
11-letter words containing t, e, l, a, n, i

  • plainstanes — the pavement or a paved area in a town or city
  • plainstones — the pavement or a paved area in a town or city
  • planetarian — a staff member at a planetarium.
  • planetarium — an apparatus or model representing the planetary system.
  • planimetric — the measurement of plane areas.
  • plantigrade — walking on the whole sole of the foot, as humans, and bears.
  • platemaking — the act of making plates
  • platinotype — a process of printing positives in which a platinum salt is used, rather than the usual silver salts, in order to make a more permanent print.
  • platycnemia — (in the shinbone) the state of being laterally flattened.
  • platyrrhine — Anthropology. having a broad, flat-bridged nose.
  • portal vein — the large vein conveying blood to the liver from the veins of the stomach, intestine, spleen, and pancreas.
  • postexilian — being or occurring subsequent to the exile of the Jews in Babylonia 597–538 b.c.
  • potentially — possibly but not yet actually: potentially useful information.
  • prelibation — a foretaste.
  • preterminal — situated at or forming the end or extremity of something: a terminal feature of a vista.
  • prevailment — the action of prevailing
  • proletarian — pertaining or belonging to the proletariat.
  • pulveration — the reduction of something to powder
  • quaintrelle — (obscure) A woman who emphasizes a life of passion expressed through personal style, leisurely pastimes, charm, and cultivation of life’s pleasures.
  • radiolucent — almost entirely transparent to radiation; almost entirely invisible in x-ray photographs and under fluoroscopy.
  • range light — one of a pattern of navigation lights, usually fixed ashore, used by vessels for manoeuvring in narrow channels at night
  • rationalise — to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that superficially seem reasonable and valid but that actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious and often less creditable or agreeable causes.
  • rationalize — to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that superficially seem reasonable and valid but that actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious and often less creditable or agreeable causes.
  • rattlebrain — a giddy, empty-headed, talkative person.
  • real tennis — an ancient form of tennis played in a four-walled indoor court with various openings, a sloping-roofed corridor along three sides, and a buttress on the fourth side
  • realignment — an adjustment to a line; arrangement in a straight line.
  • realization — the making or being made real of something imagined, planned, etc.
  • reclamation — the reclaiming of desert, marshy, or submerged areas or other wasteland for cultivation or other use.
  • reclination — to lean or lie back; rest in a recumbent position.
  • rectilinear — forming a straight line.
  • redactional — to put into suitable literary form; revise; edit.
  • reductional — of, characterized by, or relating to reduction
  • referential — having reference: referential to something.
  • regimentals — of or relating to a regiment.
  • reinflation — Economics. a persistent, substantial rise in the general level of prices related to an increase in the volume of money and resulting in the loss of value of currency (opposed to deflation).
  • reinoculate — to inoculate again
  • relationism — a doctrine maintaining the existence of relations between things
  • relationist — a person who maintains a theory rooted in the relation between ideas
  • reluctation — opposition, struggle, resistance
  • rentability — a payment made periodically by a tenant to a landlord in return for the use of land, a building, an apartment, an office, or other property.
  • replication — a reply; answer.
  • reptilianly — in the manner of a reptilian
  • residential — of or relating to residence or to residences: a residential requirement for a doctorate.
  • retaliation — the act of retaliating; return of like for like; reprisal.
  • retinaculum — Anatomy, Zoology. any of various small structures that hook, clasp, or bind other structures to move them or hold them in place.
  • retinal rod — any of the elongated cylindrical cells in the retina of the eye, containing the visual purple (rhodopsin), which are sensitive to dim light but not to colour
  • retrainable — able to be retrained
  • revaluating — to make a new or revised valuation of; revalue.
  • revaluation — to make a new or revised valuation of; revalue.
  • revelations — the last book of the New Testament, containing visionary descriptions of heaven, of conflicts between good and evil, and of the end of the world
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