
9-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • salometer — salinometer.
  • salt beef — beef that has been preserved in salt
  • salt cake — an impure form of sodium sulfate, especially as obtained by the interaction of sulfuric acid and common salt in the synthesis of hydrochloric acid: used chiefly in the manufacture of glass, ceramic glazes, soaps, and sodium salts.
  • salt dome — a domelike rock structure that is formed beneath the earth's surface by the upward movement of a mass of salt, may reach thousands of feet in vertical extent, and is more or less circular in plan: often associated with oil and gas pools.
  • salt lake — a body of water having no outlet to the sea and containing in solution a high concentration of salts, especially sodium chloride.
  • salt mine — a mine from which salt is excavated.
  • salt tree — athel tree.
  • salt well — a well from which brine is obtained.
  • salt-free — containing or involving no salt
  • saltglaze — having a salt glaze.
  • saltiness — tasting of or containing salt; saline.
  • saltpeter — the form of potassium nitrate, KNO 3 , that occurs naturally, used in the manufacture of fireworks, fluxes, gunpowder, etc.; niter.
  • saltpetre — the form of potassium nitrate, KNO 3 , that occurs naturally, used in the manufacture of fireworks, fluxes, gunpowder, etc.; niter.
  • saltwater — of or relating to salt water.
  • saluretic — of or relating to a substance that promotes renal excretion of sodium and chloride ions.
  • salvatore — a male given name.
  • saprolite — soft, disintegrated, usually more or less decomposed rock remaining in its original place.
  • sassolite — the mineral form of boric acid found in the saline deposits of the hot springs near Sasso in Tuscany, H3BO3
  • satellite — Astronomy. a natural body that revolves around a planet; a moon.
  • satelloid — a low-altitude satellite using engines with small thrust to maintain its orbit.
  • saturable — capable of being saturated.
  • saulteaux — a member of an American Indian people of Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, a division of the Ojibwa.
  • scaletail — a squirrel in the family Anomaluridae possessing scales on the underside of the tail
  • scapolite — any of a group of minerals of variable composition, essentially silicates of aluminum, calcium, and sodium, occurring as massive aggregates or tetragonal crystals.
  • scatheful — causing harm or injury
  • scelerate — a villain, or extremely wicked person; a criminal
  • sceptical — inclined to skepticism; having an attitude of doubt: a skeptical young woman who will question whatever you say.
  • sciential — having knowledge.
  • sclerotal — a bony area or plate found in the sclerotic (the eyeball covering) of some animals
  • scopulate — broom-shaped; brushlike.
  • scrutable — capable of being understood by careful study or investigation.
  • sea blite — any of several halophytic herbs of the genus Suaeda, having fleshy leaves.
  • seabottle — a translucent seaweed
  • seat belt — a belt or strap in an automobile, airplane, etc., fastened around or sometimes diagonally across the midsection to keep the person safely secured, as during a sudden stop.
  • sectarial — distinguishing or differentiating a sect
  • sectional — pertaining or limited to a particular section; local or regional: sectional politics.
  • sectorial — of or relating to a sector.
  • segholate — a noun in Hebrew that has a long vowel in the first syllable and a short seghol in the second syllable
  • segmental — of, relating to, or characterized by segments or segmentation.
  • selectman — (in most New England states) one of a board of town officers chosen to manage certain public affairs.
  • self-hate — to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
  • self-mate — a move that will cause a player's king to be mated within a certain number of subsequent moves.
  • self-talk — motivational thoughts, affirmations
  • self-want — to feel a need or a desire for; wish for: to want one's dinner; always wanting something new.
  • sellotape — clear sticking tape
  • semestral — (in many educational institutions) a division constituting half of the regular academic year, lasting typically from 15 to 18 weeks.
  • semimetal — an element with properties both of a metal and of a non-metal; a metalloid
  • serialist — a writer of serials
  • seriality — a serial layout or arrangement; the quality of taking place in series
  • serotinal — pertaining to or occurring in late summer.
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