
12-letter words containing s, y, n, u

  • pansexuality — Psychiatry. pertaining to the theory that all human behavior is based on sexuality.
  • paying guest — lodger
  • perniciously — causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful: pernicious teachings; a pernicious lie.
  • pig industry — the people and activities involved in making pork products
  • pneumatocyst — the cavity of a pneumatophore.
  • pneumocystis — any protozoan of the genus Pneumocystis, esp P. carinii, which is a cause of pneumonia in people whose immune defences have been lowered by drugs or a disease
  • polyneuritis — inflammation of several nerves at the same time; multiple neuritis.
  • portentously — of the nature of a portent; momentous.
  • progymnasium — (in Europe) a school that prepares pupils for secondary education (the gymnasium)
  • pseudonymity — pseudonymous character.
  • pseudonymous — bearing a false or fictitious name.
  • pugnaciously — inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; belligerent; combative.
  • punxsutawney — a town in central Pennsylvania: Groundhog Day celebration.
  • pussyfooting — behaving in an excessively cautious way
  • put years on — to make (someone) feel or look much older
  • puy de sancy — a mountain in S central France: highest peak of the Monts Dore. Height: 1886 m (6188 ft)
  • pyroligneous — produced by the distillation of wood.
  • quenchlessly — without quenching
  • questionably — of doubtful propriety, honesty, morality, respectability, etc.: questionable activities; in questionable taste.
  • reassuringly — to restore to assurance or confidence: His praise reassured me.
  • resoundingly — making an echoing sound: a resounding thud.
  • reynoldsburg — a town in central Ohio.
  • rogue's yarn — a yarn of distinctive color, material, or twist, laid in a strand or strands of a rope to identify the owner or the maker.
  • runaway star — a star with an unusually high proper motion, believed to result from its ejection from a nearby binary system when its companion star underwent a supernova explosion.
  • ryobu shinto — a fusion of Shinto and Buddhism, which flourished in Japan in the 13th century
  • saint xystusSaint, pope a.d. 432–440.
  • saunteringly — in a sauntering manner
  • scandalously — disgraceful; shameful or shocking; improper: scandalous behavior in public.
  • scapulimancy — divination of the future by observation of the cracking of a mammal's scapula that has been heated by a fire or hot instrument.
  • scapulomancy — divination of the future by observation of the cracking of a mammal's scapula that has been heated by a fire or hot instrument.
  • scrutinously — in a scrutinous manner
  • security van — an armoured van used to transport money or other valuables
  • semiannually — occurring, done, or published every half year or twice a year; semiyearly.
  • semiautonomy — the quality or state of being semiautonomous.
  • sequentially — characterized by regular sequence of parts.
  • seventy-four — a cardinal number, 70 plus 4.
  • shame on you — expressing disapproval
  • simultaneity — existing, occurring, or operating at the same time; concurrent: simultaneous movements; simultaneous translation.
  • sinusoidally — Mathematics. of or relating to a sinusoid.
  • slubberingly — in a slubbering or slovenly manner
  • slumberingly — in a slumbering manner
  • sound system — equipment for playing music
  • sputteringly — in a sputtering manner
  • stand surety — to act as a surety
  • sternutatory — Also, sternutative. causing or tending to cause sneezing.
  • student body — all the students enrolled at an educational institution.
  • stunt flying — the activity or practice of performing stunts in an aeroplane, such as special turns, etc, in the air
  • stupefyingly — to put into a state of little or no sensibility; benumb the faculties of; put into a stupor.
  • stupendously — causing amazement; astounding; marvelous: stupendous news.
  • sub-attorney — a lawyer; attorney-at-law.
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