
15-letter words containing s, y, n, u, r

  • intravascularly — Within a blood vessel.
  • janissary music — music characteristic of or imitative of that played by a Turkish military band, typically employing cymbals, triangles, bass drum, and Turkish crescents.
  • justice in eyre — a circuit made by an itinerant judge (justice in eyre) in medieval England.
  • laundry service — clothes-washing business
  • luminous energy — light1 (def 2a).
  • marine surveyor — a person who carries out surveys of ships to determine seaworthiness, etc
  • masculine rhyme — a rhyme of but a single stressed syllable, as in disdain, complain.
  • maundy thursday — the Thursday of Holy Week, commemorating Jesus' Last Supper and His washing of the disciples' feet upon that day.
  • menstrual cycle — (in women of reproductive age) the cycle of physiological changes affecting the reproductive organs that takes place typically over a month and includes ovulation, thickening of the lining of the womb and menstruation if fertilization of the egg has not occurred
  • natural history — the sciences, as botany, mineralogy, or zoology, dealing with the study of all objects in nature: used especially in reference to the beginnings of these sciences in former times.
  • neurohypophyses — Plural form of neurohypophysis.
  • neurohypophysis — See under pituitary gland.
  • neurophysiology — the branch of physiology dealing with the functions of the nervous system.
  • neuroplasticity — the capacity of the nervous system to develop new neuronal connections: research on neuroplasticity of the brain after injury.
  • neuropsychiatry — the branch of medicine dealing with diseases involving the mind and nervous system.
  • neuropsychology — The study of the relationship between behavior, emotion, and cognition on the one hand, and brain function on the other.
  • neutral density — black, white, or a shade of grey; a colourless tone
  • not be yourself — If you say that you are not yourself, you mean you are not feeling well.
  • nuclear physics — the branch of physics that deals with the behavior, structure, and component parts of atomic nuclei.
  • nutty professor — a professor or academic person who is eccentric or slightly crazy or unusual
  • nyquist theorem — (communications)   A theorem stating that when an analogue waveform is digitised, only the frequencies in the waveform below half the sampling frequency will be recorded. In order to reconstruct (interpolate) a signal from a sequence of samples, sufficient samples must be recorded to capture the peaks and troughs of the original waveform. If a waveform is sampled at less than twice its frequency the reconstructed waveform will effectively contribute only noise. This phenomenon is called "aliasing" (the high frequencies are "under an alias"). This is why the best digital audio is sampled at 44,000 Hz - twice the average upper limit of human hearing. The Nyquist Theorem is not specific to digitised signals (represented by discrete amplitude levels) but applies to any sampled signal (represented by discrete time values), not just sound.
  • odontorhynchous — (of birds) having toothlike ridges inside the beak
  • open university — higher education by correspondence
  • ordnance survey — mapmaking agency
  • ornithorhynchus — the platypus.
  • pay as you earn — a method of paying tax in which the tax is taken off your wages before they are paid to you
  • pearly nautilus — nautilus (def 1).
  • personal injury — injury to an individual
  • plane surveying — the surveying of areas of limited size, making no corrections for the earth's curvature
  • polyunsaturated — of or noting a class of animal or vegetable fats, especially plant oils, whose molecules consist of carbon chains with many double bonds unsaturated by hydrogen atoms and that are associated with a low cholesterol content of the blood.
  • primary insurer — A primary insurer is the insurance company that first sells insurance to a client, who later purchases reinsurance.
  • pseudopregnancy — Pathology, Veterinary Pathology. false pregnancy.
  • purslane family — the plant family Portulacaceae, characterized by chiefly herbaceous plants having simple, often fleshy leaves, sometimes showy flowers, and capsular fruit, and including bitterroot, purslane, red maids, rose moss, and spring beauty.
  • put years on sb — If you say that something such as an experience or a way of dressing has put years on someone, you mean that it has made them look or feel much older.
  • query expansion — (information science)   Adding search terms to a user's search. Query expansion is the process of a search engine adding search terms to a user's weighted search. The intent is to improve precision and/or recall. The additional terms may be taken from a thesaurus. For example a search for "car" may be expanded to: car cars auto autos automobile automobiles. The additional terms may also be taken from documents that the user has specified as being relevant; this is the basis for the "more like this" feature of some search engines. The extra terms can have positive or negative weights.
  • radio sono-buoy — a buoy equipped to detect underwater noises and transmit them by radio
  • ranfurly shield — (in New Zealand) the premier rugby trophy, competed for annually by provincial teams
  • ray of sunshine — beam of sunlight
  • ready-furnished — (of a room, house, office, etc) fitted with furniture before being rented or sold
  • resurrectionary — pertaining to or of the nature of resurrection.
  • reynolds number — a dimensionless number, vρl/η, where v is the fluid velocity, ρ the density, η the viscosity and l a dimension of the system. The value of the number indicates the type of fluid flow
  • rocky mountains — mountain range in USA and Canada
  • rogation sunday — the fifth Sunday after Easter; it sees the start of the supplications that are continued during the following Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
  • royal enclosure — at the Royal Ascot horse-race meeting, an area of Ascot racecourse which is reserved for the Royal Family, members, and their guests
  • rubaiyat stanza — a quatrain patterned after those in The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, of iambic pentameter and rhyming aaba.
  • ruddy turnstone — a common shorebird, Arenaria interpres, of the New and Old World arctic, wintering south to southern South America and Australia and having striking reddish-brown, black, and white plumage.
  • run-time system — (programming)   (RTS, run-time support, run-time) Library code and processes which support software written in a particular language running on a particular platform. The RTS typically deals with details of the interface between the program and the operating system such as system calls, program start-up and termination, and memory management.
  • salisbury plain — a plateau in S England, N of Salisbury: the site of Stonehenge.
  • sarcenchymatous — relating to the connective tissue of some sponges
  • secondary cause — a cause which is not the primary or ultimate cause
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