
11-letter words containing t, e, l, a, n, i

  • hallucinate — to have hallucinations.
  • hatchelling — Present participle of hatchel.
  • hate-listen — to listen to a radio show, singer, etc., that one professes to dislike, often with the intention to mock or criticize: Why do I continue to hate-listen to his silly podcasts?
  • healthiness — possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality: a healthy body; a healthy mind.
  • heat island — an urban area having higher average temperature than its rural surroundings owing to the greater absorption, retention, and generation of heat by its buildings, pavements, and human activities.
  • heat-island — an urban area having higher average temperature than its rural surroundings owing to the greater absorption, retention, and generation of heat by its buildings, pavements, and human activities.
  • heavenliest — Superlative form of heavenly.
  • hematoxylin — a colorless or pale-yellow, crystalline compound, C 16 H 14 O 6 ·3H 2 O, the coloring material of logwood: used as a mordant dye and as an indicator.
  • heraclitean — of or relating to Heraclitus or his philosophy.
  • hinterlands — Plural form of hinterland.
  • hla antigen — an antigen of the HLA group, designated by a letter (HLA-A, HLA-B, etc.) according to the chromosome locus on which the controlling HLA gene appears and additionally by a number (HLA-A1, HLA-A2, etc.) according to the order of discovery and identification.
  • hotel chain — a group of hotels which belong to the same company or owner, or are associated in some way
  • ideal point — the point at infinity in projective geometry at which parallel lines intersect.
  • identically — similar or alike in every way: The two cars are identical except for their license plates.
  • ill-natured — having or showing an unkindly or unpleasant disposition.
  • illtreating — Present participle of illtreat.
  • illuminated — to supply or brighten with light; light up.
  • illuminates — to supply or brighten with light; light up.
  • impanelment — The act or process of impaneling, or the state of being impaneled.
  • impatiently — not patient; not accepting delay, opposition, pain, etc., with calm or patience.
  • implacental — Zoology. having no placenta, as a monotreme or marsupial.
  • implantable — capable of being implanted.
  • implemental — any article used in some activity, especially an instrument, tool, or utensil: agricultural implements.
  • in a lather — overexcited
  • in articles — formerly, undergoing training, according to the terms of a written contract, in the legal profession
  • in-satiable — not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased: insatiable hunger for knowledge.
  • inabilities — Plural form of inability.
  • inadaptable — lacking the ability to adapt
  • inalimental — (obsolete) Affording no aliment or nourishment.
  • inalterable — unalterable.
  • inalterably — In an inalterable way.
  • inanimately — In an inanimate manner.
  • inavertible — Not avertible.
  • incalescent — increasing in heat or ardor.
  • incapsulate — Alternative form of encapsulate.
  • incessantly — continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending: an incessant noise.
  • incidentals — happening or likely to happen in an unplanned or subordinate conjunction with something else.
  • incogitable — Not cogitable; inconceivable.
  • incremental — increasing or adding on, especially in a regular series: small, incremental tax hikes.
  • inculcative — to implant by repeated statement or admonition; teach persistently and earnestly (usually followed by upon or in): to inculcate virtue in the young.
  • index plate — a plate perforated with rows of different numbers of equally spaced holes as a guide for indexing work.
  • indicatable — That can be indicated.
  • indomitable — that cannot be subdued or overcome, as persons, will, or courage; unconquerable: an indomitable warrior.
  • indubitable — that cannot be doubted; patently evident or certain; unquestionable.
  • induplicate — folded or rolled inward: said of the parts of the calyx or corolla when the edges are bent abruptly toward the axis, or of leaves in vernation when the edges are rolled inward and then arranged about the axis without overlapping.
  • ineffectual — not effectual; without satisfactory or decisive effect: an ineffectual remedy.
  • inelaborate — Not elaborate; crude; unfinished.
  • inelegantly — In an inelegant manner.
  • ineluctable — incapable of being evaded; inescapable: an ineluctable destiny. Synonyms: inevitable, unavoidable, irrevocable, unpreventable, unstoppable, inexorable. Antonyms: certain, sure, fated.
  • ineluctably — incapable of being evaded; inescapable: an ineluctable destiny. Synonyms: inevitable, unavoidable, irrevocable, unpreventable, unstoppable, inexorable. Antonyms: certain, sure, fated.
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