
17-letter words containing s, y, n, u

  • i wouldn't say no — You use 'I wouldn't say no' to indicate that you would like something, especially something that has just been offered to you.
  • illusionistically — In an illusionistic manner.
  • imputation system — a former taxation system in which some, or all, of the corporation tax on a company was treated as a tax credit on account of the income tax paid by its shareholders on their dividends; discontinued from 1999
  • inconsequentially — The adverb form of inconsequential: to do something in a manner of little consequence.
  • indestructibility — not destructible; that cannot be destroyed.
  • indistinguishably — In an indistinguishable manner; so that separate components or differences cannot be discerned.
  • industrial injury — an injury sustained by an employee of an industrial company during the course of their work
  • industry standard — an established standard, norm, or requirement in a particular area of business
  • instrument flying — the control and navigation of an aircraft by reference to its gauges, with no or only limited visual reference outside the cockpit.
  • insurance company — company that sells insurance policies
  • insurmountability — incapable of being surmounted, passed over, or overcome; insuperable: an insurmountable obstacle.
  • intersubjectively — (philosophy) In an intersubjective way; between or among multiple subjects.
  • intersubjectivity — The state or condition of being intersubjective.
  • it's your funeral — If someone says to you 'It's your funeral', they think your decision or your actions will have bad consequences for you, but they are unwilling to interfere.
  • john of salisbury — c1115–80, English prelate and scholar.
  • jurisprudentially — In terms of jurisprudence.
  • key man insurance — Key man insurance is an insurance policy taken out by a small company on the life of a senior executive whose death would create a serious loss.
  • key-man assurance — an assurance policy taken out, esp by a small company, on the life of a senior executive whose death would create a serious loss
  • lance of courtesy — a lance having a blunt head to prevent serious injury by a jouster to an opponent.
  • liquidity cushion — a reserve fund of assets held by a company or person
  • luminous efficacy — the quotient of the luminous flux of a radiation and its corresponding radiant flux
  • mercury poisoning — illness caused by exposure to mercury
  • mesembryanthemums — Plural form of mesembryanthemum.
  • monkeygland sauce — a piquant sauce, made from tomatoes, ketchup, fruit chutney, garlic, spices, etc
  • more than usually — You use more than usually to show that something shows even more of a particular quality than it normally does.
  • multidisciplinary — composed of or combining several usually separate branches of learning or fields of expertise: a multidisciplinary study of the 18th century.
  • mundane astrology — the astrology of worldly events, in contrast to the astrology of the individual: used especially in interpretations and forecasts involving politics, the stock market, weather, and disasters.
  • munitions factory — a factory where munitions are made
  • naked singularity — an infinitely dense point mass without a surrounding black hole
  • national security — defence of a country
  • neuilly-sur-seine — a suburb of Paris, in N France: treaty of peace (1919) between the Allies and Bulgaria. 66,095.
  • neurophysiologist — the branch of physiology dealing with the functions of the nervous system.
  • neuropsychiatrist — A medical doctor specializing in neuropsychiatry; a medical doctor dealing with disorders that have both neurological and psychiatric features.
  • neuropsychologist — A neurologist or psychologist whose speciality is neuropsychology.
  • nuclear chemistry — the branch of chemistry concerned with nuclear reactions
  • nursery education — education provided at a school for young children, usually from three to five years old
  • nursing auxiliary — someone who performs duties such as washing and dressing patients, making beds, etc, in an establishment such as a hospital
  • nyquist frequency — (DSP)   The highest frequency that can be represented in a digital signal of a specified sampling frequency. It is equal to one-half of the sampling rate. See Nyquist Theorem.
  • odour of sanctity — sanctimoniousness
  • olympic mountains — a mountain range in NW Washington: part of the Coast Range. Highest peak: Mount Olympus, 2427 m (7965 ft)
  • olympic peninsula — a large peninsula of W Washington
  • opportunistically — adhering to a policy of opportunism; practicing opportunism.
  • parents anonymous — (in Britain) an association of local voluntary self-help groups offering help through an anonymous telephone service to parents who fear they will injure their children, or who have other problems in managing their children
  • penalty shoot-out — In football, a penalty shoot-out is a way of deciding the result of a game that has ended in a draw. Players from each team try to score a goal in turn until one player fails to score and their team loses the game.
  • physical pendulum — any apparatus consisting of a body of possibly irregular shape allowed to rotate freely about a horizontal axis on which it is pivoted (distinguished from simple pendulum).
  • plastics industry — the industry that makes plastics
  • potassium cyanide — a white, granular, water-soluble, poisonous powder, KCN, having a faint almondlike odor, used chiefly in metallurgy and photography.
  • power supply unit — (hardware)   (PSU) An electronic module that converts high voltage (110 or 240 VAC) alternating current mains electricity into smoothed direct current at the various differnt voltages required by the motherboard; internal peripheral devices, cheifly storage devices: hard disks, CD or DVD, floppy disks and external connections such as USB. A PSU needs a high enough power output rating to supply all the devices connected to it and should output as little as possible electrical noise, both on the output wires and as electromagnetic radiation. See also uninterruptable power supply.
  • printing industry — the industry engaged in the business of producing printed matter
  • production system — (programming)   A production system consists of a collection of productions (rules), a working memory of facts and an algorithm, known as forward chaining, for producing new facts from old. A rule becomes eligible to "fire" when its conditions match some set of elements currently in working memory. A conflict resolution strategy determines which of several eligible rules (the conflict set) fires next. A condition is a list of symbols which represent constants, which must be matched exactly; variables which bind to the thing they match and "<> symbol" which matches a field not equal to symbol. Example production systems are OPS5, CLIPS, flex.
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