
9-letter words containing t, a, i, u

  • base unit — any of the fundamental units in a system of measurement. The base SI units are the metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, candela, and mole
  • bathybius — a gelatinous substance discovered on the Atlantic seabed, originally thought to be protoplasm, but later discovered to be inorganic
  • beatitude — supreme blessedness or happiness
  • beautiful — A beautiful person is very attractive to look at.
  • bicaudate — having two tails or taillike appendages.
  • bifurcate — If something such as a line or path bifurcates or is bifurcated, it divides into two parts which go in different directions.
  • bisulcate — marked by two grooves
  • bisulfate — an acid sulfate containing the monovalent negative radical HSO4
  • bit gauge — a device for stopping a bit when it has reached a desired depth.
  • botulinal — of or relating to the bacterium Clostridium botulinum
  • bromatium — any of the swollen hyphal tips of certain fungi, on which ants can feed.
  • brutalism — an austere style of architecture characterized by emphasis on such structural materials as undressed concrete and unconcealed service pipes
  • brutality — Brutality is cruel and violent treatment or behaviour. A brutality is an instance of cruel and violent treatment or behaviour.
  • brutalize — If an unpleasant experience brutalizes someone, it makes them cruel or violent.
  • bufotalin — the principal poisonous substance in the skin and saliva of the common European toad
  • busticate — to break
  • busy-wait — (programming)   To wait for an event by spinning through a tight loop or timed-delay loop that polls for the event on each pass, as opposed to setting up an interrupt handler and continuing execution on another part of the task. This is a wasteful technique, best avoided on time-sharing systems where a busy-waiting program may hog the processor.
  • butadiene — a colourless easily liquefiable flammable gas that polymerizes readily and is used mainly in the manufacture of synthetic rubbers. Formula: CH2:CHCH:CH2
  • butt-dial — Also, butt dial. a call made in this way: Sorry, it must have been a butt-dial.
  • byzantium — an ancient Greek city on the Bosporus: founded about 660 bc; rebuilt by Constantine I in 330 ad and called Constantinople; present-day Istanbul
  • caliatour — a tropical dyewood, possibly red sandalwood
  • canefruit — a fruit, such as the raspberry, which grows on woody-stemmed plants
  • capitular — of or associated with a cathedral chapter
  • capitulum — a racemose inflorescence in the form of a disc of sessile flowers, the youngest at the centre. It occurs in the daisy and related plants
  • capturing — Present participle of capture.
  • casuistic — of or having to do with casuistry or casuists
  • casuistry — Casuistry is the use of clever arguments to persuade or trick people.
  • cat-built — (of a sailing vessel) having a bluff bow and straight stern without a figurehead.
  • causality — Causality is the relationship of cause and effect.
  • causation — The causation of something, usually something bad, is the factors that have caused it.
  • causative — Causative factors are ones which are responsible for causing something.
  • cauteries — Plural form of cautery.
  • cauterise — to burn with a hot iron, electric current, fire, or a caustic, especially for curative purposes; treat with a cautery.
  • cauterism — the application of burning, searing, or cautery
  • cauterize — If a doctor cauterizes a wound, he or she burns it with heat or with a chemical in order to close it up and prevent it from becoming infected.
  • cautioned — alertness and prudence in a hazardous situation; care; wariness: Landslides ahead—proceed with caution.
  • cautioner — A person who cautions.
  • cautionry — the position or function of a surety, a person who protects and takes responsibility for another person
  • centauric — characterized by an integration of mind and body for consciousness above the ego-self
  • centurial — of or relating to a Roman century
  • cerastium — any of a genus of plants belonging to the family Caryophyllaceae
  • cetuximab — a monoclonal antibody used to treat cancer
  • chalutzim — halutz.
  • chukotian — a group of genetically related languages spoken on the Chukchi and Kamchatka peninsulas in eastern Siberia, including Chukchi, Kamchadal, and Koryak.
  • ciguatera — food poisoning caused by a ciguatoxin in seafood
  • cingulate — Anatomy, Zoology. a belt, zone, or girdlelike part.
  • circuital — an act or instance of going or moving around.
  • circulant — (mathematics) A circulant matrix.
  • circulate — If a piece of writing circulates or is circulated, copies of it are passed round among a group of people.
  • clafoutis — a French baked pudding
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