
8-letter words containing t, a, r, e

  • partible — capable of being divided or separated; separable; divisible.
  • particle — a minute portion, piece, fragment, or amount; a tiny or very small bit: a particle of dust; not a particle of supporting evidence.
  • partiers — a person who parties, especially regularly or habitually: New Year's Eve always brings out the partyers.
  • partners — a person who shares or is associated with another in some action or endeavor; sharer; associate.
  • pastored — a minister or priest in charge of a church.
  • pastries — a sweet baked food made of dough, especially the shortened paste used for pie crust and the like.
  • pastured — Also called pastureland [pas-cher-land, pahs-] /ˈpæs tʃərˌlænd, ˈpɑs-/ (Show IPA). an area covered with grass or other plants used or suitable for the grazing of livestock; grassland.
  • pasturer — a person who tends pasturing livestock
  • patchery — the act of hurriedly patching something together
  • patentor — a person or official agency that grants patents.
  • paternal — characteristic of or befitting a father; fatherly: a kind and paternal reprimand.
  • paterson — a city in NE New Jersey.
  • patriate — to transfer (legislation) to the authority of an autonomous country from its previous mother country.
  • patrices — a mold of a Linotype for casting right-reading type for use in dry offset.
  • patrones — a person who is a customer, client, or paying guest, especially a regular one, of a store, hotel, or the like.
  • patronne — a woman who owns or manages a hotel, restaurant, or bar
  • patterer — meaningless, rapid talk; mere chatter; gabble.
  • patterns — a decorative design, as for wallpaper, china, or textile fabrics, etc.
  • pattress — a box for wiring in the space behind an electrical socket or switch
  • pearlite — a volcanic glass in which concentric fractures impart a distinctive structure resembling masses of small spheroids, used as a plant growth medium.
  • pectoral — of, in, on, or pertaining to the chest or breast; thoracic.
  • pedantry — the character, qualities, practices, etc., of a pedant, especially undue display of learning.
  • pederast — a person who engages in pederasty.
  • pejorate — to change for the worse
  • pencraft — the art or craft of writing; skill with writing
  • pentarch — a government by five persons.
  • peracute — (of diseases, chiefly in animals) very severe; very acute
  • perceant — piercing; penetrating
  • perfecta — exacta.
  • perianth — the envelope of a flower, whether calyx or corolla or both.
  • permeant — permeating; pervading.
  • permeate — to pass into or through every part of: Bright sunshine permeated the room.
  • perorate — to speak at length; make a long, usually grandiloquent speech.
  • perraultCharles [chahrlz;; French sharl] /tʃɑrlz;; French ʃarl/ (Show IPA), 1628–1703, French poet, critic, and author of fairy tales.
  • pertains — to have reference or relation; relate: documents pertaining to the lawsuit.
  • perviate — to enter, bore into, or run through
  • petchary — a grey kingbird, Tyrannus dominicensis
  • peterman — a safecracker.
  • petiolar — of, relating to, or growing from a petiole.
  • petnaper — a person who thieves a pet in order to exact money in exchange for its return or to sell it
  • petrarch — (Francesco Petrarca) 1304–74, Italian poet and scholar.
  • petrosal — of, relating to, or situated near the dense part of the temporal bone that surrounds the inner ear
  • phreatic — noting or pertaining to ground water.
  • picrated — containing picrate
  • pie cart — a mobile van selling warmed-up food and drinks
  • pilaster — a shallow rectangular feature projecting from a wall, having a capital and base and usually imitating the form of a column.
  • pillaret — a small pillar.
  • pinaster — a species of pyramid-shaped pine, Pinus pinaster, growing in southern Europe and having clustered needles.
  • pine tar — a very viscid, blackish-brown liquid having an odor resembling that of turpentine, obtained by the destructive distillation of pine wood, used in paints, roofing, soaps, and, medicinally, for skin infections.
  • placater — to appease or pacify, especially by concessions or conciliatory gestures: to placate an outraged citizenry.
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