RS-422 serial line standard specifies differential drivers and receivers, whereas the earlier RS-232 standard does not. Opposite: single ended.
  • differential rate — a special lower rate, as one charged by one of two or more competing businesses.
  • differential tone — a musical sound sometimes heard when two loud notes are sounded together, lower in pitch than either
  • digital recording — a method of sound recording in which an input audio waveform is sampled at regular intervals, usually between 40,000 and 50,000 times per second, and each sample is assigned a numerical value, usually expressed in binary notation.
  • digital signature — an encrypted digital code appended to an electronic document to verify that it was created by a known source and has not been altered.
  • dimethylhydrazine — a flammable, highly toxic, and colorless liquid, C 2 H 8 N 2 , used as a component in jet and rocket fuels.
  • diocletian window — a window in the form of a round-headed archway with a narrower compartment on either side, the side compartments usually being capped with entablatures on which the arch of the central compartment rests.
  • diphenylacetylene — tolan.
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