
18-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • phanerocrystalline — (of a rock) having the principal constituents in the form of crystals visible to the naked eye.
  • phosphatidylserine — any of a class of phospholipids occurring in biological membranes and fats
  • photochemical smog — air pollution containing ozone and other reactive chemical compounds formed by the action of sunlight on nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons, especially those in automobile exhaust.
  • physical chemistry — the branch of chemistry dealing with the relations between the physical properties of substances and their chemical composition and transformations.
  • physical education — systematic instruction in sports, exercises, and hygiene given as part of a school or college program.
  • physical inventory — To carry out a physical inventory is to count all the stock on hand.
  • physical therapist — sb who performs physiotherapy
  • pilotless aircraft — an aircraft equipped for operation by radio or by robot control, without a human pilot aboard; drone.
  • plate-glass window — a window that has glass which has been formed by rolling
  • play cat and mouse — Also called cat and rat. a children's game in which players in a circle keep a player from moving into or out of the circle and permit a second player to move into or out of the circle to escape the pursuing first player.
  • plumber's merchant — a shop or business that sells things needed for the job of installing and repairing pipes, fixtures, etc, for water, drainage, and gas
  • policeman's helmet — a Himalayan balsaminaceous plant, Impatiens glandulifera, with large purplish-pink flowers, introduced into Britain
  • political prisoner — sb imprisoned for political dissidence
  • political question — a question regarded by the courts as being a matter to be determined by another department of government rather than of law and therefore one with which they will not deal, as the recognition of a foreign state.
  • polynesian tattler — a sandpiper, H. incanus, native to the Pacific coastal regions
  • population density — ratio: inhabitants to area
  • population figures — population totals; statistics relating to the size of populations
  • positively charged — having a positive charge
  • post-revolutionary — of, pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of a revolution, or a sudden, complete, or marked change: a revolutionary junta.
  • postal storage car — a railroad car for transporting unsorted mail.
  • postmaster general — the executive head of the postal system of a country.
  • postmillenarianism — postmillennialism.
  • postviral syndrome — debilitating condition occurring as a sequel to viral illness
  • potassium chlorate — a white or colorless, crystalline, water-soluble, poisonous solid, KClO 3 , used chiefly as an oxidizing agent in the manufacture of explosives, fireworks, matches, bleaches, and disinfectants.
  • potassium chloride — a white or colorless, crystalline, water-soluble solid, KCl, used chiefly in the manufacture of fertilizers and mineral water, and as a source of other potassium compounds.
  • potassium fluoride — a white, crystalline, hygroscopic, toxic powder, KF, used chiefly as an insecticide, a disinfectant, and in etching glass.
  • potassium sulphate — a soluble substance usually obtained as colourless crystals of the decahydrate: used in making glass and as a fertilizer. Formula: K2SO4
  • predicate calculus — predicate logic
  • preparatory school — a private or parochial secondary school, especially one boarding its students and providing a college-preparatory education.
  • prepositional verb — a combination of verb and preposition, often with idiomatic meaning, differing from other phrasal verbs in that an object must always follow the preposition, as take after in The children take after their mother.
  • presenile dementia — a form of dementia, of unknown cause, starting before a person is old
  • present participle — Grammar. a participle form, in English having the suffix -ing, denoting repetition or duration of an activity or event: used as an adjective, as in the growing weeds, and in forming progressive verb forms, as in The weeds are growing.
  • presentation layer — (networking)   The second highest layer (layer 6) in the OSI seven layer model. Performs functions such as text compression, code or format conversion to try to smooth out differences between hosts. Allows incompatible processes in the application layer to communicate via the session layer. Documents: ITU Rec. X.226 (ISO 8823), ITU Rec. X.216 (ISO 8822).
  • presidential suite — a suite of rooms, as in a hotel, suitable for a president or other head of state.
  • pressure altimeter — an aneroid barometer adapted for measuring altitude by converting the indicated atmospheric pressure to altitude according to a standard relationship.
  • presumption of law — a presumption based upon a policy of law or a general rule and not upon the facts or evidence in an individual case.
  • provascular tissue — procambium.
  • pseudo-socialistic — of or relating to socialists or socialism.
  • pseudointellectual — a person exhibiting intellectual pretensions that have no basis in sound scholarship.
  • psychogalvanometer — a type of galvanometer for detecting and measuring psychogalvanic currents.
  • pulmonic airstream — a current of lung air set in motion by the respiratory muscles in the production of speech.
  • quality of service — (communications, networking)   (QoS) The performance properties of a network service, possibly including throughput, transit delay, priority. Some protocols allow packets or streams to include QoS requirements.
  • quarterlife crisis — a crisis that may be experienced in one's twenties, involving anxiety over the direction and quality of one's life
  • quasi-metaphysical — pertaining to or of the nature of metaphysics.
  • racial segregation — social policy: separation of races
  • range of stability — the angle to the perpendicular through which a vessel may be heeled without losing the ability to right itself.
  • rattlesnake master — any of various plants of the genus Eryngium, especially E. yuccifolium, having spiny leaves and dense, rounded flower heads.
  • real-estate office — the place where a real-estate agent works
  • rear its ugly head — the upper part of the body in humans, joined to the trunk by the neck, containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
  • regional enteritis — Crohn's disease.
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