
13-letter words containing t, a, b, u, l

  • tuberculation — Also, tuberculated, tuberculose. having tubercles.
  • tubular bells — Often, tubular bells. one of a set of tuned metal tubes of different lengths used as a musical instrument, suspended vertically from a frame and struck with a mallet to produce sounds or melodies.
  • tubular skate — a type of ice skate consisting of a steel blade set into an aluminum tube and connected to the shoe by tubular supports, used for both hockey and racing skates.
  • tubular steel — steel in the shape of a cylinder or long narrow rectangle; tube-shaped steel
  • turbine blade — any of a number of bladelike vanes assembled around the periphery of a turbine rotor to guide the steam or gas flow
  • tuva republic — a constituent republic of S Russia: mountainous. Capital: Kizyl. Pop: 305 500 (2002). Area: 170 500 sq km (65 800 sq miles)
  • ultra-liberal — extremely liberal, especially in politics.
  • ultrareliable — extremely reliable
  • ultrawideband — a transmission technique using a very wide spectrum of frequencies that enables high-speed transfer of data
  • umbrella step — (in the game of giant steps) a step executed by extending one foot forward and whirling on the heel.
  • umbrella tent — a small tent with a metal frame consisting of ribs that radiate from a single supporting pole.
  • umbrella tree — an American magnolia, Magnolia tripetala, having large leaves in umbrellalike clusters.
  • un-actionable — furnishing ground for a lawsuit.
  • un-attachable — to fasten or affix; join; connect: to attach a photograph to an application with a staple.
  • unaccountable — impossible to account for; unexplained; inexplicable: The boat has an unaccountable tendency to yaw.
  • unambitiously — in an unambitious manner
  • unbeautifully — in a unbeautiful or unattractive manner
  • unbenignantly — kind, especially to inferiors; gracious: a benignant sovereign.
  • unchastisable — not deserving to be chastised; beyond reproach
  • uncollectable — that cannot be collected: an uncollectible debt.
  • uncomfortable — causing discomfort or distress; painful; irritating.
  • uncomfortably — causing discomfort or distress; painful; irritating.
  • uncompletable — having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full: a complete set of Mark Twain's writings.
  • uncontainable — to hold or include within its volume or area: This glass contains water. This paddock contains our best horses.
  • uncontestable — a race, conflict, or other competition between rivals, as for a prize.
  • uncorrectable — not able to be fixed
  • uneatableness — the state of being uneatable
  • unestablished — not established.
  • unextractable — to get, pull, or draw out, usually with special effort, skill, or force: to extract a tooth.
  • unforgettable — impossible to forget; indelibly impressed on the memory: scenes of unforgettable beauty.
  • unforgettably — impossible to forget; indelibly impressed on the memory: scenes of unforgettable beauty.
  • uninhabitable — to live or dwell in (a place), as people or animals: Small animals inhabited the woods.
  • unjustifiable — capable of being justified; that can be shown to be or can be defended as being just, right, or warranted; defensible: justifiable homicide.
  • unjustifiably — capable of being justified; that can be shown to be or can be defended as being just, right, or warranted; defensible: justifiable homicide.
  • unmentionable — not mentionable; inappropriate, unfit, or improper for mention, as in polite conversation; unspeakable.
  • unmetabolised — not metabolised
  • unmetabolized — not metabolized
  • unobliterated — to blot out or render undecipherable (writing, marks, etc.); efface.
  • unperturbable — to disturb or disquiet greatly in mind; agitate.
  • unpostponable — to put off to a later time; defer: He has postponed his departure until tomorrow.
  • unpracticable — impracticable.
  • unpredictable — not predictable; not to be foreseen or foretold: an unpredictable occurrence.
  • unpredictably — not predictable; not to be foreseen or foretold: an unpredictable occurrence.
  • unpresentable — not fit to be shown or introduced to other people
  • unpreventable — not able to be prevented
  • unproblematic — not problematic, not causing difficulties or confusion; uncomplicated
  • unprotectable — to defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, annoyance, insult, etc.; cover or shield from injury or danger.
  • unputdownable — (especially of a book or periodical) so interesting or suspenseful as to compel reading.
  • unrectifiable — able to be rectified.
  • unregrettable — causing or deserving regret; unfortunate; deplorable.
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