
17-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • super-nationalism — an extreme or fanatical loyalty or devotion to a nation.
  • super-terrestrial — pertaining to, consisting of, or representing the earth as distinct from other planets.
  • superalimentation — nourishment; nutrition.
  • supercolumniation — the placing of one order of columns above another.
  • supply management — business purchasing
  • surrender to bail — to present oneself at court at the appointed time after having been on bail
  • sustained-release — (of a drug or fertilizer) capable of gradual release of an active agent over a period of time, allowing for a sustained effect; timed-release; long-acting; prolonged-action; slow-release.
  • swaddling clothes — cloth for wrapping around a baby
  • swash plate motor — a collar or face plate on a shaft that is inclined at an oblique angle to the axis of rotation and converts reciprocating motion to rotation
  • tactile corpuscle — an oval sense organ made of flattened cells and encapsulated nerve endings, occurring in hairless skin, as the tips of the fingers and toes, and functioning as a touch receptor.
  • take second place — If one thing takes second place to another, it is considered to be less important and is given less attention than the other thing.
  • take upon oneself — to take the responsibility for; accept as a charge
  • tapestry brussels — a carpet made with three-ply or four-ply worsted yarn drawn up in uncut loops to form a pattern over the entire surface (body Brussels) or made of worsted or woolen yarns on which a pattern is printed (tapestry Brussels)
  • teachers' college — a college, usually having a four-year curriculum and granting a bachelor's degree, for training teachers for elementary and secondary schools
  • teaching hospital — a hospital associated with a medical college and offering clinical and other facilities to those in various areas of medical study, as students, interns, and residents.
  • technical support — an advising and troubleshooting service provided by a manufacturer, typically a software or hardware developer, to its customers, often online or on the telephone.
  • telephone message — a message that is transmitted by telephone
  • telescopic damper — a device with telescopic parts that reduce vibration in a motor vehicle
  • tell its own tale — to be self-evident
  • temple of artemis — the temple at Ephesus dedicated to Artemis.
  • tennessee warbler — a North American wood warbler, Vermivora peregrina, having a gray head, a greenish back, and white underparts.
  • terrestrial globe — the planet Earth (usually preceded by the).
  • tertiary syphilis — the third stage of syphilis, characterized by involvement of the internal organs, especially the brain, spinal cord, heart, and liver.
  • textual criticism — lower criticism.
  • the establishment — a group or class of people having institutional authority within a society, esp those who control the civil service, the government, the armed forces, and the Church: usually identified with a conservative outlook
  • the facts of life — the details of sexual behaviour and reproduction, esp as told to children
  • the final whistle — a blast on a referee's whistle to indicate that a game is over
  • the good old days — When people refer to the good old days, they are referring to a time in the past when they think that life was better than it is now.
  • the last judgment — the occasion, after the resurrection of the dead at the end of the world, when, according to biblical tradition, God will decree the final destinies of all men according to the good and evil in their earthly lives
  • the last sb heard — You can use expressions such as the last I heard and the last she heard to introduce a piece of information that is the most recent that you have on a particular subject.
  • the life and soul — a person regarded as the main source of merriment and liveliness
  • the lord's prayerthe, the prayer given by Jesus to His disciples, and beginning with the words Our Father. Matt. 6:9–13; Luke 11:2–4.
  • the lower animals — relatively simple or primitive animals and not mammals or vertebrates
  • the lower mammals — relatively simple or primitive mammals
  • the major leagues — the two main leagues of professional baseball clubs in the U.S., the National League and the American League
  • the new jerusalem — the de facto capital of Israel (recognition of this has been withheld by the United Nations), situated in the Judaean hills: became capital of the Hebrew kingdom after its capture by David around 1000 bc; destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in 586 bc; taken by the Romans in 63 bc; devastated in 70 ad and 135 ad during the Jewish rebellions against Rome; fell to the Arabs in 637 and to the Seljuk Turks in 1071; ruled by Crusaders from 1099 to 1187 and by the Egyptians and Turks until conquered by the British (1917); centre of the British mandate of Palestine from 1920 to 1948, when the Arabs took the old city and the Jews held the new city; unified after the Six Day War (1967) under the Israelis; the holy city of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Pop: 693 200 (2003 est)
  • the pennsylvanian — the Pennsylvanian period or rock system, equivalent to the Upper Carboniferous of Europe
  • the popular press — cheap newspapers with a mass circulation; the tabloid press
  • the rail-splitter — Lincoln2
  • the silken ladder — a one-act opera by Rossini, telling the story of Giulia, who is secretly married to Dorvil; he visits her bedroom every night by climbing up a ladder made of silk. Giulia's guardian, Dormont, expects her to marry Blansac, but she introduces Blansac to her cousin Lucilla; after much confusion, the two couples are joyfully united
  • the smallest room — a euphemistic way of referring to the room the lavatory
  • the tabloid press — (considered as a whole) newspapers with pages about 30 cm (12 inches) by 40 cm (16 inches), usually characterized by an emphasis on photographs and a concise and often sensational style
  • the twelve tables — the earliest code of Roman civil, criminal, and religious law, promulgated in 451–450 bc
  • the whole shebang — The whole shebang is the whole situation or business that you are describing.
  • the-invisible-man — a novel (1897) by H.G. Wells.
  • thermal diffusion — the separation of constituents, often isotopes, of a fluid under the influence of a temperature gradient.
  • thermal expansion — expansion caused by heat
  • thiopental sodium — a barbiturate, C 11 H 18 N 2 NaO 2 S, used as an anesthetic in surgery and, in psychiatry, for narcoanalysis and to stimulate recall of past events.
  • thomson's gazelle — a medium-sized antelope, Gazella thomsoni, abundant on the grassy steppes and dry bush of the East African plains.
  • thousandths-place — last in order of a series of a thousand.
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