
18-letter words containing t, e, h, r, i, d

  • a bird in the hand — A bird in the hand is something that you already have and do not want to risk losing by trying to get something else.
  • a foot in the door — an action, appointment, etc, that provides an initial step towards a desired goal, esp one that is not easily attainable
  • a leap in the dark — an action performed without knowledge of the consequences
  • a shot in the dark — If you describe something someone says or does as a shot in the dark or a stab in the dark, you mean they are guessing that what they say is correct or that what they do will be successful.
  • acadian flycatcher — a small, greenish tyrant flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) found in deciduous forests of E North America
  • according to hoyle — according to the rules and regulations; in the prescribed, fair, or correct way
  • acquired character — a modification of structure or function caused by environmental factors: now generally regarded as not inheritable
  • activated charcoal — a form of carbon having very fine pores: used chiefly for adsorbing gases or solutes, as in various filter systems for purification, deodorization, and decolorization.
  • admirable crichton — a comedy (1902) by Sir James M. Barrie.
  • aerothermodynamics — the study of the exchange of heat between solids and gases, esp of the heating effect on aircraft flying through the air at very high speeds
  • ahead of your time — If someone is ahead of their time or before their time, they have new ideas a long time before other people start to think in the same way.
  • albrecht waldstein — Albrecht von [German ahl-brekht fuh n] /German ˈɑl brɛxt fən/ (Show IPA), Wallenstein, Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von.
  • alexander hamiltonAlexander, 1757–1804, American statesman and writer on government: the first Secretary of the Treasury 1789–97; mortally wounded by Aaron Burr in a duel.
  • alumina trihydrate — a crystalline, water-insoluble powder, Al(OH) 3 or Al 2 O 3 ⋅3H 2 O, obtained chiefly from bauxite: used in the manufacture of glass, ceramics, and printing inks, in dyeing, and in medicine as an antacid and in the treatment of ulcers.
  • aphrodite of melos — a Greek statue of Venus in marble, c200 b.c., found in 1820 on Melos and now in the Louvre, Paris.
  • atmospheric window — wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be transmitted through the earth's atmosphere. Atmospheric windows occur in the visible, infrared, and radio regions of the spectrum
  • auditory phonetics — the branch of phonetics concerned with the perception of speech sounds by humans
  • authorized capital — the total amount of value of the shares that a company is allowed to distribute
  • authorized version — the revised English translation of the Bible published in England in 1611 with the authorization of King James I
  • avoirdupois weight — a British and American system of weights based on a pound of 16 ounces
  • bird's-nest orchid — a brown parasitic Eurasian orchid, Neottia nidus-avis, whose thick fleshy roots resemble a bird's nest and contain a fungus on which the orchid feeds
  • birds of a feather — If you refer to two people as birds of a feather, you mean that they have the same interests or are very similar.
  • broadcasting house — any of a number of buildings in the UK from which the BBC broadcasts or has broadcast
  • centralized school — a public school formed from the pupils and teachers of a number of discontinued smaller schools, especially in a rural district.
  • chambered nautilus — nautilus (def 1).
  • character disorder — a disorder characterized by socially undesirable behavior, as poor control of impulses or inability to maintain close emotional relationships, and by absence of anxiety or guilt.
  • character encoding — (character)   (Or "character encoding scheme") A mapping between binary data values and character code positions (or "code points"). Early systems stored characters in a variety of ways, e.g. four six-bit characters in a 24-bit word, but around 1960, eight-bit bytes started to become the most common data storage layout, with each character stored in one byte, typically in the ASCII character set. In the case of ASCII, the character encoding is an identity mapping: code position 65 maps to the byte value 65. This is possible because ASCII uses only code positions representable as single bytes, i.e., values between 0 and 255. (US-ASCII only uses values 0 to 127, in fact.) From the late 1990s, there was increased use of larger character sets such as Unicode and many CJK coded character sets. These can represent characters from many languages and more symbols.
  • character-building — improving certain good or useful traits in a person's character, esp self-reliance, endurance, and courage
  • chartered engineer — (in Britain) an engineer who is registered with the Engineering Council as having the scientific and technical knowledge and practical experience to satisfy its professional requirements
  • chickenheartedness — Alternative form of chicken-heartedness.
  • chinese water deer — a small Chinese or Korean deer, Hydropotes inermis, having tusks and no antlers: introduced into England and France
  • chord of the sixth — sixth chord.
  • chrétien de troyes — 12th century, French poet, who wrote the five Arthurian romances Erec; Cligès; Lancelot, le chevalier de la charette; Yvain, le chevalier au lion; and Perceval, le conte del Graal (?1155–?1190), the first courtly romances
  • christian democrat — a member or supporter of a Christian Democratic party
  • christian endeavor — an organization of young people of various evangelical Protestant churches, formed in 1881 to promote Christian principles and service.
  • christian reformed — of or relating to a Protestant denomination (Christian Reformed Church) organized in the U.S. in 1857 by groups that had seceded from the Dutch Reformed Church.
  • christine de pisan — ?1364–?1430, French poet and prose writer, born in Venice. Her works include ballads, rondeaux, lays, and a biography of Charles V of France
  • comparative method — a body of procedures and criteria used by linguists to determine whether and how two or more languages are related and to reconstruct forms of their hypothetical parent language.
  • daisywheel printer — (printer)   A kind of impact printer where the characters are arranged on the ends of the spokes of a wheel (resembling the petals on a daisy). The wheel (usually made of plastic) is rotated to select the character to print and then an electrically operated hammer mechanism bends the selected spoke forward slightly, sandwiching an ink ribbon between the character and the paper, as in a typewriter. One advantage of this arrangement over that of a typewriter is that different wheels may be inserted to produce different typefaces.
  • deanthropomorphism — the ridding of philosophy or religion of anthropomorphic beliefs and doctrines.
  • dechristianization — The act of dechristianizing; the systematic removal of Christianity or Christian elements.
  • dendrochronologist — One who carries out dendrochronology.
  • depth-first search — (algorithm)   A graph search algorithm which extends the current path as far as possible before backtracking to the last choice point and trying the next alternative path. Depth-first search may fail to find a solution if it enters a cycle in the graph. This can be avoided if we never extend a path to a node which it already contains. Opposite of breadth first search. See also iterative deepening.
  • destruct mechanism — a mechanism that causes the destruction of a rocket or missile when activated
  • determinate growth — growth of a plant stem that is terminated early by the formation of a bud
  • devil's paintbrush — a perennial European hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum) with leafless flower stalks bearing a cluster of orange-red heads: now a common weed in N U.S. and Canada
  • diatomaceous earth — an unconsolidated form of diatomite
  • dichloracetic acid — a highly corrosive acid. Formula: C2H2Cl2O2
  • dielectric heating — the heating of a nonconducting substance caused by dielectric loss when the material is placed in a variable electric field.
  • diethylstilbestrol — a nonsteroidal synthetic estrogen, C 18 H 20 O 2 , used in medicine chiefly in the treatment of menopausal symptoms and in animal feeds for chemical caponization: formerly used during pregnancy for the prevention of miscarriage but discontinued owing to its association with an increased risk of vaginal and cervical cancers in women having had fetal exposure. Abbreviation: DES.

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