
19-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • self-congratulating — the expression or feeling of uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's own accomplishment, good fortune, etc.; complacency.
  • self-congratulation — the expression or feeling of uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's own accomplishment, good fortune, etc.; complacency.
  • self-congratulatory — the expression or feeling of uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's own accomplishment, good fortune, etc.; complacency.
  • self-discrimination — an act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction.
  • self-identification — identification of oneself with some other person or thing.
  • self-interpretation — the act of interpreting; elucidation; explication: This writer's work demands interpretation.
  • self-representation — the act of representing.
  • self-transformation — the act or process of transforming.
  • sell like hot cakes — a pancake or griddlecake.
  • semibituminous coal — a coal intermediate between bituminous and anthracite coal in hardness, yielding the maximum heat of any ordinary steam coal.
  • semiconductor laser — a laser in which a semiconductor is the light-emitting source, used in many medical procedures.
  • semipalmated plover — a New World plover, Charadrius semipalmatus, having a black ring around the chest and semipalmate feet, inhabiting beaches and salt marshes.
  • senatorial courtesy — the practice in the U.S. Senate of confirming only those presidential appointees approved by both senators from the state of the appointee, or by the senior senator of the president's party.
  • senatorial district — one of a fixed number of districts into which a state of the U.S. is divided, each electing one member to the state senate.
  • sentential calculus — the branch of symbolic logic dealing with the logical relationships between statements insofar as they can be analyzed into conjunctions, disjunctions, and negations of more elementary statements.
  • sentential function — an expression that contains one or more variables and becomes meaningful when suitable constant terms are substituted for them.
  • sequential analysis — the analysis of data obtained from a sample the size of which is not fixed in advance, but is selected based on the outcome of the sampling as it proceeds.
  • sequential scanning — a system of scanning a television picture along the lines in numerical sequence
  • sessional indemnity — the remuneration paid to a member of the Canadian parliament.
  • set out one's stall — to make the necessary arrangements for the achievement of something and show that one is determined to achieve it
  • set/put the seal on — If something sets or puts the seal on something, it makes it definite or confirms how it is going to be.
  • sexual inter-course — genital contact, especially the insertion of the penis into the vagina followed by orgasm; coitus; copulation.
  • sexual reproduction — reproduction involving the union of gametes.
  • sexual stereotyping — the formation or promotion of a fixed general idea or image of how men and women will behave
  • sharp-tailed grouse — a grouse, Pedioecetes phasianellus, of prairies and open forests of western North America, similar in size to the prairie chicken but with a more pointed tail.
  • shield-tailed snake — any of several burrowing snakes of the family Uropeltidae, of the Indian peninsula and Sri Lanka, having a tail that ends in a flat disk.
  • shopping facilities — shops or other retail services
  • short-tail business — Short-tail business is insurance business where it is known that claims will be made and settled quickly.
  • signalling system 7 — (protocol)   (SS7) A protocol suite used for communication with, and control of, telephone central office switches and their attached processors.
  • simple carbohydrate — a carbohydrate, as glucose, that consists of a single monosaccharide unit.
  • single edge contact — (hardware)   (SEC) The type of cartridge in which a Pentium II is packaged.
  • single life annuity — A single life annuity is an annuity where only one life is covered.
  • sissinghurst castle — a restored Elizabethan mansion near Cranbrook in Kent: noted for the gardens laid out in the 1930s by Victoria Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson
  • slate-colored junco — the eastern subspecies of the dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis, having grayer plumage than the several western subspecies.
  • slugging percentage — a number expressing a player's average effectiveness in making extra-base hits, calculated by dividing the total number of bases (from all singles, doubles, triples, and home runs) by the number of official at bats
  • small advertisement — a short, simply designed advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, usually set entirely in a small size of type
  • so what else is new — not surprised
  • social intelligence — the ability to form rewarding relationships with other people
  • social security act — a law passed in 1935 providing old-age retirement insurance, a federal-state program of unemployment compensation, and federal grants for state welfare programs.
  • sodium metasilicate — a white, granular sodium silicate, Na 2 SiO 3 , soluble in water: used in detergents and in bleaching and cleaning products.
  • sodium thiosulphate — a white soluble substance used, in the pentahydrate form, in photography as a fixer to dissolve unchanged silver halides and also to remove excess chlorine from chlorinated water. Formula: Na2S2O3
  • solar neutrino unit — Astronomy. a unit equal to 10 −36 neutrino captures per second per target atom, used as a measure of the flux of neutrino radiation from the sun. Abbreviation: SNU.
  • solid-state physics — the branch of physics that deals with the macroscopic physical properties of matter, especially solids; the study of the electromagnetic, structural, and thermodynamic properties of solids.
  • southern crab apple — a tree, Malus angustifolia, of the eastern U.S., having oblong leaves, fragrant, pink or rose-colored flowers, and small, round, yellow-green fruit.
  • soviet central asia — the region of the former Soviet Union now occupied by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan
  • sow one's wild oats — any uncultivated species of Avena, especially a common weedy grass, A. fatua, resembling the cultivated oat.
  • spaghetti bolognese — Italian dish of pasta and tomato sauce
  • special partnership — limited partnership.
  • specialized subject — a school or university subject that concentrates on a particular field of knowledge
  • specular reflection — Specular reflection is reflection of heat or light in which the angles of different parts of the surface are important.
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