
16-letter words containing s, y, n, u, r

  • hyperstimulation — to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • hyponitrous acid — an unstable, crystalline acid, H 2 N 2 O 2 .
  • in a brown study — in a reverie or daydream
  • in utero surgery — surgery performed on a fetus while it is in the womb.
  • insurance policy — contract that insures sth
  • isobutyl nitrite — butyl nitrite.
  • journalistically — of, relating to, or characteristic of journalists or journalism.
  • jurisdictionally — In a jurisdictional way.
  • justices in eyre — the justices travelling on circuit and presiding over such courts
  • keyman insurance — life insurance taken out by a business firm on an essential or very important employee, with the firm as beneficiary.
  • kidney corpuscle — Malpighian corpuscle.
  • mesembryanthemum — any of various chiefly Old World plants of the genus Mesembryanthemum, having thick, fleshy leaves and often showy flowers.
  • military honours — ceremonies performed by troops in honour of royalty, at the burial of an officer, etc
  • minimum-security — (of a prison) designed for prisoners regarded as being less dangerous; having fewer restrictions.
  • minute secretary — the person responsible for noting the minutes of a meeting
  • mothering sunday — Laetare Sunday.
  • mount erymanthus — a mountain in SW Greece, in the NW Peloponnese. Height: 2224 m (7297 ft)
  • myelosuppression — (medicine) A reduction of bone marrow activity that leads to a lower concentration of platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells.
  • naturalistically — imitating nature or the usual natural surroundings.
  • neurasthenically — In a neurasthenic way.
  • neurohypophyseal — Relating to the neurohypophysis.
  • neurohypophysial — Relating to the neurohypophysis.
  • neuropsychiatric — Of or pertaining to neuropsychiatry; simultaneously neurological and psychiatric.
  • nitrosylsulfuric — of or derived from nitrosylsulfuric acid.
  • nondestructively — In a nondestructive manner; without causing destruction.
  • nuclear industry — the industry involving nuclear weapons, nuclear power stations, etc
  • on your doorstep — If a place is on your doorstep, it is very near to where you live. If something happens on your doorstep, it happens very close to where you live.
  • opportunity cost — the money or other benefits lost when pursuing a particular course of action instead of a mutually-exclusive alternative: The company cannot afford the opportunity cost attached to policy decisions made by the current CEO.
  • opportunity shop — a shop selling second-hand goods for charitable funds
  • orthodoxy sunday — a solemn festival held on the first Sunday of Lent (Orthodoxy Sunday) commemorating the restoration of the use of icons in the church (a.d. 842) and the triumph over all heresies.
  • paint-by-numbers — formulaic; showing no original thought or creativity
  • personality cult — deliberately cultivated adulation of a person, esp a political leader
  • peter stuyvesantPeter, 1592–1672, Dutch colonial administrator in the Americas: last governor of New Netherlands 1646–64.
  • primary consumer — (in the food chain) an animal that feeds on plants; a herbivore.
  • primary industry — an industry, as agriculture, forestry, or fishing, that deals in obtaining natural materials.
  • process industry — business of treating raw materials
  • proteus syndrome — a condition caused by malfunction in cell growth, in which bone and flesh tissue overgrow in localized areas of the body
  • pseudoparenchyma — (in certain fungi and red algae) a compact mass of tissue, made up of interwoven hyphae or filaments, that superficially resembles plant tissue.
  • quasi-stationary — a person or thing that is stationary.
  • radioimmunoassay — a test procedure that integrates immunologic and radiolabeling techniques to measure minute quantities of a substance, as a protein, hormone, or drug, in a given sample of body fluid or tissue.
  • recursion theory — (theory)   The study of problems that, in principle, cannot be solved by either computers or humans.
  • reserve buoyancy — the difference between the volume of a hull below the designed waterline and the volume of the hull below the lowest opening incapable of being made watertight.
  • reserve currency — any currency, as the U.S. dollar, used as a medium to settle international debts.
  • rhythm and blues — a folk-based but urbanized form of black popular music that is marked by strong, repetitious rhythms and simple melodies and was developed, in a commercialized form, into rock-'n'-roll.
  • rhythm-and-blues — a folk-based but urbanized form of black popular music that is marked by strong, repetitious rhythms and simple melodies and was developed, in a commercialized form, into rock-'n'-roll.
  • sandstone quarry — a quarry from which sand is extracted
  • save as you earn — (in Britain) a savings scheme which offers a tax-free bonus and allows employees to buy shares in the company they work for at a fixed price
  • sclerenchymatous — supporting or protective tissue composed of thickened, dry, and hardened cells.
  • secondary colour — a colour formed by mixing two primary colours
  • secondary source — next after the first in order, place, time, etc.
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