
8-letter words containing s, t, u, l

  • subulate — slender, somewhat cylindrical, and tapering to a point; awl-shaped.
  • sufflate — to inflate.
  • suitable — such as to suit; appropriate; fitting; becoming.
  • suitably — such as to suit; appropriate; fitting; becoming.
  • sulfuret — Chemistry. a sulfide.
  • sulphate — A sulphate is a salt of sulphuric acid.
  • sulphite — any salt or ester of sulphurous acid, containing the ions SO32– or HSO3– (hydrogen sulphite) or the groups –SO3 or –HSO3. The salts are usually soluble crystalline compounds
  • sultanic — the sovereign of an Islamic country.
  • sun belt — the southern and southwestern region of the U.S.
  • sunlight — the light of the sun; sunshine.
  • supplant — to take the place of (another), as through force, scheming, strategy, or the like.
  • surtitle — supertitle.
  • sutorial — relating to sewing or cobbling
  • tantalus — Classical Mythology. a Phrygian king who was condemned to remain in Tartarus, chin deep in water, with fruit-laden branches hanging above his head: whenever he tried to drink or eat, the water and fruit receded out of reach.
  • tasteful — having, displaying, or in accordance with good taste: tasteful clothing; a tasteful room.
  • thalamus — Anatomy. the middle part of the diencephalon through which sensory impulses pass to reach the cerebral cortex.
  • thallous — containing univalent thallium.
  • tibullus — Albius [al-bee-uh s] /ˈæl bi əs/ (Show IPA), c54–c19 b.c, Roman poet.
  • tiselius — Arne [ahr-nuh] /ˈɑr nə/ (Show IPA), 1902–71, Swedish biochemist: Nobel prize 1948.
  • topelius — Zakarias [sah-kah-ree-ahs] /ˌsɑ kɑˈri ɑs/ (Show IPA), 1818–98, Finnish poet and novelist.
  • torulose — (of something cylindrical) alternately swollen and pinched along its length
  • toulouse — a former province in S France. Capital: Toulouse.
  • tristful — full of sadness; sorrowful.
  • troubles — your troubles are the things that you are worried about
  • trustful — full of trust; free of distrust, suspicion, or the like; confiding: a trustful friend.
  • tshiluba — Luba (def 2).
  • tubulose — belonging or relating to a group of corals (Tubulosa) with tubular outer coverings
  • tubulous — containing or consisting of tubes.
  • tumulose — having mounds; full of mounds; tumular.
  • tumulous — having mounds; full of mounds; tumular.
  • tuneless — unmelodious; unmusical.
  • turfless — without any turf
  • turmoils — a state of great commotion, confusion, or disturbance; tumult; agitation; disquiet: mental turmoil caused by difficult decisions.
  • turnsole — any of several plants regarded as turning with the movement of the sun.
  • tusculan — an ancient city of Latium, SE of Rome: Roman villas, especially that of Cicero.
  • tusculum — an ancient city of Latium, SE of Rome: Roman villas, especially that of Cicero.
  • tuskless — (in certain animals) a tooth developed to great length, usually one of a pair, as in the elephant, walrus, and wild boar, but singly in the narwhal.
  • tussling — to struggle or fight roughly or vigorously; wrestle; scuffle.
  • ulstered — wearing an ulster
  • ultraism — extremism.
  • ultraist — extremism.
  • uncostly — costing much; expensive; high in price: a costly emerald bracelet; costly medical care.
  • unjustly — not just; lacking in justice or fairness: unjust criticism; an unjust ruler.
  • unlisted — not listed; not entered in a list or directory: an unlisted telephone number.
  • unsalted — seasoned, cured, or otherwise treated with salt.
  • unselect — to choose in preference to another or others; pick out.
  • unsettle — to alter from a settled state; cause to be no longer firmly fixed or established; render unstable; disturb: Violence unsettled the government.
  • unsilent — not silent
  • unspoilt — a simple past tense and past participle of spoil.
  • unstable — not stable; not firm or firmly fixed; unsteady.
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