
17-letter words containing t, e, l, a, n, i

  • litigation friend — a person acting on behalf of an infant or other person under legal disability
  • live and let live — be tolerant of others
  • livingstone daisy — a gardener's name for various species of Mesembryanthemum, esp M. criniflorum, grown as garden annuals (though several are perennial) for their brightly coloured showy flowers: family Aizoaceae
  • load displacement — the weight, in long tons, of a cargo vessel loaded so that the summer load line touches the surface of the water.
  • local anaesthesia — the use of anaesthetics that affect a particular area of the body
  • local anaesthetic — sth injected to numb a body part for pain relief
  • local examination — any of various examinations, such as the GCSE, set by university boards and conducted in local centres, schools, etc
  • logical operation — Boolean operation.
  • longitudinal wave — a wave in which the direction of displacement is the same as the direction of propagation, as a sound wave.
  • louisiana tanager — western tanager.
  • luminous exitance — the ability of a surface to emit light expressed as the luminous flux per unit area at a specified point on the surface
  • lumpenproletariat — the lowest level of the proletariat comprising unskilled workers, vagrants, and criminals and characterized by a lack of class identification and solidarity.
  • lymphadenopathies — Plural form of lymphadenopathy.
  • macroevolutionary — Pertaining to, or as a result of macroevolution.
  • magnesium sulfate — a white, water-soluble salt, MgSO 4 , used chiefly in medicine and in the processing of leather and textiles.
  • magnetic monopole — a hypothetical very heavy particle with an isolated magnetic north pole or magnetic south pole.
  • magnetoelasticity — the phenomenon, consisting of a change in magnetic properties, exhibited by a ferromagnetic material to which stress is applied.
  • mains electricity — electricity supplied to a building through wires
  • maintained school — a school financially supported by the state
  • management skills — skills regarding the technique, practice, or science of managing a company, business, etc
  • manual typewriter — a keyboard machine, operated entirely by hand, for writing mechanically in characters resembling print
  • margaret hamilton — (person)   (born 1936-08-17) A computer scientist, systems engineer and business owner, credited with coining the term software engineering. Margaret Hamilton published over 130 papers, proceedings and reports about the 60 projects and six major programs in which she has been involved. In 1965 she became Director of Software Programming at MIT's Charles Stark Draper Laboratory and Director of the Software Engineering Division of the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, which developed on-board flight software for the Apollo space program. At NASA, Hamilton pioneered the Apollo on-board guidance software that navigated to and landed on the Moon and formed the basis for software used in later missions. At the time, programming was a hands-on, engineering descipline; computer science and software engineering barely existed. Hamilton produced innovations in system design and software development, enterprise and process modelling, development paradigms, formal systems modelling languages, system-oriented objects for systems modelling and development, automated life-cycle environments, software reliability, software reuse, domain analysis, correctness by built-in language properties, open architecture techniques for robust systems, full life-cycle automation, quality assurance, seamless integration, error detection and recovery, man-machine interface systems, operating systems, end-to-end testing and life-cycle management. She developed concepts of asynchronous software, priority scheduling and Human-in-the-loop decision capability, which became the foundation for modern, ultra-reliable software design. The Apollo 11 moon landing would have aborted when spurious data threatened to overload the computer, but thanks to the innovative asynchronous, priority based scheduling, it eliminated the unnecessary processing and completed the landing successfully. In 1986, she founded Hamilton Technologies, Inc., developed around the Universal Systems Language and her systems and software design paradigm of Development Before the Fact (DBTF).
  • marital relations — a euphemistic term for sexual intercourse between married partners
  • materials science — the study of the characteristics and uses of various materials, as glass, plastics, and metals.
  • maternal instinct — motherly urge to protect and nurture
  • maxwell equations — equations developed by James Clerk Maxwell (1831–79) upon which classical electromagnetic theory is based
  • mean proportional — (between two numbers a and b) a number x for which a/x = x/b : The number 3 is a mean proportional between 1 and 9.
  • mechanical tissue — a plant tissue made up of hard, thick-walled cells that add strength to an organ
  • mechanoelectrical — Describing the production of electricity by mechanical motion; especially in a transducer.
  • mensural notation — a system of musical notation of the 13th to the late 16th centuries, marked by the use of note symbols such as the longa and brevis, the absence of bar lines and ties, and the equivalence in value of one note to either two or three of the next smaller degree.
  • mental arithmetic — sums done in your head
  • mental deficiency — mental retardation
  • mental disability — a general or specific intellectual handicap, resulting directly or indirectly from injury to the brain or from abnormal neurological development
  • mental impairment — (in England, according to the Mental Health Act 1983) a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind, which includes significant impairment of intelligence and social functioning and is associated with abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct
  • mentally impaired — with reduced or weakened mental capacity
  • mercantile agency — commercial agency.
  • mercantile marine — the merchant navy
  • mercantile system — a system of political and economic policy, evolving with the modern national state and seeking to secure a nation's political and economic supremacy in its rivalry with other states. According to this system, money was regarded as a store of wealth, and the goal of a state was the accumulation of precious metals, by exporting the largest possible quantity of its products and importing as little as possible, thus establishing a favorable balance of trade.
  • metalloproteinase — (enzyme) Any of several proteinases that have a metal atom (often zinc) at their active centre.
  • methemoglobinemia — (medicine) A form of toxic anemia characterized by the presence of methemoglobin in the blood.
  • methyl isocyanate — Chemistry. a highly toxic, flammable, colorless liquid, CH 3 NCO, used as an intermediate in the manufacture of pesticides: in 1984, the accidental release of a cloud of this gas in Bhopal, India, killed more than 1700 people and injured over 200,000.
  • microencapsulated — Encapsulated using microencapsulation.
  • microevolutionary — Of or pertaining to microevolution.
  • micropaleontology — the branch of paleontology dealing with the study of microscopic fossils.
  • middle management — the middle echelon of administration in business and industry.
  • midsagittal plane — a plane passing through the nasion when the skull is oriented in the Frankfurt horizontal.
  • mileage indicator — a device on a vehicle such as a car, plane, etc which indicates the number of miles travelled
  • militant tendency — (in Britain) a Trotskyist group formerly operating within the Labour Party
  • military covenant — the supposed understanding that members of the armed forces and their families will be supported by the state in the event of injury or death in the course of duty
  • military governor — the military officer in command of a military government.
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