
10-letter words containing s, u, b, a, l

  • subclavate — somewhat club-shaped.
  • subclavian — situated or extending beneath the clavicle, as certain arteries or veins.
  • subclavius — a small shoulder muscle, the action of which assists in depressing the shoulder.
  • subcranial — of the area beneath the cranium or skull
  • subcrustal — situated or occurring below the crust of the earth.
  • subdecanal — of or relating to a subdean or subdeanery
  • subdialect — a division of a larger dialect
  • subfascial — a band or fillet, as for binding the hair.
  • subglacial — beneath a glacier: a subglacial stream.
  • subglossal — of or relating to the tongue.
  • subglottal — of or relating to the glottis.
  • subintimal — the innermost membrane or lining of some organ or part, especially that of an artery, vein, or lymphatic.
  • sublattice — a set of elements of a lattice, in which each subset of two elements has a least upper bound and a greatest lower bound contained in the given set.
  • sublimable — Psychology. to divert the energy of (a sexual or other biological impulse) from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use.
  • subliminal — existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness; being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or the behavior of the individual: a subliminal stimulus; subliminal advertising.
  • sublingual — situated under the tongue, or on the underside of the tongue.
  • submaxilla — mandible.
  • submaximal — of or being a maximum; greatest possible; highest.
  • subminimal — constituting a minimum: a minimal mode of transportation.
  • submucosal — of or relating to the submucosa
  • subnatural — existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial): a natural bridge.
  • subnuclear — pertaining to particles within or smaller than an atomic nucleus.
  • suboptimal — being below an optimal level or standard.
  • suborbital — (of a spacecraft) not in orbit; not achieving an altitude and velocity resulting in a ballistic trajectory circling the earth at least once.
  • subordinal — of, relating to, or ranked as a suborder.
  • subpleural — situated under the pleura.
  • substellar — having a mass smaller than the mass needed by stars for nuclear fusion
  • substernal — of or relating to the sternum.
  • substratal — something that is spread or laid under something else; a stratum or layer lying under another.
  • subsulfate — a basic salt of sulfuric acid.
  • subsumable — to consider or include (an idea, term, proposition, etc.) as part of a more comprehensive one.
  • subtextual — the underlying or implicit meaning, as of a literary work.
  • subtotally — less than totally, incompletely
  • subvocally — in a subvocal manner, with subvocalization
  • sufferable — to undergo or feel pain or distress: The patient is still suffering.
  • sugar bowl — a small bowl, usually having a cover, for serving granulated sugar or sugar cubes.
  • supposable — to assume (something), as for the sake of argument or as part of a proposition or theory: Suppose the distance to be one mile.
  • supposably — to assume (something), as for the sake of argument or as part of a proposition or theory: Suppose the distance to be one mile.
  • surmisable — to think or infer without certain or strong evidence; conjecture; guess.
  • survivable — able to be survived: Would an atomic war be survivable?
  • thumbstall — a protective sheath of rubber, leather, or the like for the thumb.
  • tuboplasty — surgical repair of one or both Fallopian tubes
  • uber alles — above all else
  • ubersexual — a man who exhibits traditional masculine qualities as well as the caring nature of the New Man
  • ultrabasic — (of rocks) containing iron and magnesium, with little or no silica.
  • unabsolved — to free from guilt or blame or their consequences: The court absolved her of guilt in his death.
  • unamusable — not able to be amused or entertained
  • unbiasedly — not biased or prejudiced; fair; impartial.
  • unboastful — not boastful
  • undisabled — physically or mentally impaired, injured, or incapacitated.
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