
10-letter words containing s, y, n, u

  • stimulancy — an energizing, invigorating, or stimulating quality
  • stubbornly — unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving: a stubborn child.
  • stunningly — causing, capable of causing, or liable to cause astonishment, bewilderment, or a loss of consciousness or strength: a stunning blow.
  • stupefying — to put into a state of little or no sensibility; benumb the faculties of; put into a stupor.
  • stuyvesantPeter, 1592–1672, Dutch colonial administrator in the Americas: last governor of New Netherlands 1646–64.
  • subcompany — subsidiary company.
  • subdeanery — the position or office of a subdean
  • subeconomy — an economy within another economy
  • subpotency — a condition of reduced potency, as of a medication.
  • succinctly — Archaic. drawn up, as by a girdle. close-fitting. encircled, as by a girdle.
  • sulfanilyl — containing the sulfanilyl group.
  • sun valley — a village in S central Idaho: winter resort.
  • sunny side — the part upon which sunlight falls: the sunny side of the house.
  • supernanny — an expert who advises parents on how to deal with badly-behaved children
  • suppliancy — suppliance2 .
  • supplyment — the act of supplying; replenishment
  • surveyance — survey; inspection; superintendence
  • suspensory — a supporting bandage, muscle, ligament, etc.
  • suzerainty — the position or authority of a suzerain.
  • synandrium — a peculiar fusion of stamens
  • synandrous — with united stamens
  • synanthous — relating to plants whose leaves and flowers expand simultaneously
  • synaxarium — synaxarion.
  • syncarpous — of the nature of or pertaining to a syncarp.
  • synoecious — having male and female flowers on one head, as in many composite plants.
  • synonymous — having the character of synonyms or a synonym; equivalent in meaning; expressing or implying the same idea.
  • synthronus — a combined throne for a bishop and his presbyters
  • syon house — a mansion near Brentford in London: originally a monastery, rebuilt in the 16th century, altered by Inigo Jones in the 17th century, and by Robert Adam in the 18th century; seat of the Dukes of Northumberland; gardens laid out by Capability Brown
  • thysanuran — Also, thysanurous. belonging or pertaining to the order Thysanura, comprising the bristletails.
  • type genus — the genus that is formally held to be typical of the family or other higher group to which it belongs.
  • unanalysed — not yet analysed or examined
  • unbiasedly — not biased or prejudiced; fair; impartial.
  • unchastely — in an unchaste manner
  • unchastity — not chaste; not virtuous; not pure: an unchaste woman.
  • understory — the shrubs and plants growing beneath the main canopy of a forest.
  • understudy — to learn (a role) in order to replace the regular actor or actress when necessary.
  • undismayed — to break down the courage of completely, as by sudden danger or trouble; dishearten thoroughly; daunt: The surprise attack dismayed the enemy.
  • unfeasibly — capable of being done, effected, or accomplished: a feasible plan.
  • unisonally — in unison
  • university — an institution of learning of the highest level, having a college of liberal arts and a program of graduate studies together with several professional schools, as of theology, law, medicine, and engineering, and authorized to confer both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Continental European universities usually have only graduate or professional schools.
  • unpriestly — not befitting a priest
  • unsaleably — in an unsaleable manner
  • unsanctify — to unhallow
  • unsanitary — not sanitary; unhealthy or unhealthful; tending to harbor or spread disease: unsanitary living conditions.
  • unsecurely — free from or not exposed to danger or harm; safe.
  • unseeingly — the act of a person who sees.
  • unsensibly — in an insensible manner
  • unshakenly — in an unshaken manner
  • unsisterly — not sisterly
  • unsocially — in an unsocial manner
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